As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
These are the latest reversals from David John Oates on the Rense Program.
Just remember the post of God's fury at what is taking place against President Trump.
At the Speech to both Houses of Congress, President Trump was not congruent, or on the same subject as the forward subject, which never occurred before.
Something disturbing is taking place, and the President is aware of it, and starts out in addressing Pence and Ryan, and in reversal stating IT'S SIN AMERICA. Something very vile is taking place in DC.
The President repeated twice the I WILL MISS YOU, part of which is missing America from his youth in the Golden Age, but the disturbing part of this is the President clearly stated YOU'RE VILLAIN HE'LL BE DECEMBER.
The President is aware of something evil projected for that month.
President Donald Trump
F 35 fighter - I face you the error (Mr. Oates stated this was TERROR and not ERROR, but it is not. The F 35 was a problem in design and Mr. Trump is fixing it on price.)
Work that remains to be done - I will miss you
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President - It's a sin America
Trade deficit debt - He leaves a waste (Obama)
American child grow up in safe community - our little babies
Education is the civil rights issue of our time - We shit
Come home - Have your Vets now
A message of unity and strength - Your villain he'll be December
Dreams of our people - Miss you Miss you (TL concludes that the President misses the American Dream of Mr. Trump's youth.)
Set free the dreams of our people - the beast and it used Obama
This is the Florida Rally
Underestimated the power of the people - They damn us
A poll came out - I make war (on media)
Take a look at the polls - To kill a guest
oath of office - I'll seal the law suit (restricting immigration)
human trafficking - he'll look at the lies
government can be helpful - internet crime
the snake poem - he sucked Obama's Barry (invaders performed oral sex on Obama to get invaders protected. Donald Trump KNOWS Obama is a fag and sex was part of the American Genocide)
Shep Smith
Fake news - Forsake badperson
Avoiding Russian hacking - It's all bullshit
George Bush
open immigration policy - all is over
recommend as special prosecutor - Canada leak (NSA listening station in Canada heard something)
Hillary Clinton
God bless America - Sell God
Diverse backgrounds - So we serve it
Persistence - You fell
those who helped us - Your wolf sad (Hillary is sad)
Nuff Said