Editor's Note: This will be a stand alone post
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Americans have heard the denials and mockings from the White House spokesperson who got into 1600 Penn Avenue from election fraud, Secretary of State from Iowa who certify fraud elections, and Paul Ryan who benefit from fraud elections, attacking Donald Trump in stating the voting in America is rigged.
It falls to the Lame Cherry to settle this, and this is important on this Trump Debate # 3 to know if Hillary Clinton is lying again about vote fraud or Donald Trump is telling the Truth again about rigged American elections.
Certainly if the elections in America were legitimate, no stories would appear, but let us see if there are any links of vote fraud in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, putting all of these insider crooks into office to make inmates of Americans.
Forget for a moment the casino software to flip elections by 15%, the way Kasich and Cruz put their names on Donald Trump votes, Bev Harris in her fractal voting, and how all of us have seen Harry Reid in e voting have his name up on Republican ballots, just focus on the 51 links below which you can find in the exact same search links, states claiming" no vote fraud here", and then up pops people being arrested for the very crime in those states.
Some states are better at hiding vote fraud. Some have such Republican or Democratic majorities that vote fraud is impossible, but in every instance we know of something in our states where someone was stuffing ballots and someone got into office or got a job, when someone else got elected.
The links below prove that Donald Trump is absolutely correct in vote rigging is widespread from the media collusion with GOPliters and Hillary Clinton, all owned by these oligarchs WHO OWN THE VOTING SOFTWARE and make a fortune off of these fraud elections.
Of course a Secretary of State from Iowa, like all of these Secretary of States are going to say like the vote frauds in the White House, that the elections are not rigged, because they all knowingly certified fraudulent elections and would be prosecuted.
No one else has done this, but below is a list of 51 examples in every State in America of someone rigging elections, as all of the big vote fraud never gets prosecuted due to the oligarchs it would put into prison.
Stolen Election from Alaska? | Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Clinton Does Best Where Voting Machines Flunk Hacking Tests ...
Arizona Secretary of State Confirms Election Fraud - US Uncut
Vodka for votes: Arkansas rep, operatives await sentencing in fraud ...
Fox News Channel
Colorado voter fraud revealed: Slew of ballots cast by the dead spark ...
The Washington Times
Connecticut investigating possible ballot fraud in governor's home ...
Votes For Bernie Sanders Disappear In Delaware: Another Example ...
D.C. Democrats perpetuate election fraud in primary - Washington Times
The Washington Times
South Florida district is rife with absentee ballot fraud - Watchdog.org
watchdog.org › Florida
Jun 6, 2013 - REP. JOE GARCIA: The chief of staff for the Florida congressman recently resigned after admitting to a fraudulent absentee ballot scheme.
Voter Fraud Battles Heat Up in Sudden Swing State of Georgia
Hawaii's voter fraud troubles | Hawaii Reporter
www.hawaiireporter.com › News › Today in Hawaii › Hawaii’s voter fraud troubles
5 Examples of Voter Fraud Across America - The Daily Signal
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago
The Heritage Foundation
Voter fraud investigation spans 56 counties | Indiana Daily Student
Indiana Daily Student
How Hillary Clinton Stole Iowa: Voter Fraud Caught On Live TV ...
Feb 2, 2016 - Uploaded by DAHBOO777
www.undergroundworldnews.com The important problem is that the Bernie counters recounted everyone, while ...Wichita man pleads guilty in Kansas voter fraud case | The Wichita Eagle
May 4, 2016 - Secretary of State Kris Kobach on Wednesday secured his fourth voter fraud conviction in a case against a Wichita man accused of double voting in Kansas and Colorado at least twice – and Kobach said he plans to file more cases soon.
The Wichita Eagle
31 Kentucky counties report election fraud Tuesday - WSAZ
Louisiana mayor Don Cravins Sr encourages voter fraud in ...
'Go vote again tomorrow': Video shows Louisiana mayor whose son is Sen. Mary Landrieu's chief of staff encouraging voter fraud as final US Senate contest's runoff ...
