Friday, July 21, 2017

G-20 Declaration and What President Trump Signed Us Up For

YEEEE-haw!!!! I'll pretend like I'm one of you rubes and you bleaters will fall into line! Just ignore the Hammonds and Bundys rotting away in prison because my Sessions AG wants to seize their land and all their assets before he takes yours too.

#Winning #4DChess #Suckers

From the desk of the Tiger Lily.

As the online Kushner/Pence propaganda venues such as Cuckservative TrollHut goose-step to their "Rah-rah Trump" burgerclapper drumbeat in extolling the virtues of Mr. Highrise supposedly getting the United States out of the Paris Accords in November 2020, while negotiations to re-enter the Paris Accords continue behind the scenes, I decided to take a look at what was actually agreed to by the Trump administration ("In a final statement agreed by all 20 economies"). There were many agreed-upon documents negotiated in the main by Globalist Goldman Gary and rubber-stamped by the president, but in this initial post I focused upon the declaration itself.

[As a side-note: I had no trouble over the last couple of weeks in typing this entire post, up until today when finishing up the post and typing the above paragraph. Suddenly, my cursor went haywire and things would not erase when I wanted them to, links randomly pasted, and disconnecting from the Internet didn't stop it. Just as an FYI.]

[As a second side-note: I literally had to redo this entire article three times, because "someone" was screwing with the formatting. For some reason.]

What the preview of a post by a nobody on a nothing-blog that no one ever reads looks like when someone doesn't like what is being posted

For the lazy and/or time-pressed, in a nutshell, it's a continuation of streamlining American corporate policies and national regulations into compliance with globalist venues and international oversight committees. All the socialist/communist BS you voted against will continue as the Trump regime throws you crumbs to keep you deluded that you are winning when we already lost our voice and influence in the White House on election night.

Specifically, these issues are addressed (in no particular order):

-increased global migration and financial incentives to both destination countries and countries in transit for the continuance of the same

-pushing for more women in the workforce (especially Africa), which is one of the global societal mechanisms for population control

-pushing for more women in STEM careers (especially Africa) to obtain "equal representation" in all the aforementioned fields, no matter what their natural inclination or talents

-pushing for countries to pass legislation that favors women over men

-promoting gender "inclusiveness", aka lgbtq agenda

-no "discrimination" against HIV-positive employees or against hiring HIV-positive people; there have been studies that suggest HIV can be transmitted through casual contact

-more money to Africa

-more money to "developing countries"

-increased global governance in reaching progressive social objectives

-increased financial incentives for countries to pass more "environmentally friendly" regulations

-increased global governance in the financial sector

-increased global mechanisms to punish/suppress "corruption", which only penalizes those with the "wrong" connections to terrorism, trafficking, etc; global government gets to choose winners and losers

-international corporations are the enforcement mechanism for all corporations adhering to global politically correct social and environmental policies, in exchange for mom and pop stores being streamlined and absorbed into global supply chains; a good example of this mechanism occurred in 2015 when the Trump brand lost millions of dollars due to Phillip Van Heusen (PVH), Macy's, and other international chains refusing to do business with the Trump corporation after Donald Trump declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination and presidency

-the African Union is created and promoted, which will turn out about the same as or even worse than the European Union

-regime change in Africa for all who will not comply with these global standards, i.e. more war

-ensuring progressive educators are placed throughout the educational systems of Africa (and probably other countries) to effect social engineering

-promotion of propaganda that glorifies women in STEM fields (specifically mentioned in Africa) in order to push little girls to choose those careers, which again is another form of population control

-peak African Renaissance (in 2063) is 12% total contribution to global productivity

-a promise to look into global overproduction of steel with a report by November 2017, with no consequences if deadlines are not met

-worldwide sharing of business technologies, resources, strategies, knowledge, finances, etc with small businesses in developing countries, which reduces the competitive advantage of larger companies and gives smaller businesses no incentive to grow or increase production in order to gain the resources which are handed to them

-"protecting the rights" of children which in time will include sexual "rights"

-nationalizing domestic resources in each nation, i.e. companies will no longer have the right to own oil, water, mineral, agricultural, fishing rights

-wealth redistribution from more successful countries (and privately wealthy people) to less successful countries to "level the playing field"

-legalizing illegal immigration via "international human rights"

-promoting every human being globally connected via high-speed internet

-installing an international framework of "redress" for people in every country who feel their "human rights" have been violated, via the UNGP 3 Pillars

-there is now a global war on tobacco via economic sanctions in the form of attempting to "reduce tobacco consumption and healthcare costs"

I probably missed a few points, but you get the idea. These issues are outlined in the various documents mentioned in the G-20 Declaration.

For the rest of you OCD/interested, the 21 points of conflict with an America First policy in the G-20 Declaration are outlined numerically with referred-to documents inserted after they are mentioned in the Declaration and subsequent documents, separated out by the "~" character and annotated by their page numbers. Commentary/Explanations/Observations as well as related articles from other sources are after the relevant quoted sections, in italics and starting with "*". The Agenda 2030 mechanism and framework for implementation (Addis Ababa Action Agenda) is separated out with "{" and "}" at the beginning and end.

And as you put yourself through this painful, tedious exercise, remember to constantly ask yourself, "How does President Trump agreeing to implement this put America First?" Enjoy!!

