Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bernie Sanders: Cock Hunger Games

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry applaud and celebrates the real manhood of the effeminate males and manly women of the Bernie Sander's Revolution, as this is what America is about.

Yes Sanders's voters frustrated in not being like Donald Trump voters putting down the Ted Cruz foreign insurrection against America in Last Sasse Nebraska, have now revolted with trashing headquarters and gun shots are fired.

Yes, we need more Vermont Revolutions in guns, powder burned and bullets. Yes, it was once Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys, but now with Bernie Sanders it is the Green Revolution Mounting Boys on Boys and Girls on Girls......and with guns.

I am all for this and who would have thought it would have erupted from 74 year old Bernie, but there is only so much Sanders voters can take in being abused by Hillary Clinton.

Seriously, this Bernie Sanders is a camp you get it all. Riots, police called out, guns fired off, and cock hunger.

No I did not say COKE hunger, but COCK HUNGER.

You don't believe me?

Well look at Susan Sarandon, the 69 year old sex pot, major supporter of Bernie Sanders and hanging around with Bernie Sanders she has gone wild. Going to direct and produce XXX porn movies to make up for her time with that limp Tim Robbins.
I mean after splashing around with Kevin Costner in a tub, putting candles out with the waves, all else is just limp, compared to finding lust in Bernie Sanders.

With Mrs. Clinton you got the coke hunger, but with Bernie Sanders it is all cock hunger. 

SEX AT 69: Sarandon thinking of directing porn...

That is what happens when you have a comrade like Sanders though. You got Marxist image Obama promising all that darkie sex, and all you got out of that was shemale Muchelle and boy fondler Barack, so it was already a powder keg, and now with Bernie coming along, you can not expect nothing but 69 year old women doing the XXX with the Millenium Mob, rioting, having the cops called out and shooting off guns.

I mean think of it in the Clinton hippies, they just got mowed down at Kent State.......never fought back, and all you had was Bill Ayers blowing up his own terrorists in the Weather Underground, but with Bernie Sanders you got the White Power Revolution going on, and that cock hunger games going

Bernie Sanders revealed Tuesday that shots were fired into his Nevada campaign office and that an "apartment housing complex my campaign staff lived in was broken into and ransacked." The Democratic presidential candidate did not explicitly blame his rival, Hillary Clinton, for the actions.

I know, I know, this is not Bernie rioting and shooting, he says, but this is like the legend of Che. Che was  probably some fag Latin, smoking dope and sticking bananas up his ass, while Fidel was nailing all the chicks while Ted Cruz's old man lubed up the Vaseline on the women. Yes when this is written it will be tanks rolling into Bernie Sanders headquarters, Bernie launching TOW missiles, a nuclear bomb sent in by the Obama regime like in Predator, and when the smoke clears, there will be Bernie with Susan Sarandon clutching his leg, clothes appropriately burned off as she smokes Bernie's cigar........a real Havana.

Bernie Sanders voters have been attacked, a real assassination attempt against the Bernie .........how about the Bernie Che's, as Bernie needs a name for his revolutionaries, who had Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer probably watching from drones like at Benghazi, laughing at roughing up Bernie's Ches.

We must all protect Bernie Sanders and his Ches, because they are like us in the Trump revolution, enduring heinous Ted Cruz assaults, and all their candidate will do is talk to the press. Donald Trump tells his supporters to fight back and the Trump Patriots do.

I can hardly wait for Susan Sarandon to relase this in XXX porn, the Bernie Sanders Story, The Night They Laid Old Dixie Down.

 Starring Susan Sarandon as  Old Dixie.

Susan Sarandon: Bernie Sanders fans afraid to voice support ...

Susan Sarandon says some famous Bernie Sanders fans are nervous to voice their support for the presidential hopeful because they fear backlash from their ...
