The Lame Cherry does sympathize with the Negress
camouflaging as blonde highlight and passing
after the Era of Obama
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was on Amazon this morning looking for a battery as this fine blog ran into technical difficulties in the old laptop battery finally went circuits up and I can no longer write on the fly as the battery quite a few days ago with a 12 minute window.
The above marketing ad for streaming Amazon movies caught my attention though, because in the era of Obama, the world has been deluged with not stop Afroid males soiling up little white girls who are draped over the Nigs. It is why the Kardashians were featured in their Jigsaw Puzzle promotion......that if you notice has now been cancelled.
Now why would all this Afroid male on females be taken away from the viewing public by the Jewish media, after we had nothing but promotion of this for 8 disgusting years?
It has to do with Jeff Bezos, Mockingbird intelligence propaganda, and the reason Ted Cruz with Robert Mercer created the Cruz Cult out of Amazon shopper lists. There is a trend which is building after the Obama destruction of America, and the trend which Gaymazon is promoting is the Era of the White Cock Rule, and the booty prize apparently is White men now get to fuck all the attractive Aunt Jemima's without all that sticky syrup from the bottle.
This is subtle in what Mockingbird is conditioning out of this billionaire intelligence connected site in a new racism. Americans have had it with the Designer Negroes. Have had it with Black Lives Matter terrorism and have had it with NFL Nig protests trying to bribe Veterans with million dollar pimp dollars.
So how does a conglomerate sell to a market which is suffering from Nigger Overload? Why you start promoting the image of the powerful White cock on his couch, and a clinging Mulatto on his arm, happy to have that powerful White cock between her legs.......and affirming of course that her people long ago made the right choice in not just becoming the property of the Caucasian, but serving the purpose in mating with the Caucasoid, in order to raise their primate station in life.
Yes Amazon and the Obama leftist elite are sending the advertising message now that White men are the future and part of the reparations for being assaulted by the Obama regime, is they get the better looking Afroid females to sex.
Can it be any accident that the non Occidental in China was accosting the Nigress Susan Rice, no longer looking like any White cock would care to plough that patch in she has not aged well, and the Chinese communists noting the trend, were reading Mama Rice the riot act, as she simply does not belong with the advanced peoples any more, and that the Chin does not take orders from the Negroid.
Yes what could be better really in liberal minds, than the dream come true that White man cock now rules the planet, free from Muslim rape cock and Afroid cock which can best be suited to raping sheep and goat, and perhaps being caught by Simba and devoured while enacting the rape predisposition of these lesser primates.
Granted, I do not quite understand that with available Caucasian and Asian vaginas available why the power White cock would settle for jungle conciliation prizes, but then I was not moved to wed a shemale in Michelle Obama nor succumbed to the Deniro Dive.
It is though for the most part good news for the White power cock, in the cartel has made this the era where as your appeasement payment, you get to go out and ejaculate semen into willing Negroid females who desire to be rescued from Obamaness, in an attempt to save the specie from Obama genocide of the black race.
I would pass as do not have the king kong fetish as liberal males do, but having your banana peeled by the primate as you are swing from the vine, does appeal to lesser males not capable of dealing with more advanced species of humans.
Helpful Note to the Camo Negress: If your name is something Afroid like Jawinda as your Mama was a Nigtard, change your name to something White like Jamie. Stop wearing Nigger Green clothing, listen to .......Fleetwood Mac, The Cars and ACDC. Take baths so you stop smelling Black and like Esther Rolle in Good Times in being everything a man would like in a maid, but just do not look like her.......or any other Negroid female.
You may get some pathetic little liberal Italians to wed you as their ........well their first masturbation fantasy in Sears Roebuck bra section. Never underestimate the power of the wish book.