Wednesday, May 18, 2016


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hate online dreaming as you never get to play with the guns you are looking at, and when you are reading commentaries, it always goes like this:

Novice Newtown: Hey I am looking for a good 22 revolver under 200 dollars.

Shootem Up: I have a Ruger Bearcat which runs 500 dollars.

Novice Newtown: I know that is why I am looking for a good cheap 22 under 200 dollars.

Barney's Fife: I bought a Smith & Wesson Single Six in 1975 for 200 dollars.

Pistol Packer: Heritage makes one for 150 to 200.

Novice Newtown: Yeah I was playing with one in Walmart and it sucked.

Tony Tiger: Yeah the trigger pull was like 8 pounds and I could not make dime size holes at 100 yards.

Boris Badenough: What the hell are you shooting at 100 yards for that is not an Olympic pistol and big deal about the trigger pull.

Eugene Lefty: Well I would spend the extra money and myself get a Smith & Wesson for 500 dollars.

As you can discern, too many people have computers, too much time to type, no one in real life to listen to what morons they are, so they post things just to have human contact.

That is why I was surprised in being at a sporting section when I wandered over with TL to the pistol section and they had a Heritage for 185 dollars with 7 1/2 inch barrel, and a 250 dollar 22 and 22 magnum.

I got to play with them, and the clerk said he had a Chiappa 22 semi automatic which he really liked for 300 dollars and then he pulled out this Chiappa SAA or single action 1873, or John Wayne revolver for 150 dollars in 22 long and 22 mag.
It honestly was as big as Colt 45, same big cylinder like a wheel gun, but when I pulled it up, it was steady in being such a heavy gun.

The clerk took it apart which was simple in a main pin release, half cocking the pistol, opening the cylinder bullet loading chute, and out pops the cylinder, to replace with the 22 mag.

I was amazed as the trigger pull was nice, not grating and this had a 4 1/2 inch barrel or something and it was just a nice handgun, beautifully designed in Italy from the American master print.

I had run across these guns, but had dismissed them from bonehead feedback, but this was one very nice revolver. It was so nice that I would that my name was Chiappa and not Cherry, as the clerk was saying they just got these in........meaning it appears in the Trump era, that the Italian weapon makers are building guns for an American market of well made and affordable handguns.
I hear Tom Greshom or Gun Talk talk about affordable guns, and I wonder what ivory tower he lives in, as 400 to 1200 dollar guns are not affordable. 150 dollar guns are.

This Chiappa 1873 is every bit as good a firearm as a Ruger Bearcat and will last just as long, as no one is going to run 10,000 rounds through a gun. It is handy, a little too much bulk for an easy concealed carry, but it is just the thing for outdoor trips to have a weapon around.

I would not expect pinpoint accuracy, as this is not meant for that. It is at best a pot gun and as the clerk's supervisor told me, if you load up 22 mag bird shot, it makes a great snake killer. Makes a great grouse killer too in fool's hens.

I just share this with readers not as written in stone, but if you have limited funds, and most of your 22 revolver is going to buy one, shoot it, clean it and the probably never shoot it again, and you just have it to carry in the vehicle in a box too big to fit in a cubby hole, then this is the gun to think about, as it is well made in the one I examined.

It is about time the American makers who have been gouging Americans for Obama in these high priced firearms for almost 8 years now, get some competition and Americans get some some firearms they can afford, to drop American gun prices which are all going to terror capital Belgium, selling Turkish Muslim made guns any way.

I sincerely hope that one of President Donald Trump's first actions is to open the gates to allow in the fine, low cost Russian Saiga rifles, along with the Chicom Norinco pistols again, as America can never have enough guns in their pockets or pantries.

I had no idea that the John Wayne 1873 handgun was this well balanced. I like the idea of Clint Eastwood, Terrence Hill, Bud Spencer and Eli Wallach have this spaghetti western spaghetti pistol out there for the American consumer.

Now Chiappa just needs to make me their spokesmodel for this great review.
