As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Mucho Congratulations to Gringo el Presidente Donald Trump, who will soon be leader over more Mexicans than in Mexico, all due to lovely peons voting for Mr. Trump, Viva La Trumpe!!!!!!
What more can I say then I am gaining fondness for the Glenn Beck talking point that we are all Brown Shirts. I think the Nazi would have done much better with a dark brown shirt. I have one from my sister, a CPO, sort of rust chestnut, very smashing in tones, and wool, and I think I could conquer the world in a shirt like that.
As there are now black lists and other threats against the Donald Trump master race of Americans, I really believe that we need something to march through the streets with to take our leaders wins at the Republican Convention.
I personally like the Gestapo uniform. Everyone looks good in black and white. Look at Oreos.
Yes Sammy Jackson and Scarlet Johannson gave the Gestapo their lustre.
The thing the Gestapo or SS was missing is their skull and crossbones, was in need of ruby eyes in their adornment........you know like Terminator.
I want to get rid of that Swastika arm band, and make it into a nice red terminator skull, matched by a nice skull and cross bones with ruby jewel eyes, which would just be the thing for a 1000 year reich in America and Europe of Nationalist Peoples.
Of course my skull and cross bones would have lasers coming out of them, to fry the enemies of Donald Trump, and the skull on the arm would be a drone which would fly off and decapitate these traitors on a sort of artificial intelligence.
FOX sort of let the stolen election out of the bag they were in on, in listing the Cruz winner before the votes came in......or were counted by Mitt Romney.
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33 D
Yes it was different for the Trump actual victory in Arizona.
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This though is not about FOX, and more about what the Brown Shirts in their new SS black and white uniforms with ruby lasers on their hats will be about in the coming Valhalla upon earth. Yes brimming with Frauleins blonde and brunette, lots of Wagner, and the lovely First Lady Trump, for all of us to march by and adore.
Lovely Mexicans, lovely blacks, lovely whites, lovely Asians...........all joining for the Trump Revolution, except for those Mormons and Muslims not bright enough not to be hijacked like Megyn Kelly does FOX. That of course will all be settled in we of the majority doing the thinking for them, and .....teaching them not to signal they are in on Utah vote fraud, before it happens......and no the alphabetical order defense is not going to be accepted at SS headquarters, just outside of our new colony in Utah.
See when you speak things, they begin to build and come true. Brown shirts today, assassination attempts on Heir Trump and next thing you know you got just what you were calling for.