Friday, April 17, 2015

An election in your pants

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Time to sit down while the soap opera is running. Today TL and I were planting shallots and the one of a kind million dollar crop, which with God's help (more) and a big donation, land and a crop, I should in two years have a proprietary crop to sell, which no one else will have as it was only catalogued by number, and it will feed all of you EVEN IN A DROUGHT.
Understand this you richtards, you set me back at least one year from this, and that means 1 year of your starving, eating your own shit when money will not be able to buy food.

I will not state the crop, but with absolute neglect in my not being here last year in the brier patch, it produced, overwintered and the crop is perfect. If all  goes well, next year I will have enough for a half acre perhaps, the next year if I have the land, 3 acres, and then I will be able to offer it to select buyers who will stipulate they can not remarket it.......and if fish fly.

There is something in this coming, which will follow, but I desired to thank the people who donated again, but not by name, from the Nevada Kid to California Dreams. I even desire to thank the person who cancelled a recurring payment. I pray God prospers you and the money He gives, I pray He directs you to better service for it than here.

Yesterday I took my great Obama voter Aunt to the doctor with TL. Her check up was great. The reason for it is her one boy was busy as tis the season, her other son is having his wife tested for a heart transplant which she was denied already in Minnesota when they traveled there, and the other son was off getting checked for bone cancer.
We did groceries, she bought us lunch for the errand of 50 miles and I assume we will be doing it again in Good Samaritan deeds again.

Later today we will plant onions, finish the mystery crop and as we cut the seed potatoes this morning, they will be planted later the Lord willing.

Last night I was up around two, with a coat on and not much else......thankfully the mosquitoes were not biting, as TL heard a coyote and as I have the gun, I was out prowling about with things that go bump in the night. Have to work a set for that coyote as I saw it's scat was black and runny. It is eating something of a great deal of meat for a scat like that.
There is a big coon in the tracks I saw too. That will be remedied too.

As a caveat, the scrap metal vultures are destroying America, as once all that Andrew Carnegie high grade steel is in China........all China is sending back is brittle garbage. What Carnegie did in those super oxygen blow furnaces is never going to be repeated again.

The reason I state that is, the digger I put together was a bit much for the WD 45 that is here. So I hooked up to a 12 foot disk, old as old. That old beast did really well in the garden and where the horse nettles did not have the roots woven like a carpet, it cut the soil actually better than that digger.
So I would state this for those plotting agrarian things, search out those old farms yet not scrapped and find yourself one of these old disks for your garden tractors, as they work better than a rototiller, are way cheaper and last forever. If my dad had not had these 3 he picked up years ago, they would be gone too. I detest those idiot scrap scavengers as they are ruining America.

Am going to touch on something that has appeared here yesterday concerning the image going to be in Watertown South Dakota on May 8th. Inquiry points to something hinky in this as no harm is going to come to the jinn, but some event is associated with it.

I did some checking on this and to put it plainly in knowing how George W. Bush operated with the Secret Service, there is a protocol in this. It follows the Big Bird coming in, off loading in most cases to Marine 1's with several decoys, and then the Beast with her tanks.

If this is motorcade, there are at least two venues on Interstate 29 which trouble me as much as Dallas.

There is a movie starring Marc Wahlberg which features a robotic rifle making a 1000 yard kill shot at an African Bishop of the Catholic Church. Using that diagram, in 15 seconds 7 transportation targets could be neutralized with an engine block hit in a 50 caliber.
This means vehicles and helos. I do not bring up the 1760 shots of 6 on the Big Bird to clip it's wings.
I am cryptic in this, as this blog is not about to offer up advice in attempting to show off in how much it knows to impress people, but in preliminary set up, robotics and a final coup de grace involving a TOW package as those which erradicated Saddam Hussein's psychotic offspring, the percentage numbers will come to 99.9, and the IS could be in Mexico doing the dial up.

Big Bird ratios 85 at a top ceiling and 99.9 in TOW package.
Helo ratios 75 at a top ceiling and 99.9 on the ground.
Motorcades again are 25 percent to 99.9 at anchor point.

Inquiry points to the image is not the target, but it is typical in event to gain sympathetic reaction for other pushes as Iranian nuclear deals, in which the redneck will be trumped up as the problem for America. Do not overlook that such an event would silence all of your right wing minders announcing from Rubio, Paul and Cruz taking verbal aim at Obama. This assists the Rovians. Do not overlook the shadowlands playing this on all cylinders.

I place these events here and protocols in the effort to stop them before they take place. A President Biden would work a right wing deal with Boehner in an attempt to throttle Dame Clinton who would unseat him. This would be the Carter Kennedy factor which Ronald Reagan gained from in the 1980 election, and once again, who would benefit most in this politically in the trauma but the Rovians as that is how HW started the dynasty rise on Reagan's coat tails.

That is the money shot in this, for those who care not about good deeds for the elderly or the nuances of million dollar crops which you might just be shitting out in the Great Tribulation at inflated prices, because you did not donate here.

I am expectantly waiting for the baby tomatoes to sprout, the cabbage and some popcorn which TL wanted to try that was 125 day corn, and thta means cheating things like James Crocker did in planting them in plastic cups early.
A disc is a most beautiful thing in how the soil pulverizes to such a pretty condition, as it incorporates goat manure to make it all alive and vital. Big Farm cares nothing for the soil. I had 1/8th inch of dirt from the big neighbor's field losing top soil. That was my Bible reading  today about God stopping crops..........which reminds me I have to get my 100 kernel wheat, corn and barley samples from USDA in the ground to again, waste more time like Robinson Cureuso turning into acres of wheat fields........again that takes years as it is not frankenfood.

Alas there is no lust for the mathematics, trajectories and Adam Newman as Gabriel Bingham.
We will see how much this spooks the coyotes and the coons tramping around my garden patch to keep them from thinking no one is watching them.