G20 Leaders' Declaration

Shaping an interconnected world

Hamburg,7/8 July 2017

1) We welcome the entry into force of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and call for its full implementation including technical assistance to developing countries."

*donor-recipient match-making" means financial handouts to lower income countries (e.g. Ethiopia where Ivanka's Chinese shoes are made)
2) "Each of us commits to take the necessary actions to deliver the after thes that foster a truly level playing field. Therefore, we call on the members of the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity, facilitated by the OECD, as mandated by the Hangzhou Summit, to fulfil their commitments on enhancing information sharing and cooperation by August 2017, and to rapidly develop concrete policy solutions that reduce steel excess capacity. We look forward to a substantive report with concrete policy solutions by November 2017"

*hurts steel manufacturing industry in the US as the domestic steel industry will most likely be forced to agree to cuts (like China will) to make it "fair", and it looks like more smoke and mirror "promises" that will not substantially help US steel companies
*"In response to the White House push, the G-20 agreed to share information about steel production by August and to publish a formal report with recommendations by November. There probably will not be consequences if the deadlines are missed, but it creates a formal process for the White House to amplify its complaints."

3) "In order to achieve sustainable and inclusive supply chains, we commit to fostering the implementation of labour, social and environmental standards and human rights in line with internationally recognised frameworks, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy."

*see UNGP and ILO definitions and summary below

UNGP-- 3 Pillars (linked to business activity):
a) State duty to protect human rights
b) Corporate responsibility to respect
c) Access to remedy if these rights are not respected

ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles--
"The principles laid down in the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration) offer guidelines to multinational enterprises, governments, and employers’ and workers’ organizations in such areas as employment, training, conditions of work and life, and industrial relations." (p.6)

"The aim of this Declaration is to encourage the positive contribution which multinational enterprises can make to economic and social progress and the realization of decent work for all; and to minimize and resolve the difficulties to which their various operations may give rise. " (p.9)

"...have an obligation, arising from the very fact of membership in the Organization, to respect, to promote and to realize...(d) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation" (p.11)


G-20 Declaration cont.

4) "Those countries that adhere to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD MNE Guidelines) commit to fostering them and welcome others to follow."

*see OECD guidelines below, points of interest/concern listed, and commentary/observations

OECD MNE Guidelines--- 
Foreword: "The Guidelines are the only multilaterally agreed and comprehensive code of responsible business conduct that governments have committed to promoting.
The Guidelines aim to promote positive contributions by enterprises to economic, environmental and social progress worldwide.
The Guidelines are supported by a unique implementation mechanism of National Contact Points (NCPs), agencies established by adhering governments to promote and implement the Guidelines."

*specifying the reach and international adherence of the governments of most developed countries to these guidelines

"That adhering governments should, consistent with their needs to maintain public order, to protect their essential security interests and to fulfil commitments relating to international peace and security, accord to enterprises operating in their territories and owned or controlled directly or indirectly by nationals of another adhering government (hereinafter referred to as "Foreign-Controlled Enterprises") treatment under their laws, regulations and administrative practices, consistent with international law and no less favourable than that accorded in like situations to domestic enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "National Treatment");"

*bolded emphasis above is mine-- international law takes precedence over national law
P.11: (International Investment Incentives and Disincentives)
"That they thus recognise the need to give due weight to the interests of adhering governments affected by specific laws, regulations and administrative practices in this field (hereinafter called "measures") providing official incentives and disincentives to international direct investment;"

*encouraging continued and increased international "investment" in developing countries; wealth redistribution

"The Guidelines provide voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct consistent with applicable laws and internationally recognised standards. However, the countries adhering to the Guidelines make a binding commitment to implement them in accordance with the Decision of the OECD Council on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Furthermore, matters covered by the Guidelines may also be the subject of national law and international commitments."

 *"binding commitment" is the key phrase, both for "national law and international commitments"

"The use of appropriate international dispute settlement mechanisms, including arbitration, is encouraged as a means of facilitating the resolution of legal problems arising between enterprises and host country governments."

*dispute settlement is now within the global domain, so Chinese enterprises that screw over other countries (and the people in them) wherever the chains are based can just pay off the arbitrators within the "mechanism"; there will always be bias in favor of those with deep pockets
"Refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions not contemplated in the statutory or regulatory framework related to human rights, environmental, health, safety, labour, taxation, financial incentives, or other issues."

*expecting businesses to police themselves never works, which leads to increased and stricter global controls

"Seek to prevent or mitigate an adverse impact where they have not contributed to that impact, when the impact is nevertheless directly linked to their operations, products or services by a business relationship. This is not intended to shift responsibility from the entity causing an adverse impact to the enterprise with which it has a business relationship.
 In addition to addressing adverse impacts in relation to matters covered by the Guidelines, encourage, where practicable, business partners, including suppliers and sub-contractors, to apply principles of responsible business conduct compatible with the Guidelines."
*apply pressure on those who do not conform to the guidelines by ceasing to do business with nonconforming businesses, e.g. Trump brand getting dumped by various international corporations

"To avoid causing or contributing to adverse impacts on matters covered by the Guidelines through their own activities includes their activities in the supply chain. Relationships in the supply chain take a variety of forms including, for example, franchising, licensing or subcontracting. Entities in the supply chain are often multinational enterprises themselves and, by virtue of this fact, those operating in or from the countries adhering to the Declaration are covered by the Guidelines.
In the context of its supply chain, if the enterprise identifies a risk of causing an adverse impact, then it  should take the necessary steps to cease or prevent that impact.

