Saturday, April 18, 2015

When in the Intercourse of Human Events

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reality, that for any race to survive it must be responsible and not irresponsibly selfish. A drunk Russian is as suicidal to his race, as a hen pecked Muslim producing children without a future. This is the fact of the American race as much of the west to the east of Asia, there is a duty to produce responsibly children in marriage only between a man and a woman and not to horde a world, because all you have in poverty to do is to fuck.

Theodore Roosevelt spoke to this for Americans and the Israelite western peoples, but it is as instructive for Muslims led around by bullies, forlorn drunken Russians, prostituted and enslaved Asians or the slave class of Latins. The responsible reproductive inherit the hearth and the earth, but the deviant sexualist fouls their world to famine and death.

"When the ordinary decent man does not understand that to marry the woman he loves, as early as he can, is the most desirable of all goals, the most successful of all forms of life entitled to be called really successful; when the ordinary woman does not understand that all other forms of life are but makeshift and starveling substitutes for the life of the happy wife, the mother of a fair-sized family of healthy children; then the state is rotten at heart.

The loss of a healthy, vigorous, natural sexual instinct is fatal; and just as much so if the loss is by disuse and atrophy as if it is by abuse and perversion. Whether the man, in the exercise of one form of selfishness, leads a life of easy self-indulgence and celibate profligacy; or whether in the exercise of a colder but no less repulsive selfishness, he sacrifices what is highest to some form of mere material achievement in accord with the base proverb that "he travels farthest who travels alone"; or whether the sacrifice is made in the name of the warped and diseased conscience of asceticism; the result is equally evil. So, likewise, with the woman.

In many modern novels there is portrayed a type of cold, selfish, sexless woman who plumes herself on being "respectable," but who is really a rather less desirable member of society than a prostitute. Unfortunately the portrayal is true to life. The woman who shrinks from motherhood is as low a creature as a man of the professional pacificist, or poltroon, type, who shirks his duty as a soldier.

The only full life for man or woman is led by those men and women who together, with hearts both gentle and valiant, face lives of love and duty, who see their children rise up to call them blessed and who leave behind them their seed to inherit the earth."

Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open

It is the Christian responsibility not only to honor God with life, but to procreate life in a responsible marriage.

"But the rule must be as above given. In a community which is at peace there may be a few women or a few men who for good reasons do not marry, and who do excellent work nevertheless; just as in a community which is at war, there may be a few men who for good reasons do not go out as soldiers. But if the average woman does not marry and become the mother of enough healthy children to permit the increase of the race; and if the average man does not, above all other things, wish to marry in time of peace, and to do his full duty in war if the need arises, then the race is decadent, and should be swept aside to make room for one that is better. Only that nation has a future whose sons and daughters recognize and obey the primary laws of their racial being.

Theodore Roosevelt. A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open

Nuff said.
