As you probably missed this, image Obama conjured himself into Bariloche Argentina. You will recall in this that Birther Obama started this journey at Adolf Hitler's favorite Arch of Triumph in Germany 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.
Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany - WND
... Corsi found in the National Archives documentary evidence Hitler got to Argentina ... landed Adolf Hitler and Eva ... of Bariloche to ...
Bariloche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower visited Bariloche as a guest of President Arturo Frondizi in 1960. ... Argentina Neuquén Province ...
Wonders Of Patagonia Await Clintons - NYTimes.com
Wonders Of Patagonia Await Clintons ... ''Foreigners are discovering that Argentina ... the area around San Carlos de Bariloche, where President Clinton ...
Obama to visit Patagonian tourist city Bariloche on Argentina ...
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and the first lady will visit the lake-side Patagonian tourist city of Bariloche later this month during an ...
Just so you understand this, there was in South America, an extensive Germanic colonial system, and Adolf Hitler with Eva Braun, did not commit suicide at the end of World War II. They escaped by plane to Argentina and there lived out their lives.
No further comment. What do you think this is a world wide junket travel agency? I can't even afford gas for errands.