If the enterprise identifies a risk of contributing to an adverse impact, then it should take the necessary steps to cease or prevent its contribution and use its  leverage to mitigate any remaining impacts to the greatest extent possible. Leverage is considered to exist where the enterprise has the ability to effect change in the wrongful practices of the entity that causes the harm.
The Guidelines recognise that there are practical  limitations on the ability of enterprises to effect change in the behaviour of their suppliers.
These are related to product characteristics, the number of suppliers, the structure and complexity of the supply chain, the market position of the enterprise vis-à-vis its suppliers or other entities in the supply chain.
However, enterprises can also influence suppliers through contractual arrangements such as management contracts, pre-qualification requirements for potential suppliers, voting trusts, and licence or franchise agreements. Other factors relevant to determining the appropriate response to the identified risks include the severity and probability of adverse impacts and how crucial that supplier is to the enterprise.

Appropriate responses with regard to the business relationship may include continuation of the relationship with a supplier throughout the course of risk mitigation efforts; temporary suspension of the relationship while pursuing ongoing risk mitigation; or, as a last resort, disengagement with the supplier either after failed attempts at mitigation, or where the enterprise deems mitigation not feasible, or because of the severity of the adverse impact. The enterprise should also take into account potential social and economic adverse impacts related to the decision to disengage.
Enterprises may also engage with suppliers and other entities in the supply chain to improve their performance, in co-operation with other stakeholders,  including through personnel training and other forms of capacity building, and to support the integration of principles of responsible business conduct compatible with the Guidelines into their business practices. Where suppliers have multiple customers and are potentially exposed to conflicting requirements imposed by different  buyers, enterprises are encouraged, with due regard to anti-competitive concerns, to participate in industry-wide collaborative efforts with other enterprises with which they share common suppliers to coordinate supply chain policies and risk management strategies, including through information-sharing."

*encouraging companies to only do business with other participants in the OECD adherence, suggestions on how to force other businesses to conform to the guidelines

"Respect human rights, which means they should avoid infringing on the human rights of others and should address adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved."

*canada bill c-16-- ungp 3rd pillar "access to remedy"

"Where an enterprise causes or may cause an adverse human rights impact, it should take the necessary steps to cease or prevent the impact. Where an enterprise contributes or may contribute to such an impact, it should take the necessary steps to cease or prevent its  contribution and use its leverage to mitigate any remaining impact to the greatest extent possible. Leverage is considered to exist where the enterprise has the ability to effect change in the practices of an entity that cause adverse human rights impacts."

*same issues as p.26-27


"The list of non-permissible grounds for discrimination which is taken from ILO Convention 111 of 1958, the Maternity Protection Convention 183 of 2000, Employment (Disabled  Persons) Convention 159 of 1983, the Older Workers Recommendation 162 of 1980 and the HIV and AIDS at Work Recommendation 200 of 2010, considers that any distinction, exclusion or preference on these grounds is in violation of the Conventions, Recommendations and Codes. The term “other status” for the purposes of the Guidelines refers to trade union activity and personal characteristics such as age, disability, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, or HIV status. Consistent with the provisions in paragraph 1e, enterprises are expected to promote equal opportunities for women and men with special emphasis on equal criteria for selection, remuneration, and promotion, and equal application of those criteria, and prevent discrimination or dismissals on the grounds of marriage, pregnancy or parenthood."

*discrimination includes disabled persons, older workers, hiv status, pregnancy/motherhood


"In accordance with the ILO Human Resources Development   
Recommendation 195 of 2004, enterprises are also encouraged to invest, to the greatest extent practicable, in training and lifelong learning while ensuring equal opportunities to training for women and other vulnerable groups, such as youth, low-skilled people, people with disabilities, migrants, older workers, and indigenous peoples."

*global emphasis on training for low-skilled people and "migrants"


"Continually seek to improve corporate environmental performance, at the level of the enterprise and, where appropriate, of its supply chain, by encouraging such activities as:
a)adoption of technologies and operating procedures in all parts of the enterprise that reflect standards concerning environmental performance in the best performing part of the enterprise;
b)development and provision of products or services that have no undue environmental impacts; are safe in their intended use; reduce greenhouse  gas  emissions; are efficient in their consumption of energy and natural resources; can be reused, recycled, or disposed of safely;
c)promoting higher levels of awareness among customers of the environmental implications of using the products and services of the enterprise, including, by providing accurate information on their products (for example, on greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, resource efficiency, or other environmental issues);"

*reducing greenhouse gas emissions and businesses must take it on themselves to inform customers about why they shouldn't buy the business's own product when it violates "environmental standards"


"An environmental management system provides the internal framework necessary to control an enterprise’s environmental impacts and to integrate environmental considerations into business operations. Having such a system in place should help to assure shareholders,  employees and the community that the enterprise is actively working to protect the environment from the impacts of its activities.
In addition to improving environmental performance, instituting an environmental management system can provide economic benefits to companies through reduced operating and insurance costs, improved energy and resource conservation, reduced compliance and liability charges, improved access to capital and skills, improved customer satisfaction, and improved community and public relations."

