Keep importing this raging 3rd world vermin there Mr. President
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What you witness before you in the do nothing Congress, the President under siege and these endless protests are the Soros funded globalists setting the stage for an American Civil War as was engineered in 1861 or an America perceived by the world as in 1941 to be divided and easily conquered.
Marches Against 'Sharia Law' Nationwide...
At location of San Bernardino terror attack...
'We will not yield to Islamic exceptionalism'...
Denounced by civil rights groups...
TENSE: Police stand between anti-Sharia, counter protesters...
Face Off...
It simply is the reality, so do not be drawn into the emotional turmoil. Stand back, stay calm, trust in the Lord, behave yourselves to not be target and let this mutton audition for the blow fly locker, as there is no sense in getting worked up over their staged anarchy and patriot protests. Let them die for their cause and you stay alive.
Nuff Said