As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By law, information about your tax return is strictly confidential. This means that no one at the Internal Revenue Service may tell anyone -- whether your relative, a neighbor, a reporter, or another government employee -- anything about your tax return or your relationship with the IRS, unless the law allows such a disclosure. Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code lists specific circumstances when disclosures may be made -- for example, when the taxpayer gives written authorization.Unless President Trump signed a waiver or disclosure for his private information to be shared, by public preparers as H & R Block, anyone engaged in what Rachel Maddow is engaged in at NBC is a felon.
Confidentiality extends not only to the tax returns you file and the data these returns contain, but also to all information related to those returns. This includes such things as reviews or audits of your return, efforts to collect unpaid tax, or an IRS determination of your tax liability if you did not file a return.
Confidentiality rules apply to all information the IRS has about your tax return, whether that information comes from you or from some other source. Unless allowed by law, an IRS employee cannot tell someone whether you even filed a tax return, let alone what is in your return or whether the IRS may be acting upon it in some way. Unauthorized disclosure of tax information is a felony crime, with a maximum penalty of a $250,000 fine and five years in prison. The law also requires the firing of any federal employee convicted of this crime. If someone improperly reveals your tax information, you may sue for civil damages of at least $1,000 for each such action.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, it is time to indict every NBC executive, producer and staff involved in what Rachel Maddow engaged in, in this ELECTRONIC TERRORISM AGAINST PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.
Nuff Said