*environmental management system is 'strongly encouraged', language stops just short of 'mandatory'


"In the absence of direct legislation, enterprises are encouraged to present information, when dealing with consumers, in a way that facilitates comparisons of goods and services and enables consumers to easily determine what the total cost of a product will be.
Given consumers’ growing interest in environmental issues and sustainable consumption, information should be provided, as appropriate, on the environmental  attributes of products. This could include information on the energy efficiency and the degree of recyclability of products and, in the case of food products, information on agricultural practices."

*regulations increase costs in labeling and compliance-related issues (transition time, compliant "officer" jobs, etc), which all result in loss of production and productivity


"Paragraph 8 calls on enterprises to take the situations of vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers into account when they market goods and services. Disadvantaged or vulnerable consumers refer to particular consumers or categories of consumers, who because of personal characteristics or circumstances (like age, mental or physical capacity, education, income, language or remote location) may meet particular difficulties in operating in today’s information-intensive, globalised markets."

*must market to all globally and reduce prices for those who can't afford it, punishing businesses

"When appropriate, perform science and technology development work in host countries to address local market needs, as well as employ host country personnel in an S&T capacity and encourage their training, taking into account commercial needs."

*spend money on sci and tech-- MNE must do the nation-building to justify their commercial reach and making money from citizens of a country

P.59-61: *Argentina and Chile are member nations, price fixing for lithium is rampant. They should fix decades-old problems in "developing countries" before setting regulations loose on high income countries.

"In a bid to avoid such problems, current OECD international guidelines are based on the arm’s length principle –  that a transfer price should be the same as if the two companies involved were indeed two independents, not part of the same corporate structure."

*transfer pricing and arm's length principle eliminates the advantage companies have for supplying their own materials for their products (or parts for a more complex product, e.g. computers). Member countries get to decide what is "fair" for the MNE to pay, i.e. the penalty for being able to operate in each country.

P.67-91: *global room monitor structure via mandatory NCPs (taxpayer-funded) and the Investment Committee


"The non-binding nature of the Guidelines precludes the Committee from acting as a judicial or quasi-judicial body."

*reliance on member MNEs to be the teeth of the guidelines by refusing to do business in any way with non-compliant businesses

OECD Council:

"The Organisation's governing body, the Council, has the power to adopt legal instruments, usually referred to as "the OECD Acts". These Acts are the result of the substantive work carried out in the Organisation's Committees. They are based on in-depth analysis and reporting undertaken within the Secretariat and cover a wide range of topics from Anti-Corruption to Tax.

The main types of Acts are Decisions and Recommendations. Other legal instruments are also developed within the framework of the Organisation such as Declarations, Arrangements and Understandings and International Agreements. Access the OECD Legal Acts Database."

*Issue 1: Canada adheres to OECD, which will affect their relations with the United States, US businesses, and conditions under NAFTA

*Issue 1a: These kinds of laws will soon become commonplace. "The bill adds “gender expression” and “gender identity” to Canada’s Human Rights Code and to the Criminal Code’s hate crime section. With the Senate clearing the bill with no amendments, it requires only royal assent in the House of Commons to become law.

Critics warn that under Bill C-16, Canadians who deny gender theory could be charged with hate crimes, fined, jailed, and compelled to undergo anti-bias training."

*Issue 2: US adheres to OECD, which means US-based businesses will be pressured via other businesses, who are the enforcement arm of this worldwide policy implementation, to effect the same types of policy changes. It is only a matter of time before similar legislation makes its way through the hallowed halls of Congress.

*Issue 3: Russia does not adhere to OECD.


 G-20 Declaration cont.

5) We will work towards establishing adequate policy frameworks in our countries such as national action plans on business and human rights and underline the responsibility of businesses to exercise due diligence. We will take immediate and effective measures to eliminate child labour by 2025, forced labour, human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery. We welcome the Vision Zero Fund for to prevent work-place related deaths and injuries and encourage enterprises and others to join.

We emphasise that fair and decent wages as well as social dialogue are other key components of sustainable and inclusive global supply chains. We support access to remedy and, where applicable, non-judicial grievance mechanisms, such as the National Contact Points for the OECD MNE Guidelines (NCPs). We will encourage multinational companies to conclude international framework agreements as appropriate. Recognising the ongoing work of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), we promote better access to financing, technology, and training facilities that help improve the capacity of micro, small and medium enterprises to integrate into sustainable and inclusive global supply chains.

 *Integrating everything into "global supply chains" which then come under the jurisdiction of global government.
6) We will strive to ensure that all our citizens are digitally connected by 2025 and especially welcome infrastructure development in low-income countries in that regard.

*Money handed out to other countries for global access to technology-- Zuckerberg's dream.

*"High-speed Internet access for all by 2025All people around the world should have access to the Internet by 2025. This is the target agreed on by the ministers at the end of their meeting. High-speed Internet should allow everyone to participate in digitalisation and the opportunities it provides.

