Monday, April 13, 2015

Rotten Trees

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"In most cases, it appear that God treats fools with more attention than His children, as fools need it more."

- Lame Cherry

This is an adventure in TL and I arrived in the Brier Patch late last year, and winter began early with a storm, and basically we put the roof on a shed we were building in 18 degree weather and a 20 below windchill.
In being hurried as we were, I neglected to note the tree I trimmed was part of a forest of trees by this shed which were all broken and rotten. This was not conveyed to me until the Holy Ghost pointed out a few months ago, that those trees had peckerwood holes in them, and I have been wondering if they were going to crush the shed before I could get them cut.

Allot of problems were involved in this, in numerous other attacks took place and are taking place spiritually, and the chainsaw had not been running for like 5 years. When I tried starting it, I finally was led to see that the entire fuel line was laying in pieces, hence why the gas tank was rattling when I moved it.
It was a trial in staring the old Poulan, but after leaving it a day, the Holy Ghost said things got soaked up, and sure enough it ran and has been running.

Oh and I phoned a hardware store, and they charge 7 bucks for sharpening each saw chain, so am looking at a Harbor Freight affordable one as an alternative.

So there was this one rotten tree about 40 feet in the air. For those who know Boxelders or Box Alder as Theodore Roosevelt wrote of them and Colonel Dodge fawned over them in being pretty......a box elder has box elder bugs. The wood stinks when cutting it to give me a headache, and it stinks in burning it as it is a soft wood.
They are of the maple family and the culls of that genus. They grow like weeds and die in hot and cold.
Their most cunning attribute is they die, but then have suckers come out like chestnuts, and then you get these four trees growing out of one, and those things are all widow makers in they get huge, and the stress just pops them with a horrific crack out of nowhere and down they come.

I had left this tree alone, as it had a hole in it....yes a hole should have warned me, as I like wood ducks and thought one might nest in it........

So this big ass  tree is growing at a 30 degree incline, with one huge limb growing straight up and curved.....the incline is over the garage.

As I can not afford to get some 100 dollar and hour tree cutter, this fell to us, and I have been studying this impossibility for almost a week and decided that today was the day to try something.

I chained it off with a come along to pull it away from the shed. I did a test cut on the away side which showed a pretty good tree yet in no hollow parts.......which I cut left handed and was glad it did not kickback and cut my head off or an artery or I would not be typing this.

So up the tree I went on my old broken ladder.......on a broken limb I positioned myself, and I began cutting away on it from the top.

Things were going along pretty good in I was about 1/3rd of the way through. See the theory was to have the come along pull it away, and to slowly let the tree sag away, just like a huge limb did on another tree on the other side of the shed a few days ago to perfection.

So I am sawing away, and I hear a crack..........the kind of crack that wood is giving away and I figure I got about 3 more cracks before I quit, but I start pulling back on the cut.

Theory is interesting in ..........

Well there was another crack, and I heard someone saying "OH GOD!!!!!!!" which was me, as I saw this tree not sagging, but disappearing in front of me in accelerated gravity. It all happened quite fast...which is what happens even in horrified car crash slow motion.

This tree did not behave, but God did move me to pray for Holy Angels to help and thank the Lord that is what was taking place.

I did put palates on the roof the shed to cushion it.........and after this Oh God, and huge cracking sound, followed by swooshing noise of a big tree falling, I saw part of this tree hit the roof the shed, and bounce......somehow I missed the branch broke as it was rotten too, and about then it was all over as the roof flexed back up and both TL and I were stunned in smiles as not a thing was destroyed.

This was a situation of things would go bad if I cut it one way and things would go bad if I cut it another way. Thing is God and prayer is what did it. I did not know Holy Angels could bounce, but they can as my work proved today.

I give all Glory and Honor to God for this for His Holy Angels. I also intend not to push things for some time as I know this does not use up God's Good Will, but today was about three tanks full of Good Nature burned up in a fraction of a second, and I intend to proceed with care as I am still stunned at what took place in how bad it could have been and here I sit typing this, feeling quite pleased.

Not many people get to live a cartoon adventure in things dropping away like this, so it was an experience, but I do not intend to audition again as Wiley Coyote for ..........well until the next time I am forced to do some fool thing and God will have to save me from this again.

I do have to go and do things......of course the battery on the pick up is down again. New battery will have to be replaced on warranty sometime this fall I to move the pick up so the next tree does not bounce off of that.....and still have another broken tree to bring down and then that branch too on the west side. All in all, I am amazed as I know how bad this should have been and it all turned out quite exhilarating again as my life tends to be.
I guess no semi's have been trying to run me over for a year, so a thousand pound of tree bouncing off a shed as I had the God's eye view was just a little adrenalin on a calm day.

Got the dirt for the tomatoes and to try and start them before it is winter too......sources tell me there is a great deal of wind in the western US. That California drought the old timers are saying is moving east. That is what I had here last winter in this is looking to be a drought year. Air is dry enough and the wind is a hurricane blowing every day.
That pleases me as nothing will help God's children more than land prices falling in big farmers going bankrupt and real estate ghouls seeing all those property prices plunging. God bless that and bring those people down with a crack and the speed of that tree I just cut down.

Oh I do not think God likes rich fools.......just looks out for poor ones like you do a monkey sticking it's hand into an electronic voting machine.

Box elders are allot like Barack Obama. They look like real trees like Obama looks human, but deep down they are rotten to the core and just looking to fall on you unawares to your great harm.

We all have things to do and services to perform. It is that much nicer when we return to tell of our adventures with rotten trees and family who we would belonged to another genus at times.
