Friday, September 4, 2015

Lame Cherry Alert


As another exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been pondering after the terrorism which Facebook inflicted upon the Tiger Lily and myself, along with the trolls there who thought they could come on my page and pistol whip me and I would take it, when then for the cowards they are reported my posts to the Facebook Nazis of Twatzika Mark Zuckerberg, in how to deal with this.

One friend who is a page builder offered kindly to build a site for Lame Cherry, and then a number of things could be added for people who were not trolls. That then opens the reality of people tracking me from ownership and the problem of paying for it all, as it is more than money each year as people expect things.

I have been thinking about a feature of Blogger which is explained here.

Create a Private Blog on

  1. Choose if you want only one or multiple authors on your blog. Click on the 'Add Authors' link if you want to allow others to post. Only the person who created the blog will be able to post unless you indicate otherwise.
  2. Determine who can view your blog. Click on the radio button to indicate 'Anybody,' 'Only People I Choose' or 'Only Blog Authors.' Anybody can read your blog by default.
  3. Invite others to read your blog by inputting email addresses and clicking on the 'Invite' link, or leave this field blank to create a completely private blog.

Read more :

Create a Private Blog on

  1. Choose if you want only one or multiple authors on your blog. Click on the 'Add Authors' link if you want to allow others to post. Only the person who created the blog will be able to post unless you indicate otherwise.
  2. Determine who can view your blog. Click on the radio button to indicate 'Anybody,' 'Only People I Choose' or 'Only Blog Authors.' Anybody can read your blog by default.
  3. Invite others to read your blog by inputting email addresses and clicking on the 'Invite' link, or leave this field blank to create a completely private blog.

Read more :

Create a Private Blog on

  1. Choose if you want only one or multiple authors on your blog. Click on the 'Add Authors' link if you want to allow others to post. Only the person who created the blog will be able to post unless you indicate otherwise.
  2. Determine who can view your blog. Click on the radio button to indicate 'Anybody,' 'Only People I Choose' or 'Only Blog Authors.' Anybody can read your blog by default.
  3. Invite others to read your blog by inputting email addresses and clicking on the 'Invite' link, or leave this field blank to create a completely private blog.

Read more :
Create a Private Blog on

    Choose if you want only one or multiple authors on your blog. Click on the 'Add Authors' link if you want to allow others to post. Only the person who created the blog will be able to post unless you indicate otherwise.

    Determine who can view your blog. Click on the radio button to indicate 'Anybody,' 'Only People I Choose' or 'Only Blog Authors.' Anybody can read your blog by default.

    Invite others to read your blog by inputting email addresses and clicking on the 'Invite' link, or leave this field blank to create a completely private blog.

This would take some effort in the donor emails I have, as well as the people who are poor like me, who are under my wing, in the invites necessary for them to read the blog. This would be ultimate control and all of these malevolent "future feast for the fowls" would be cut off and in the dark. That would include the elite of media who are always sending in their trolls to spy here.
It would please me their being in the dark, and knowing their fellow pedophile promoter troll Mark Zuckerberg is responsible for starting all of this. That would cause that traitor problems as much as those who stuck a knife in my back at Facebook would be on the agenda of Homoland to deal with.

It is just something that TL and I have been discussing as I am not going to jump through hoops for the traitor Mark Zuckerberg who promotes pedophilia and is an asset of the regime enabling the genocide of Americans.

People who then wanted to read the blog would have to prove they were worthy of being added, and once the request was made I would then data mine them and to know their assets as to what kind of liars they are.

I really do not care if anyone reads the blog ever. I just want a home for us that is safe. The Captain asked about Mom a few weeks ago, and news is yesterday satan rammed a panel wire into her leg. Of course the tough old woman she is, never said a word, but I wondered why in the hell she was in the house. Later she showed TL the fillet, of course when it was too late for me to sew her up or take her to the emergency room. That woman never wants to be a bother. So we have this huge V shaped gash on her thigh, that by God's Grace we got stopped bleeding, the skin flap is down, but has about an inch gash down in the meat and I can see her little fat lumps all over. She says it will heal, and it will, but those responsible are going to have literal hell to pay for all of this.
I have done the job God had me do. I warned the sinners. God showed the signs in the predictions and I am free from all of your heinous sins. So the blog is not a drive any more. I am not drawn to being a celebrity nor do I like attention. The only thing I am moved by is providing some illumination to God's children and leaving the these forsaking God creatures buried in a blindness and darkness they will never get out of.

If I do this, no one is going to be left behind who is Real. I am also considering a fag Google page. Also could do a direct newsletter, which I am certain people would just love having 20 to 50 alerts from me as I do tend to get Inspired sometimes.

I would like to leave you sons of bitches in the dark though, so you could fall over the cliff of your making and have the rats eating you alive as you scream until they gnaw your tongues off.

God has worse than that in store for you though. Told you to be nice to me.

They were born in darkness, from darkness to darkness.
They were born in darkness from a darkened womb
They cried at light, they cringed at love
They never got over birth
They claim a god, not from above
Who knows their worthless worth
They were born in darkness, from darkness to darkness
They will die in darkness to a darkened tomb.

-from my favorite poet