...Digitalisation requires international standards 
...Digital commerce without national models"

7) We remain committed to the finalisation and timely, full and consistent implementation of the agreed G20 financial sector reform agenda. We will work to finalise the Basel III framework without further significantly increasing overall capital requirements across the banking sector, while promoting a level playing field.

*(reform agenda set following 2008 crisis)

 "An Overview of Basel III Framework
Basel III tries to address these deficiencies. This is the first time there have been detailed global liquidity rules."

*"The OECD estimated that implementation of Basel III would decrease annual GDP growth by 0.05–0.15%,[43][44] blaming regulation as responsible for slow recovery from the financial crisis of 2007–2008.[43][45] Basel III was also criticized as negatively affecting the stability of the financial system by increasing incentives of banks to game the regulatory framework.[46]

The American Banker's Association,[47] community banks organized in the Independent Community Bankers of America, and some of the most liberal Democrats in the U.S. Congress, including the entire Maryland congressional delegation with Democratic Sens. Cardin and Mikulski and Reps. Van Hollen and Cummings, voiced opposition to Basel III in their comments submitted to FDIC,[48] saying that the Basel III proposals, if implemented, would hurt small banks by increasing "their capital holdings dramatically on mortgage and small business loans."

G-20 Declaration cont.
8) We remain committed to the implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) package and encourage all relevant jurisdictions to join the Inclusive Framework.

*"The OECD estimates that overall, international tax planning reduces the effective tax rate of large multinationals by an average 4-8½ percentage points relative to comparable non-multinational firms. Amongst OECD and G20 countries this ranges from 4% to 10% of overall corporate tax revenues, or around USD 100-240 billion overall."

*Taxing everyone the same gets rid of financial incentives to move to lower-tax zones in developing countries.

9) We look forward to the first automatic exchange of financial account information under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in September 2017.

*called a "tax haven" by other countries (lots of links in link provided).

10) We will promote the prudent use of antibiotics in all sectors and strive to restrict their use in veterinary medicine to therapeutic uses alone.

*global restrictions on dispensing of veterinary medicine leads to global restrictions on dispensing of human medicine, leading everyone down the path of "quality of life" questions and deciding in the shortages that will occur who is more "deserving" of medicine-- leading to global death panels

11) We remain collectively committed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through, among others, increased innovation on sustainable and clean energies and energy efficiency, and work towards low greenhouse-gas emission energy systems.

*the president signed us up for backdoor global greenhouse gas emissions standards, the unnamed "Paris Accords"

12) We welcome international cooperation on the development, deployment, and commercialisation of sustainable and clean energy technologies and support financing by Multilateral Development Banks to promote universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy. 

*energy shortages and brownouts will occur the more "universal access" is provided, e.g. recent brownouts in "clean" energy dependent larger cities in the US
13) We commit to further align our actions with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its integral part, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, domestically and internationally

*see below


2030 Agenda Summary = main goal is to eliminate poverty worldwide

Addis Ababa Financing for Development--

p.2 "The 2008 world financial and economic crisis exposed risks and vulnerabilities in the international financial and economic system. Global growth rates are now below pre-crisis levels."

*How did the 2002 Monterrey Consensus/Agenda and 2008 Doha Declaration stave off/help the world recover from the 2008 crisis?

p.2-3 "...incentivizing changes in financing as well as consumption and production patterns to support sustainable development.
We recognize that appropriate incentives, strengthening national and international policy environments and regulatory frameworks and their coherence, harnessing the potential of science, technology and innovation, closing technology gaps and scaling up capacity-building at all levels are essential for the shift towards sustainable development and poverty eradication."

*Competition is no longer rewarded or even allowed.

p.3 "We reaffirm that achieving gender equality, empowering all women and girls, and the full realization of their human rights are essential to achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. We reiterate the need for gender mainstreaming, including targeted actions and investments in the formulation and implementation of all financial, economic, environmental and social policies."

*discrimination against transgender people, bias towards only women and girls

p.3 "We recognize that investing in children and youth is critical to achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable development for present and future generations, and we recognize the need to support countries that face particular challenges to make the requisite investments in this area. We reaffirm the vital importance of promoting and protecting the rights of all children, and ensuring that no child is left behind."

*"Rights" of children including sexual "rights" as is already being pushed in Muslim countries and Sharia-compliant areas of the globe as "part of the culture"? i.e. NAMBLA

p.3 "We reaffirm that least developed countries, as the most vulnerable group of countries, need enhanced global support to overcome the structural challenges they face for the achievement of the post-2015 development agenda and the sustainable development goals."

*give more money

p.3 "We also reaffirm the need to achieve a positive socioeconomic transformation in Africa,"

*population control and more white genocide "The Africa We Want" has no white people in it on title page, see link below


African Union Agenda 2063

p.1 "the principle of self-reliance and Africa financing its own development; the importance of capable, inclusive and accountable states and institutions at all levels and in all spheres; the critical role of Regional Economic Communities as building blocks for continental unity; taking into account of the special challenges faced by both island and land-locked states; and holding ourselves and our governments and institutions accountable for results."

*the 'personal responsibility' part I agree with, but it won't happen in a meaningful way; they haven't been required to take responsibility for centuries, so why start now?

 p.5 "The hand hoe will be banished by 2025"

*who is paying for all the updated ag machine tech? Will robot farming be implemented in Africa, bypassing rural farmers?

p.6 "Have dynamic and mutually beneficial links with her Diaspora"

*hegemony across the world?

