As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have something which I had never tried as I never attempted it, although I have run across it.
It is about Jeb Bush.
I can tell you that I have read Mr. Bush. But the obvious in his being confused, upset and frustrated, can be ascertained by anyone who can read of his fixation on Donald Trump or look at a picture of him.
I know him, or enough of him, that he is biding his time, in waiting for others to do the dirty work in having things handed to him.
It came to it a few nights ago around bedtime, that I was moved to just have a look see at Mr. Jeb Bush. Thing is when I do what I do, I ran into nothing. I know I mentioned that I could get inside of Jeb Bush and read the emtions, but this was something new in a different sort of way.
So the Holy Ghost Inspired me to peel Jeb like an onion. You did not know that people have layers now do you......when the barriers are put up. Nothing there on Jeb, but pull that layer back and there was Jeb as this happy little boy. Nothing on top, but just that little boy under it all, happy one looking about 11 and nothing on top.
The thing is that once that top got peeled back, that Jeb or whatever just lit out, and went into hiding.
People are different creatures. Most you can find in the dark. Some hide real good and some just got something going on more than themselves it seems. That is it when something dark gets ahold of some people or some people get ahold of it.
I was not going to vote for Jeb Bush before this, but now I am certain. TL mentioned TL could feel the unsettled nature in me after that. That is the thing most people do not understand that when you get to reading others, that you sort of feel like they feel or what they are feeling.
It is the way it is. Some things get rousted after thinking they are sitting pretty and learn that something else is out there that can find them.
I got some more looking around to do.