As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Wikileaks reveals a key psychological disease that Hillary Clinton and her supporters have, in they are the types who fuck someones spouse at a party and then does a bladder dump into the cucks drink an watches them drink a cum float as a joke.
This might not sound all that important to Trump voters, but it is, because this message to Sanders supporters and even to the Clinton poor resonates with a fury, as thee entire Clinton campaign is nothing but a big FU to liberals.
It is interesting to read the complete lack of disrespect these Rockefeller Republicans in the Neocons for Clinton have for the American Left.
In this expose' we have the introduction of John, Roy and Brent. John is Podesta whom you know as the sloppy second star of Wikileaks crimes, but Roy and Brent are two real pricks who never mention hatred about people on the right, but sure have a hate load for those on the left.
Here is their first gem in doing a psyops on Bernie Sanders voters to sucker them into voting for Hamrod, because Brent Budowsky who writes over at Huffington Post is a Bernie judas goat, the real pied piper of the left, who only has to vouche for John Podesta and Sanders voters will go on the leash for Hillary Clinton.
Re: John and Roy
One of the reasons I made it a point to praise Podesta in my column today > as a genuine progressive is not only that I believe it is true, but that I > wanted to put my credibility as a progressive behind John's credibility. > The Sanders insiders know this already, and I assume some of these > conversations are privately going on now, but the Sanders grassroots know > me well by now, since I was writing about Bernie long before others in the > media would give Bernie the time of day.
But who are Brent and Roy? Sadly here is the answer.
Brent Budowsky | Huffington Post
Left government in 1990 for marketing and public affairs business including major corporate entertainment and talent management. He can be reached at
Co-Founder Roy Spence inducted into Advertising Hall of Fame
Reverend Roy. He's known for co-founding GSD&M in 1971 with partners Judy Trabulsi, Steve Gurasich and Tim McClure, but he's perhaps best known for his electric and passionate personality. So, it was with joy and pride, yet little surprise, when we learned our fearless leader would be the first...
Yes the ad media manipulator and the Clinton media manipulator, all designed to........what did they call their voters? Oh yes, their stupid voters, to con them into voting for Hillary Clinton.
A new email released by Wikileaks as part of the Podesta dump features Hillary ally Wendy Bronfein advising Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta on how to reach “f**king dumb” young people.And what are these fucking dumb Democrats purpose? Why it is none other than Elizabeth Warren, Bill de Blaisio (We now know that Bernie Sanders was threatened by Clinton) were to set up a People's Pac, before the Bernie Sander's voters dispersed, to extort 200 million dollars from them.
A reasonable goal would be to raise from small donors $100 million to $200 million
So you understand this, this is SMALL DONORS. That means this is POOR PEOPLE who do not have a damn thing like most of you in this Obama Super Depression. These Clinton creepers knew that Bernie supporters donated 42 million dollars in February, meaning about all they had for their hope that Bernie Sanders was legitimate.
By August, the Clinton campaign was looking to sheer these people 5 times more, as in scraping their skeletal bones for donations. Seriously, what were they expecting, these people to eat their own excrement in green recycling so Hillary could fly around on her carbon footprint 737 Boeing?
Think about it in what Donald Trump challenged Hillary Clinton concerning, Hillary kicking in some of her millions to her campaign. Instead the Clinton creepers were looking to rob the poor of everything they had......a sort of sticking the knife in to the Sanders voters for daring to defy Hamrod Clinton.
The problem in all of this is, that it is not just the poor who the Clinton creepers have absolutely no respect for. This gem from Brent and Roy from Wikileaks says it all, as they dream about Hillary Clinton telling Chuck Todd of NBC, FUCK YOU, for his daring to ask a question about Clinton EMAILGATE.
Re: Meet the Press To: Date: 2015-09-27 19:45 Subject: Re: Meet the Press Son that is a dream worth dreaming about. Sent from my iPad >
On Sep 27, 2015, at 3:16 PM,
Brent Budowskywrote:
> > Hillary did fine on MTP, but I have a dream. To write a column saying that my dream > is that next time Hillary say she has answered all those trivial email questions a > hundred times, that it would be swell if Chuck would ask her what she would do > for the country if elected and put it on Meet the Press instead of another low rated MSNBC cable show. And since that was not in the cards she gently take off her > mic, note that this is why television news runs close to Congress as the least > trusted institution in America, wink at the camera, say "fuck you, Chuck" and > walk off the set halfway through the "interview."
> > LOL.
I realize that Chuck Todd like all the media presstitutes have to bend over and do the tongue wag or meet the Charlie Gibson end, and I realize that the Sander's supporters are looking for some light in the perpetual darkness of Hillary Clinton's black soul, but there comes a time when they have to just have to figure out that the best thing in the world is to pull the lever for Donald Trump, to unleash as President on the Clinton neocons to flush them from the party, the way neocon George W. Bush refused to do in Clinton crimes, and then to have a clean slate where leaders like Chuck Schumer can progress a Democratic Party which does not absolutely hate Democrats.