"By 2020 all remnants of colonialism will have ended and all African territories under occupation fully liberated."

*white genocide

p.6-7 "All kinds of oppression including gender, racial and other forms of discrimination will be ended."

*gay/trans agenda

p.7 "By 2063, the necessary infrastructure will be in  place to support Africa’s accelerated integration and growth, technological transformation, trade and development. This will include high-speed railway networks, roads, shipping lines, sea and air transport,  as well as well-developed ICT and the digital economy. A Pan-African High Speed Train Network will connect all the major cities/capitals of the continent, with adjacent highways and pipelines for gas, oil, water, as well as ICT Broadband cables and other infrastructure."

*who is paying for this? China? They don't do anything for free or simply out of the goodness of their hearts.

"...have capable institutions and transformative leadership in place at all levels."

*regime change = more war

p.8 "Mechanisms to promote and defend the continent’s collective security and interests."

*competition no longer allowed, collective more important than the individual

p.9 "We aspire that by 2063:...The African Renaissance has reached its peak"

*12% of global trade is peak renaissance

p.9 "Africa’s stolen culture, heritage and artefacts will be fully repatriated and safeguarded."

*all black music will only be allowed in Africa

p.11 "Africa of 2063 will have full gender parity, with women occupying at least 50% of elected public offices at all levels and half of managerial positions in the public and the private sectors."

*misandry and affirmative action

*didn't read past p.13


Addis Ababa Financing for Development cont.--

p.4 "...reaffirm the importance of supporting the new development framework, “the African Union’s Agenda 2063”,  as well as its 10-year Plan of Action,"

*see definition and commentary below


 10 yr plan of action

p.3 "improving connectivity through newer and bolder initiatives to link the continent by rail, road, sea and air"

*chinese investment

Summary: How they will create an African Union, similar to the EU


Addis Ababa Financing for Development cont.--

p.4 "We recognize the peacebuilding financing gap and the importance of the Peacebuilding Fund."

*"United Nations Peacebuilding Fund works to prevent relapse into conflict by delivering fast flexible and relevant funding. We are supporting 193 projects in 22 countries."

*throwing more money at a neverending problem

p.4 "At the same time, national development efforts need to be supported by an enabling international economic environment, including coherent and mutually supporting world trade, monetary and financial systems, and strengthened and enhanced global economic governance."

*key phrase is "strengthened and enhanced global economic governance"

p.4-5 "Multi-stakeholder partnerships and the resources, knowledge and ingenuity of the private sector, civil society, the scientific community, academia, philanthropy and foundations, parliaments, local authorities, volunteers and other stakeholders will be important to mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, complement the  efforts of Governments, and support the achievement of  the sustainable development goals, in particular in  developing countries."

*not only will everyone know everyone else's business secrets/ tech/ resources/ strategies/ models, but they will be handed over wholesale to poor countries, which reduces the business advantage of those who already have these tools

p.5 "In this effort, we will provide fiscally sustainable and nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, with a focus on those furthest below the poverty line and the vulnerable, persons with disabilities, indigenous persons, children, youth and older persons."

*these are the people targeted for genocide and rationed death for their 2030 Agenda

p.5 "With the majority of the poor living in rural areas, we emphasize the need to revitalize the agricultural  sector, promote rural development, and ensure food security, notably in developing countries, in a sustainable manner, which will lead to rich payoffs across the sustainable development goals."

*the heartland of the US can already feed everyone across the world, yet they pay farmers not to farm land. The plan is to urbanize the rural areas of "developing countries" and herd them into the inner cities where they are easier to control.

p.6 "To bridge the global infrastructure gap, including the $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion annual gap in
developing countries, we will facilitate development of sustainable, accessible and resilient quality infrastructure in developing countries through enhanced financial and technical support."
*wealth redistribution

 p.6 "We welcome the launch of new infrastructure initiatives aimed at bridging these gaps, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Global Infrastructure Hub, the New Development Bank, the Asia Pacific Project Preparation Facility, the World Bank Group’s Global Infrastructure Facility and the Africa50 Infrastructure Fund, as well as the increase in the capital of the Inter-American Investment Corporation."

*where the money is going to go

p.6 "It will encourage a greater range of voices to be heard, particularly from developing countries, to identify and address infrastructure and capacity gaps in particular in least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and African countries. It will highlight opportunities for investment and cooperation, and work to ensure that investments are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable."
*shows who gets to decide how much is given, to whom (national/global corporations in these people's pockets), and for what

p.7 "We will encourage the full and equal participation of  women and  men, including persons with disabilities, in the formal labour market. We note that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which create the vast majority of jobs in many countries, often lack access to finance. Working with private actors and development banks, we commit to promoting appropriate, affordable and stable access to credit to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as adequate skills development training for all, particularly for youth and entrepreneurs."