LePage claims Maine election process could be rigged - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
The governor, echoing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, said the electoral process is flawed and could lead to voter fraud.
Press Herald - 4 hours ago
Massive Non-Citizen Voting Uncovered in Maryland | PJ Media
PJ Media
More Possible Voter Fraud??? Now in Massachusetts! - Daily Kos
Daily Kos
Undercover video exposes eye-popping ease of voter fraud - WND.com
Rampant Voter Fraud Alleged In Minnesota | Power Line
Power Line
Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud ...
The Daily Caller
Missouri Governor to Comment on St. Louis Election Fraud « CBS St ...
Guest opinion: LR-126 perpetrates fraud targeting Montana voters ...
Billings Gazette
Voter fraud is not a big problem in Nebraska - Nebraska Radio Network
nebraskaradionetwork.com › News
Nevada election cops fighting fraud | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Las Vegas Review‑Journal
New Hampshire voter-fraud probe into Sanders campaign expands ...
The Washington Times
Voter Fraud Cases: Voter Irregularity Reported at Polls in New Jersey ...
Arrest made in Española voter fraud investigation - The Santa Fe New ...
Jun 7, 2016 - Arrest made in Española voter fraud investigation ... on suspicion of voter fraud in the Española city election that saw an incumbent councilor ..... Artist gives New Mexico School for the Arts trove of tools, books, sculptures (0).
The Santa Fe New Mexican
The election official who spoke his mind on vote fraud | New York Post
New York Post
New evidence of voter fraud in North Carolina alleged | abc11.com
Blocking North Dakota Native American vote unsuccessful. Can Hillary ...
Daily Kos
Mike Connell Ohio Voter Fraud - The Huffington Post
Mike Connell Ohio Voter Fraud. ... Ohio Elections, Elections, Mike Connell Dies, Election Results, Mike Connell Ohio Voter Fraud, Mike Connell, Mike ...
Luther candidate, wife charged with voter fraud | KOKH
Clackamas Woman Indicted For Voter Fraud . News | OPB
Clackamas Woman Indicted For Voter Fraud. ... Oregon Justice Department spokesman Jeff Manning. "This follows nearly a month of investigation by the Department of ...
731 Pennsylvania voters may have cast 2 ballots or voted elsewhere ...
Pittsburgh Tribune‑Review
Rhode Island Democratic Rep. Cicilline Accused in Massive ...
Congressional candidate Anthony Gemma accused Democrat Cicilline of massive voter fraud in Providence, Rhode Island. The Providence Journal reported:
Voter Fraud: Dead People Cast Over 950 Ballots In South Carolina ...
Alex Jones
Feds Probe Voter Fraud in South Dakota | Fox News
WASHINGTON - Federal officials confirm that a vote fraud investigation is unfolding on Indian reservations in South Dakota, home of one of the tightest U ...
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 ...
The Washington Post
Largest Voter Fraud Investigation in Texas History Underway ...
Largest Voter Fraud Investigation in Texas History Underway in Tarrant County | Home of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and Texas Scorecard
Utah Voter Reveals Fraud: “I Literally Had Over 50 Ballots In My Hand ...
Alex Jones
In Vermont even fraudulent votes count | Human Events
Fraudulent votes, legitimate votes, every vote. In Vermont, even fraudulent votes count. The situation arises in big elections, such as the 2012 presidential election ...
He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to ...
Sep 29, 2016 - “Oftentimes we hear our Democratic colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn't exist in Virginia, or it's a myth,” House Speaker William J.
The Washington Post
Dead Voted in Washington Governor's Race - seattlepi.com
He said he hasn't seen the problem of dead people voting occur in Washington. Voter fraud is a serious crime that may be punished with up to 10 years in prison and ...
Men sentenced in Lincoln County voter fraud case - Business ...
The State Journal
Pair admits guilt to voting fraud | Wyoming News | billingsgazette.com
Billings Gazette
2 Charged With Election Fraud | Wisconsin Department of Justice
2 Charged With Election Fraud These individuals charged on the heels of the Initial Appearances, yesterday, of 5 Milwaukee County Elections Fraud Defendants