Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Ted Cruz White Nigger Racism

The Movement to Install Hillary Rodham Clinton

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The matter of racial hatred and bigotry against the White race or Caucasians, has been a historical matter in America by deliberated design, to castrate the normal tendencies of successful White males, to blame them for their success and to make them effeminate, while the Caucasian women were to be "liberated" to be masculine.
The end result is the degradation of America to homosexual and transexual perversion, in the fulfillment of the British slur against Americans in the song Yankee Doodle Dandy. A dandy was an effeminate, and the "stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni" was a racial slur based upon the Italian homosexual as they were the macaroni.

With the advent of Ted Cruz though, we witness a reality of Obama institutionalized race hatred against the White race, as projected by Ted and Heidi Cruz and their supporters. Literally the same "round head" racial slurs which still persist, have now been engaged in the new White Niggers, in the George Will "trumpite", Matt Walsh "trumpling", Rush Limbaugh, "trumpster", Amanda Carpenter "trumper", all of these terms are the Nigger, Jungle Bunny, Jig, Sambo, Rastus, Spook, of this Ted Cruz group of GOPliters, joined at the hip with the Obama regime, the oligarchs and the Clintons, to not only install Hillary Clinton, but to turn White Americans into a sub human strain, which is advocated for extermination by Mormon Glenn Beck, burning Evangelicals at the stake, and Matt Walsh, the Jesuit Vatican apologist who taunts Americans to acts of violence as a provacteur.

This racial hatred of Whites can be summed up in two women from the Right Wing News, both conduits of this phobia of successful, independent White men.

Star Parker attacked Donald Trump on a variety of issues, while praising Paul Ryan for not supporting Donald Trump, but is so deranged that she does not equate that Ryan was  funding with Obama everything Parker was screaming at Trump about incorrectly.

"During the same time period, Donald Trump was making most of his political contributions to Democrats and to the Democratic Party. This included Trump’s support for Harlem’s Charlie Rangel, the Black Caucus Democrat who represented everything that was destroying America’s minority communities."

Yes Donald Trump is evil, for supporting Black candidates who Black people elect to represent them, while Mr. Trump elevates Blacks to public profiles as Martin King advocated.

Teressa  Monroe Hamilton, another Right Wing News columnist, who works for CIA asset Trevour Loudon out of New Zealand, had this rather disturbed post in hating a successful White male.

"Rumor has it that Mitt Romney is marshaling the troops in the Republican Party in a last-ditch effort to stop the Trumpster. Personally, I will not vote for Trump. I would write in Cruz still, even though that has no chance of working. I would never in hell vote for Hillary either."

Ms. Monroe Hamilton, states she would not vote for Mr. Trump who is White, would not vote for John Kasich as he too is White, might consider Ben Sasse, but her choice is tan skin Ted  Cruz.
Every person Monroe Hamilton hides behind in her "constitutional conservative racism" hates is White, and her only choice, where she would have to scratch off Mr. Trump's name and scrawl in Ted Cruz's name, would invalidate the ballot, but she would resort to that insanity.

Does anyone not understand this is exactly as not drinking from a fountain that Niggers did in Dixie? The racial slurs against Donald Trump are designed to be dehumanizing. It is one thing for this blog to correctly use the term Cruz Boogers, as Ted Cruz eats boogers, and it has been proven now that Ted Cruz eats his own human boogers, by what he did to Ben Sasse and all of his supporters, because it is literal. It is a completely different situation for Ms. Monroe Hamilton to engage in "trumpsters", because it has no basis, and is simply a dehumanizing racial epitaph against White People.

What was institutionalized for the past two generations in blaming White people in America, has now become a movement of racial hatred by Cubano Ted Cruz and his supporters in creating the Neo White Nigger in America.

This is deliberate by the Tavistock and Stanford mind conditioning, and under Obama "white folks" and Ted Cruz in his holocaust attacks upon Whites in America, a danger zone has enveloped into a Danger Nation, where hordes of Jesuits and Muslim leftists being dumped into America as invaders, carry with them their rape cocks as in Europe, and the White race is criminalized  and dehumanized to not be able to fight back.

So in all of this White hatred against Americans, it brings the reality of installing Hillary Clinton who despises every color, except lesbian pink.

There is nothing sane in any of this, because it is all insane. It is extremely psychologicall weak people, seeking to arise a tan skin Cruz or Obama, who they can control, and therefore validate themselves, in being terrified they can not compete with a White Donald Trump.

The Obama regime promised racial equality, but only served to not only promote race genocide of Blacks, but has now ushered in with Ted Cruz a new White Nigger category of dehumanized Caucasians to exterminate.

These are disgusting conduits in crimes against humanity, and their common denominator is they are all funded by the oligarchs and Mockingbird CIA extensions, to inflict a race war in the West, especially America, to pin her down so the Neo Roman Empire will raise to rule in Eurasia.

Nuff Said