*global money goes to smaller companies so that they are obligated to merge and mainstream with global companies which is an objective of agenda 2030, also there is no mention of help for any elderly who want to be financially successful

p.8 "For all countries, public policies and the mobilization and effective use of domestic resources, underscored by the principle of national ownership, are central to our common pursuit of sustainable development, including achieving the sustainable development goals"

*nationalizing all domestic resources, e.g. exxon no longer allowed to own oil

p.8 "We welcome efforts by countries to set nationally defined domestic targets and timelines for enhancing domestic revenue as part of their national sustainable development strategies, and will support developing countries in need in reaching these targets."
*financially support countries in need, more wealth distribution to the money pit countries

p.8-9 *moneylaundering, tax evasion, etc

p.10 "We stress that efforts in international tax cooperation should be universal in approach and scope and should fully take into account the different needs and capacities of all countries, in particular least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and African countries."

*they will be given permission to set the lowest tax rates while more developed countries are punished to make up the difference

p.10 "We will strengthen national control mechanisms, such as supreme audit institutions, along with other independent oversight institutions, as appropriate. We will increase transparency and equal participation in the budgeting process, and promote gender responsive budgeting and tracking."

*global oversight of national government regulations; promoting trans-gender "participation"

p.11 "We reaffirm the commitment to rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market distortions, in accordance with national circumstances, including by restructuring taxation and phasing out those harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities."

*getting rid of fossil-fuel subsidies that were working in developing countries and putting them into wasteful, less productive "clean energy" resources

p.11 "We recognize, in particular, that, as part of a comprehensive strategy of prevention and control, price and tax measures on tobacco can be an effective and important means to reduce tobacco consumption and health-care costs, and represent a revenue stream for financing for development in many countries."

*globally punish the tobacco industry

p.11 "We acknowledge that national and regional development banks also play a valuable countercyclical role, especially during financial crises when private sector entities become highly risk-averse. We call on national and regional development banks to expand their contributions in these areas, and further urge relevant international public and private actors to support such banks in developing countries."

 *international and private "actors" should dump money into national and regional banks

p.11 "We will support cities and local authorities of developing countries, particularly in least developed countries and small island developing States, in implementing resilient and environmentally sound infrastructure, including energy, transport, water and sanitation, and sustainable and resilient buildings using local materials. We will strive to support local governments in their efforts to mobilize revenues as appropriate. We will enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and strengthen economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning, within the context of national sustainable development strategies.
By 2020, we will increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion"

*"support" urbanization to force people into cities in lower-income countries to better control them; also depends on how one defines "sustainable"

p.12 "Private business activity, investment and innovation are major drivers of productivity, inclusive economic growth and job creation."

*almost sole drivers, not 'major' drivers; throwing money at a problem controlled by other people doesn't solve it, it promotes incentives for the problem to NOT be solved

p.12 "We welcome the significant growth in domestic private activity and international investment since Monterrey"

*international investment since 2002 Monterrey Consensus is partially what brought about the 2008 crisis, so we should probably do that more

p.12 "Monterrey tasked us to build transparent, stable and predictable investment climates..."

*again, this kind of thinking and these kinds of policies helped bring about the 2008 crisis

p.12 "We encourage impact investing, which combines a return on investment with non-financial impacts."

*'non-financial impacts' will be considered part of the 'return on investment', because people want to invest money mostly for the inner satisfaction it brings

p.12-13 "We will work towards harmonizing the various initiatives on sustainable business and financing, identifying gaps, including in relation to gender equality, and strengthening the mechanisms and incentives for compliance."

*pushing women and trans-gender

p.13 "We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development in countries of origin, and transit and destination countries. Remittances from migrant workers, half of whom are women, are typically wages transferred to families, primarily to meet part of the needs of the recipient households. They cannot be equated to other international financial flows, such as foreign direct investment, ODA or other public sources of financing  for development. We will work to ensure that adequate and affordable financial services are available to migrants and their families in both home and host countries. We will work towards reducing the average transaction cost of migrant remittances by 2030 to less than 3 per cent of the amount transferred. We are particularly concerned with the cost of remittances in certain low volume and high cost corridors. We will work to ensure that no remittance corridor requires charges higher than 5 per cent by 2030, mindful of the need to maintain adequate service coverage, especially for those most in need."

*countries with a high rate of "migrants" like refugee countries or Mexico are going to be given low percentage rates on taking/stealing money out of the prosperous countries in which they reside and work while redistributing it to their home countries, and guaranteed international protection for this practice

p.14 "We will exploit new technologies, promote financial literacy and inclusion, and improve data collection."

*why do they need data collection on migrant money transfers?

p.14 "We encourage both international and domestic development banks to promote finance for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including in industrial transformation, through the creation of credit lines targeting those enterprises, as well as technical assistance."

*why would international banks be interested in financing for "micro"-startups, most of which fail? (see next paragraph)

p.15 "We encourage development banks to make use of all risk management tools, including through diversification."

*make the micro, small, and medium-sized businesses that actually succeed pay for the failure and debt of large businesses and vice-versa

p.15 "Government policies can strengthen positive spillovers from foreign direct investment, such as know-how and technology, including through establishing linkages with domestic suppliers, as well as encouraging the integration of local enterprises, in particular micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries, into regional and global value chains."

*businesses like Amazon get first crack at the "integration" of small businesses, and the global market is enhanced while the domestic market is diminished (e.g. what happened with Walmart in the US, expanded globally)

p.16 "We note with concern the decline in infrastructure lending from commercial banks....We encourage long-term institutional investors, such as pension funds and sovereign wealth funds, which manage large pools of capital, to allocate a greater percentage to infrastructure, particularly in developing countries. In this regard, we encourage investors to take measures to incentivize greater long-term investment such as reviews of compensation structures and performance criteria."

