Sunday, December 13, 2015

Shoot the Nigger Security

The White Image Obama Among The White Only Security

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No one has bothered to bring this up, but the Obama regime has put into place a "shoot the Nigger" security protocol.

Here is the reality in image Obama racism.

Obama ONLY has white men surrounding it in crowds, in direct protection. He does not allow minorities to protect him IN ANY WAY, SHAPE or FORM. The photos are absolute proof of that.


For long distance shooting of assassins though on tarmacs etc...., there is a spread pattern to absorb bullets by the Secret Service, but if you notice something about this pattern, the only time Blacks are allowed anywhere near Obama is for full frontal nudity......meaning a long distance shooter would have difficulties picking up a moving target which is not the only "black" involved in the group.
In this case, the Obama regime inserts Black Secret Service Officers to the forefront to become targets of confusion, like launching several Marine One helicopters.

This is racism at the worst. It shows that the Obama regime does not trust minorities or women to protect image Obama in the real details, but when it comes to turkey shooting, then the darkies can be target fodder, and a skirt can follow up the rear where there is no danger, like a puppy bouncing around after a ball.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
