Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Part of the Pest Control

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder about how much I regret the end of civilization, in how the modern child has no comprehension that what they exist in is barbarism, because they do not even know the word.
The 21st century of Obama is nothing but feudal savagery. It is a harsh world, a mean earth and a nasty planet, all based in people throwing out God's Moral Laws for their own shortsighted self serving way.

The greatest waymark of what a society is in barbaric or civilized, can be found in second hand stores. If you find tokens of love and affection from parents to grandparents, and the grandchildren and children are dumping them off when the geezer goes into the old folks home or tits up, you have a barbaric people.

Today TL and I found Crocket's Victory Garden books at the second hand shoppe. They were for indoor and outdoor gardening, and one had an inscription from this woman's mother for April 29th, being as nice of day today in 1980 as it was in her birth year long before.

I never can understand how the things which I have on display like a little tin box from grandchildren to Gram with love and a note included, are just thrown away in no one caring for the memory of that Christmas, birthday or that person.

I always, like everyone liked James Underwood Crocket. He was the reasons PBS became what it is, and not that Henson Sesame Street brainshit. Russell Morasch before he sold out to his frumper wife sucking free vacations as Chef Marrianne on the public dole, actually blundered into two shows, which because of Bob Vila at This Old House and James Crockett at the Victory Garden, changed PBS from no watch televison to the empire it now is degrading to in fag television.

PBS at one time had interesting quirky personalities like Julia Childs, Louis Rukeyser and Bill Buckley, that made all the NOVA and Frontline work a genre worth watching. I no longer bother with public television, as it really did die the day Vincent Price did at Mystery, and the death march began with James Crockett's stroke and end at the Victory Garden.

The thing is Crockett actually knew how to grow things and was good at it. He was a teacher who taught gardening in all forms, the way Robert Rodale did in print at what is now that sham of Organic Gardening. These two took up the hard lessons from gardeners a hundred years before like Bruist and made them new again, in raised beds and cold frames.

America for the most part was assaulted in the 1950's in the Marlon Brando hoodlum films and was gang raped by the 1960's. It was doped in the 1970's and whored in the 1980's where all of it's moral fiber was extinguished in the Clinton 90's of greed, and a fleeting glimpse of George W. Bush Americanism, before all was murdered in the instillation of foreign agent Birther Obama.
The era of James Crockett was one of the American anthem of fiction in John Wayne coming to an end, and what was recognized as normal was accepted and attractive, to vanish with the Victory Garden to this abnormal showtime which has nothing of value, entertainment or education. It is now all indoctrination.

I am pleased that the 90 year olds are still dying off, and have worthless children and grandchildren, who are throwing away the heavy cookware pieces and these books like the Victory Garden which was purchased by TL for 60 cents per book. The wise see the value in what is thrown away, and the fool sees only the burden of dealing with dead parents.

I was most pleased that the book had in it, a cold frame with materials and dimensions, as I will be building them. They even had a cloche, which is fiberglass sheets simply U shaped with wires in the ground as miniature greenhouses, which are more sturdy than those plastic things now sold. The value of those two projects are without price, as the reality in all of this is, that someone raising things for their family, does not need farmer, greenhouse or landscaper acres of plastic hoops.

The Victory Garden was initiated by the FDR White House, because their speculators were at war with America, and sending all the food overseas along with manufactured goods, so Americans deprived of their gold and food, were told it was patriotic to grow your own beets and can them. The time will come again for gardening, and people building cold frames in order to manage seasons and extend production, and the time to do this is at the present and not when the world has collapsed into complete savagery.

People too rich and busy for Mom's gardening books, given by Gram on her birthday. Like the old Corningware which I washed up was just not pretty enough for the modern microwave poison dinner entre grandchildren.

The civilized world threw aways civilization by leftists who made the world barbaric garbage.There is little human left inside the majority of people any longer. They do not even recognize how brutish they have degraded to.

I always thought it would have been interesting to live in a genocide era as in the settling of America. I will like most experience this with the dangerous predators being grown by the regime to the new savages being manufactured in the Obama era.

I just really only wanted to grow melons and not have to pay taxes to live. I guess all has a price now that James Crockett died a generation ago, in tomahawks and cartridges are part of the pest control.
