As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This Wikileaks email on the now almost year long "opposition research" or smear campaign generated from inside the Hillary Clinton criminal campaign, is something to examine in the questions which this email generates.
The principles are the Clinton principles in Jennifer Palmieri and Sara Latham, who are lathered up over this contact to "get Trump".
The next principle is Janet Keller who is generating this smear. Keller is a "consultant" who manages her own firm. She was a major Obama bundler in 2008, and was rewarded with her own page on an Obama.gov site.
Latham though bitch slaps her in the email, as the Clinton campaign has treated her poorly in disrespecting Keller, and condescendingly Latham says she will "hold Keller's hand".
We discover other principles in this in in John Manly who is a client of Keller's and Keller is known to the Clintons as the step mom of Matt Schneider, who is probably some rich kid net geek who dumps money on democrats to fill in the void of needing to feel validated.
John Manly is interesting in this, as Manly is close to Michael D'Antonio, who created some Trump hit piece, but Manly is known for suing the bajesus out of pedophiles with deep pockets in court and making profit of millions of dollars.
This is a strange mix of a California Attorney, who is close to a New York hit piece author, and into this Janet Keller who resides in Laguna Beach California, as the Attorney as a client, and she is initiating the contact to the inner circle of the Clinton campaign in being an Obama bundler.
What this lays out as is, D'Antonio has acquired 9 hours of recordings on Donald Trump. Inquiry states these people are not the source of the pussy grab smear from NBC, but D'Antonio in his hit research, now wants to hand over those recordings, because in New York, he somehow has contact with a California ambulance chasing lawyer who runs high stakes suits against deep pocket pedophiles, who just happens to be the client of Janet Keller who is a democratic bundler.
What is of interest in this is not the association of D'Antonio and Manly, but why is Manly making demands to be included in this meeting with the Clinton campaign, as it appears Manly is there for legal reasons.
The links are there to peruse and review, and the analysis continues after.
Re: Opposition research
From:slatham@hillaryclinton.com To: jpalmieri@hillaryclinton.com Date: 2016-03-04 22:13 Subject: Re: Opposition research I will Janet requires some handholding... Manly is a client of hers.Sent from my iPhone On Mar 4, 2016, at 6:57 PM,Jennifer Palmieri wrote: okay if i connect them with Christina?On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 6:55 PM,Sara Latham wrote: > This is Matt Schneider's stepmom Janet, who is a longtime fundraiser > (Orange county CA), raises for Schumer and DSCC, became a top Obama bundler > after HRC dropped out in 2008. So far has had a bad experience with our > team, tho she's also a complainer in general...> > > Sent from my iPhone > > Begin forwarded message: > >*From:* Janet Keller > > *Date:* March 4, 2016 at 6:40:05 PM EST >*To:* Sara Latham> *Cc:* John Manly> *Subject:* *Re: Opposition research *> > Sara - > Per our conversation, John Manly is close to Michael D'Antonio ( who > wrote Never Enough about Trump ) and Michael wants to meet with the Clinton > campaign's opposition research team. He does not want to be paid. And he > has 9 hours of taped conversations with Donald Trump. > John Manly needs to join the meeting as well. I have copied him on this > email. > John, Sara is a close friend and a senior advisor on Hillary's campaign. > She gets things done!! > Sara, let us know the next steps. Also, as I mentioned, Mr. D'Antonio > resides on Long Island. > Thanks again, > Janet > >Janet Keller >Cell: 949-290-5157 > >
Janet Keller Political Contributions in 2016
Name & Location | Employer/Occupation | Dollar Amount | Date | Primary/ General | Contibuted To |
KELLER, JANET CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 | Self Employed/Consultant | $21,600 | 06/12/2016 | P | SENATE IMPACT 2016 |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Keller Consultants/Consultant | $2,700 | 01/06/2016 | P | JOE KENNEDY FOR CONGRESS - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Self/Consultant | $10,315 | 10/16/2015 | P | DEMOCRATIC HOPE FUND |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Keller Consultants/Founder | $2,700 | 08/13/2015 | P | FRIENDS OF SCHUMER - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Keller Consultants/Founder | $2,700 | 08/13/2015 | G | FRIENDS OF SCHUMER - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 | Self-Employed/Consultant | $2,700 | 04/12/2015 | P | HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Self-Employed/Consultant | $2,700 | 03/31/2015 | P | KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Self-Employed/Consultant | $2,700 | 03/31/2015 | G | KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Self-Employed/Consultant | $2,700 | 03/31/2015 | G | KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat |
KELLER, JANET LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 | Self-Employed/Consultant | $2,700 | 03/31/2015 | P | KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat |

John C. Manly - California Sexual Abuse Lawyer
John C. Manly is a Senior Attorney at Manly, ... John Manly. visit ... in cases involving sexual abuse by notorious Los Angeles Roman Catholic priest Father Michael ...californiasexualabusefirm.com/Professionals/John-C-Manly.as
Manly, Stewart Et Al/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,700 | 11/11/2015 | JOE KENNEDY FOR CONGRESS - DEMOCRAT | |
MANLY, JOHN | Self Employed/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,700 | 8/7/2015 | FRIENDS OF SCHUMER - DEMOCRAT |
MANLY, JOHN | Self Employed/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,700 | 8/7/2015 | FRIENDS OF SCHUMER - DEMOCRAT |
MANLY, JOHN C | Manly Stewart & Finaldi/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,500 | 9/29/2015 | ROYCE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - REPUBLICAN |
MANLY, JOHN C | John C Manly/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,700 | 6/16/2015 | KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - DEMOCRAT |
MANLY, JOHN C | John C Manly/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,700 | 6/16/2015 | KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - DEMOCRAT |
MANLY, JOHN C. | Manly Stewart Finaldi/Attorney | IRVINE | CA | 92612 | 2,700 | 5/15/2015 | HILLARY FOR AMERICA - DEMOCRAT |
Janet Keller | President's Committee on the Arts and the ...
Janet Keller is the founder of Keller Consultants, a company she started in 1990 to provide strategic and fundraising advice to candidates and campaigns.
Schneider on the Street - Trump, Hillary Movie Titles, Oscars ...
Schneider on the Street - Trump, Hillary Movie Titles, Oscars, ... Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton ... Matt Schneider 285 views. 5:58
What is the reality in this, is we have the Clinton campaign, D'Antonio, Manly and Keller, all moved by the desire to destroy Donald Trump for Hillary Clinton.
There are coincidences in the Clinton campaign which in reality there never are coincidence when it happens more than once.
If you recall, Bill Clinton is a rapist. So what appeared in the Clinton press, but pussy grab in order to neutralize the attacks on Hillary Clinton. This was then followed up by bims sent out, after the second debate which was again a coordinated smear against Mr. Trump.
Now recall again, a certain reality of Bill Clinton going on junkets with a known pedophile in Jeff Epstein. Once again the Clinton campaign and their presstitutes attempted to link Donald Trump to this Clinton pedophile.
Both cases appear to be generated from the Clinton dirty tricks operation to neuatralize Clinton sexual abuse by smearing Mr. Trump.
Think about something now in the fraud cases concerning pedophilia, which have kept appearing against Donald Trump in this organized smear to assist Hillary Clinton, were oddly filed first in California and then in New York and were driven by the Clinton dirty tricks press.
Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should ...
Trump's lawyer says the charges are "categorically ... the promise of money modeling jobs. Mr. Epstein is a notorious "billionaire pedophile ...huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_
In the above email from Wikileaks, there is a pedophile attorney in California, and a male, the attorney is "close to", according to the Clinton Obama bundler, a Trump hit piece author who lives in New York.
In the world of coincidences, we have two people, bringing smear recordings to the Clinton campaign, where one resides in California where a filing was and one resides in New York where a filing was, the males are "close" to each other, and in all of this is a common theme of the Clinton dirty tricks smear operation, of pedophilia.
There is no proof in the Clinton emails, nor any other source for the coincidences above in what this looks like in the connection. There is proof though that the above were all engaged in promoting whatever dirty tricks Clinton has been criminally attempting to smear Donald Trump with.
This is something though that must be brought under investigation in a Trump Administration in what people were involved in, as all of this has been smoke and mirrors in Clinton connections, but everyone has witnessed the media results of the coordinated attacks on Mr. Trump.
Every one of these Clinton emails reveals something disturbing and disgusting in how corrupt the political system is. None of the 2016 Presidential campaign has been about ideas in the Clinton campaign, but smears, while Donald Trump has had the vision for America.
All of this must be looked into by Justice from top to bottom. The smears against Donald Trump is being generated from some source, and Hillary Clinton has coordinated it all.