Thursday, September 3, 2015

Obama Regime Price Fixing Oil


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is another criminal act in the legacy of the Obama regime.

With crude oil prices under fifty dollars a barrel, the reality is that American consumer gas prices should be around 1.20 a gallon, and yet the prices at the pumps are around 2.60. The cover story for this like last time is, "Refineries are shut down".

That is bogus, as the real story is that the Wall Street investors who are depleting the oil reserves in North Dakota, have demanded that their dividends will not be interfered with nor will money be lost on these bad investments plundering American oil.

Look I will explain this, it costs nothing more to pump oil out of a frac tube than it does out of Saudi sand. The initial cost is the drilling of a few million dollars, and then the rest is pure profit minus the labor and maintenance.

This is just one of a number of criminal enterprises which the Obama regime has been involved in, in price fixing.

I may not have the time to expound upon another criminal racket, but the Obama regime was paid by the sugar industry, for Muchelle Obama to go postal on sugar, and in return the sugar industry was allowed to inflate prices from like a 1.80 a bag to 2.50 a bag for several years. Now that the Obama regime has changed ownership, sugar is deflating.
That is not the case with Big Stock and Big Frac though. The Wall Street exploiters are being paid their pound of flesh and it is your flesh. This is not about an oil company making money, which they could at 1.20 a gallon, but it is about Wall Street financiers getting their pounds of flesh again from Americans.

Of course only the Lame Cherry is pointing this out and alerting you to the reality.

If you checked the pumps, you will notice that diesel is now lower than gasoline. You do remember when this Obama regime was herding shipping to Warren Buffett's railroad railroading America, that diesel was over a dollar a gallon higher right?
What is taking place there is the Buffett robbery has ended and now rail is not getting Obama welfare and trucking in America is getting the deal........while you pay for it in high gasoline prices making up the difference.

There are 1 million barrels of crude oil, or 55 gallon barrels, being pumped out of North Dakota per day. That is around 47 million dollars per day in profit for Big Frac and Big Stock exploiting Americans. GET THIS, as they are not paying anything...IT IS YOU PAYING THAT PRICE OF 47 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY. Oil companies and Wall Street pay absolutely nothing........they pass all costs on to you, as the oil is free coming out of the ground.

N.D. oil production tops 1 million-barrels-a-day milestone ...

"It put so many people back to work coming out of a ... per day to North Dakota ... in North Dakota oil production in six years, coming largely ...

I am not going in to the genocide of life in North Dakota due to this oil exploitation, as the regimes there are money whores now spending money they do not have, building new regime court houses and houses, and the festering mobs with Mexicans infecting that state are turning a once moral and Republican people, into one more liberal hell hole like Minneapolis St. Paul in Minnesota.

This is important as it is one more way in which the little money you have is being robbed from you. That damned Wall Street got 7.3 trillion in Obama Geithner looting the US Treasury, and has been looting you in everything from gasoline to sugar to massive Obama taxes.

You have got to remember this, and when a President Donald Trump is in the White House, you have got to press for Robes Pierre Courts to go after these robbers to get your money back and to hang them.

Nuff said.

