Thursday, August 20, 2015

Afroidian Violetas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is an update for those who will remember last year when I was in Home Depot and among the African Violets there was this plant the Holy Ghost Inspired me to pick up that had a broken leaf on it. I suppose I would have gotten into trouble if caught, but they were going to throw the leaf away, so I kept it.

I brought it home, as Mom always has African Violet leaves stuck in the ground and they grow new plants. I can not afford Home Depot prices, so this garbage leaf is as you can see quite a little traveler.

It has gone 500 miles from the metro to the brier patch, survived winter and other things, and now it is doing what it is supposed to do in flowering.

I remember it as more blue, than purple, but I like this bi color thing. It snaps better.

James Underwood Crocker, whose gardening books we got out of the junk shop teaches that you stick the stem of African Violets in at 45 degrees into the soil, with the leaf not contacting the soil, and in time it will produce a baby plant at the stem.

This one took a very long time. I had 4 of TL's plant and 1 of this one. Two of TL's plant leaves died. The other two went quite flora. One better than the other.
This throw away leaf though produced this nice plant.

This is all quite not what Home Depot probably would appreciate, but then what does an ignorant female like me know, except you should not try this without a revolution to distract the powers that be, so you would be able to take things which would be cast into the trash and bring them to life.

Almost all plants with a cutting can be propagated like this. It is ridiculous the prices they charge for plants of any sort . It is though one of those things in..........I look at this plant and know if not for me, it would have dried up and died to be in a land fill, but by the Grace of God, it is alive and will produce numerous other plants.

It is simply pretty.
