I was on the Jeff Rense site recently in assessing his information links to alternative news, and that site is resurrecting in a new format, new writers, a guest line up and voila interesting news links. In looking over the pages of new Russian military armour, a thought came to me about a seer who said when the Russians invade Europe, they will drive all night without rest for days on end.
This is the battle tank, the A T-72B3 tank, which Russia will send in mass.
The Russians learned a great deal from Bush41 and Bush43 as they recovered from Shock and Awe. The Russians under President Putin, expanded their nuclear systems in modernizing them, and transformed the Russian military to quick response mobile divisions of blitzkrieg power.
This is not the Cold War dinosaur armaments of Saddam Hussein which the Americans had the tactical edge in cutting to pieces. This is armament in quality, with trained Soldiers who can move like Alexander the Great or Rommel.
The Russian protocol once was inferior mass produced equipment, as is China to offset high technology and expensive American armament. This has all changed. Russia now has mass production and high quality weaponry which will conquer targets in the 3 day window of conquest, before any European army can react to repulse it with warning.
Donald Rumsfeld of the Bush43 administration, completed the Reagan Star Wars platforms. The problem in this, is the Bush Doctrine was to use these WMD's in desolate areas of Asia. Obama put the friction lines in the Crescent of Fire from the Baltic States to India to Japan. All high population areas. This negates titanium rods with nuclear impact devastation fired at high speeds, as the shockwave kills masses of European and Asian civilians.
When this unleashes in the Great Eurasian War, Europe's salvation will be American scorched earth to save Europe. That is not a win as America will in this effort kill more people in repelling a Russian invasion than Russia will invading Europe.
Pay attention as your cartel proxies in the Obama image west are deliberately setting this up.