As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The following are a continuation of David John Oates reversals on President Trump on the Rense Program and they point to a reality of things have been changed for President Trump, in he has been informed and learned of the reality of what he faces.
I have been working on this from a different angle in utilizing inquiry and have gleaned something which I hope to have to post as I just started locking in on what is generating.
Some of the reversals are interpretations of Mr. Oates as in the "I am thee 5th", but are speaking of something taking place behind the scenes which the President is aware.
The worst piling on are the other reversals which follow.
President Donald Trump reversals
Mr. Speaker Mr. Vice President - It's a sin America
set free the dreams of our people - the beast and it used Obama
saved tax payers money - I face the terror (error)
we want harmony - hear the limits
veterans have delivered - Adolf her villain (Nazi villain of America)
America more peaceful - I'm afraid thee 5th (He would be 5th to die in office.)
Obamacare is failing - Air Force man is alive
inventors showed off wonderful creation - follow shit
In the following, we hear that FBI Director James Comey is speaking about being paid off, Kellyanne Conway appears to indicate she is a leaker, and Mike Pence quotes satan.
Makes a great deal of sense why President Trump calls it all sin and the beast.
James Comey
Threat to America on terrorism - The deals Ukraine
FBI offices assist each other - Force it or shit
Victims get on their feet - It's ridiculous
Field offices helping each other - More shit
go into detail here - THEY PAID US
James Clapper
Bi partisan effort - They threaten us (Congress)
John Kelly
Homeland celebrated it's anniversary - I'm confident you sell fear we are sorry
Connect the dots on intelligence - Fell marijuana
Kellyanne Conway
other sources of the leakers - shame your little secret (has she leaked?)
Mike Pence
this is our time - kiss them all lucifer
President Trump will fight for you - and we'll miss you