As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has been educating all of you concerning the Ashkenaz obliteration of the Assyrian German, and those Anglo Saxon peoples comprising the Western Peoples for over 100 years running.
Their candidate Obama was their gutter spittoon to the genocide of Americans and Germans in the Final Solution.
I desire you to read the following intelligence files, now that the Cold War has ended, and American exceptionalism is not such a passionate mantra, so that you will be able to understand that while the Americans, via the German Anglo Saxon immigrants produced the geniuses of the 1800's, the Germans or Assyrian Germans were in the intellectual arts as Goethe and the industrial arts in that the myriad of Germans who invented and perfected almost everything, created a Solomon nation in reality of a people who literally were as advanced culturally as Americans are over Africans today.
Read the reports of what Germany really discovered and what American plundered after 1945 in hauling the German genius into America, along with German wealth and societal order to produce the advancement which has changed the world.
This was not Bill Gates with high technology from IBM. This was horse and buggy era labs which were producing lasers, anti gravitational devices, ICBM rockets and fighter jets.
The following is not CIA planted conspiracy, but actual American military files in shipments of tons of paper out of Germany which contained patents from everything from industrial dyes to electronic tubes.
I have stated before that it was Germans who solved the atomic bomb fuse problem and it was German uranium the Americans used to attack Japan.
Special agents from the U.S. Field Intelligence Agencies (Technical) scoured
Germany for vacuum tubes a tenth of the size of the most advanced U.S.
devices, and condensers made out of zinc-coated paper, which were 40
percent smaller and 20 percent cheaper than U.S. condensers—and,
instead of "blowing" like the U.S. vacuum tubes, were "self-healing"-
in other words, they could repair themselves. Such innovation would
later prove invaluable to the postwar U.S. electronics industry.
The teams were also on the lookout for German textile and medical
advances—and found them by the ton-load. At the German chemical
giant LG. Farbenindustrie, notorious for its role in the development of the
gas chambers of the Holocaust, investigators found formulas for the
production of exotic textiles, chemicals and plastics. One American dye
authority was so overwhelmed by the discovery that he declared: "It
includes the production know-how and the secret formulas for over 50,000
dyes. Many of them are faster and better than ours. Many are colors we
were never able to make. The American dye industry will be advanced at
least ten years." German biochemists had also found ways of pasteurizing
milk using ultraviolet light and their medical scientists had discovered a
way of producing synthetic blood plasma on a commercial scale.
Hundreds of thousands of German patents were simply removed and
brought back to America
Study the following realities in the Americans found a jet powered helicopter which was flying and perhaps the discovery of what the Foo Fighters were in World War II. For those unfamiliar with these orbs, American bomber crews found these strange high speed lights which followed them. The author of this information, Cook, discovered that most of the Foo Fighters appeared in one triangular shaped sector of Germany in a special night flying unit of bombers. The Germans had radio controlled aircraft or drones, but had not perfected their ability to "switch off" American bomber engines, which was the purpose of these advanced craft.
The Germans in 1944, during the war, were working on Star Wars technology.
Among them were a jet-propelled helicopter "in fly able condition ac-
companied by a complete set of documents and detailed drawings"; the
Lippisch P-16 tailless rocket-propelled research aircraft whose advanced
construction indicated "possible operation at high Mach numbers in the
vicinity of 1.85"; and the Horten Ho 229 twin-jet flying wing bomber.
Nothing comparable existed in the American inventory; or anywhere
else, for that matter.
The files detailed the growing number of
shipments back to the U.S. "Hanau: 50 tons of documents ready for ship-
ment. Munich: 30 tons of documents ready for shipment. Teisendorf:
Approximately two tons of documents pertaining to flight-path studies of
guided rocket missiles are on location ready for shipment..." From all
over Germany, documentation was being gathered, marshaled and
hauled back to the U.S.
a "research station" near the town of Eib See, assessed primarily by
the British, curiously, on May 2, 1945, it said: "Over 400 evacuated
Peenemunde personnel held. Excavations made in the mountainside
close to lake for underground workshops. A very important target."
Nothing else.
Mysterious as hell.
Next page.
Luftfahrt forschungs [sic].
Radio-controlled aircraft.
April 21-24, 1945.
Action Taken:
Team has been dispatched.
"Evidence of radio-controlled aircraft."
I scratched some notes. Another potential foo-fighter technology.
Next page.
87, Weimarerstr. Vienna.
Experiments with antiaircraft rays.
"Research activity is conducted in a house at the above address. Research personnel were not allowed to leave house (reported hermetically sealed)."
The Germans had been working on directed energy weapons and had
sealed those working on it from the outside world.
So many radical technologies and so long ago. I had no idea.
Next page.
Secret weapon.
April 25, 1945.
"Said to stop ignition system of a petrol engine. The apparatus has succeeded in stopping a motor vehicle w/magneto ignition, but not one w/battery, at a range of
2 or 3 km."
The report went on to say that the technology had been insufficiently
developed to have been brought against aircraft, but it made clear that
this was the goal.
The Germans, then, had also been working on devices that were
designed to "interfere with the engines of aircraft in flight,"
After reading the evidence of German superiority, it is the greatest crime in holocaust history which has been carried out against Germans three times now in World War I, World War II, and the Obama Merkel Muslim rape of Germany.
The Americans took the German advancements and over the decades perfected them in putting men on the moon and creating a television mind control industry. Everything was sound in America when it was German reich based. The problem took place when the community organized Obama types seized feudal power and turned the state against the people.
America now has the Anglo Saxon German Israelite Donald Trump as President and by this the world may be saved from oblivion, if the cartel arrayed against the world is degraded. It is the reality though of the facts of the real German technology which existed in 1944 and is still coming online in the 21st century.
The Assyrian Germans had built a Solomon nation, with a nation of Solomons, which was obliterated to the great harm of humanity.
There is an order, a Godly order, a genetic mindset which brings advancement to the human condition. It is peaceful order, positive direction, and the flourishing of the genius to know all is possible, when that orderly progression of thought is focused to create solutions.
May God bless Donald Trump in his Heavenly Order. Amen and Amen