*tax-haven for money in infrastructure in low income countries, e.g. Africa, with no return on investment

p.16 "We recognize that both public and private investment have key roles to play in infrastructure  financing, including through development banks, development finance institutions and tools and mechanisms such as public-private partnerships, blended finance, which combines concessional public finance with non-concessional private finance and expertise from the public and private sector, special-purpose vehicles, non-recourse project financing [investor only entitled to repayment from profits of investment, not from assets of borrower], risk mitigation instruments and pooled funding structures. Blended finance instruments including public-private partnerships serve to lower investment-specific risks and incentivize additional private sector finance across key development sectors led by regional, national and subnational government policies and priorities for sustainable development. For harnessing the potential of blended finance instruments for sustainable development, careful consideration should be given to the appropriate structure and use of blended finance instruments. Projects involving blended finance, including public-private partnerships, should share risks and reward fairly, include clear accountability mechanisms and meet social and environmental standards. We will therefore build capacity to enter into public-private partnerships, including with regard to planning, contract negotiation, management, accounting and budgeting for contingent liabilities. We also commit to holding inclusive, open and transparent discussion when developing and adopting guidelines and documentation for the use of public-private partnerships, and to build a knowledge base and share lessons learned through regional and global forums."

*summary: the same thing as under-writing derivatives for TARP, but on a global scale

p.16 "We will promote both public and private investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technologies including carbon capture and storage technologies."

*carbon capture already written about by Lame Cherry

p.17 "We welcome the decision by the European Union which reaffirms its collective commitment to achieve  the 0.7 per cent of ODA/GNI target within the time frame of the post-2015 agenda, and undertakes to meet collectively the target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries in the short term, and to reach 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries within the time frame of the post-2015 agenda"

*ODA = official development assistance, GNI = gross national income... income redistribution of an already in-debt EU

*US gave the most money (ODA) in 2016

p.19 "We recognize that, in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, developed countries committed to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion a year by 2020 from a wide variety of sources to address the needs of developing countries."

*US is expected to help reach the goal of $100 billion per year when we're already trillions in debt

 *"A World Resources Institute report estimated that $10 billion to $14 billion in government money for climate finance on top of the $17 billion deployed in 2012 would be enough to seal a deal....As for the United States — still the most important player — Congress must take note. Pledging cash is not enough. Money must be appropriated."

p.21 "We also encourage exploring additional innovative mechanisms based on models combining public and private resources such as green bonds, vaccine bonds, triangular loans and pull mechanisms, and carbon pricing mechanisms."

*where the money will be funneled

p.22 "We note with concern that access to concessional finance is reduced as countries’ incomes grow, and that countries may not be able to access sufficient affordable financing from other sources to meet their needs."

*no incentive to develop as access to free money gets cut off when their economies grow

p.23 "...encourage all development banks to establish or maintain social and environmental safeguards systems, including on human rights, gender equality and women’s  empowerment, that  are  transparent, effective, efficient and time-sensitive."

*gatekeepers of the money control and police the policies that take effect by those who get the money

p.23 "We will enhance international coordination and enabling environments at all levels to strengthen national health systems and achieve universal health coverage."

*resulting in lower quality of care for everyone except the most wealthy, consistent with 2030 Agenda to eliminate poverty by eliminating the poor worldwide

 p.24 "We commit to upgrading education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and increasing the percentage of qualified teachers in developing countries, including through international cooperation, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States."

*putting globalist, trans-gender sensitive, party line-spouters in place

p.24 "Whereas, since Monterrey, exports of many developing countries have increased significantly, the  participation of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and Africa in world trade in goods and services remains low and world trade seems challenged to return to the buoyant growth rates seen before the global financial crisis."

*investing more money and increasing the exports of "developing countries" has not helped the global economy overall, so let's pour more money down that hole

p.25 "In accordance with one element of the mandate of the Doha Development Agenda, we call on WTO members to correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets, including through the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies and disciplines on all export measures with equivalent effect. We call on WTO members to also commit to strengthening disciplines on subsidies in the fisheries sector, including through the prohibition of certain forms of subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing in accordance with the mandate of the Doha Development Agenda and the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration."

*taking subsidies out of agricultural and fishery exports and putting into rights of the weaker to rule the stronger (women/gay/trans) as well as environmental "issues"; elimination of subsidies to certain countries will also eliminate competitive advantage of those countries-- good for more developed countries, e.g. China

p.25 "We call on developed country WTO members and developing country WTO members declaring themselves in a position to do so to realize timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all products originating from all least developed countries, consistent with WTO decisions."

*unfair advantage to "least-developed" countries over "developed" countries

p.26 "Regional integration can also be an important catalyst to reduce trade barriers, implement policy reforms and enable companies, including micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, to integrate into regional and global value chains."

*more globalization

p.26 "Recognizing that international trade and investment offers opportunities but also requires complementary actions at the national level, we will strengthen domestic enabling environments and implement sound domestic policies and reforms conducive to realizing the potential of trade for inclusive growth and sustainable development."

*pushing domestic governments to integrate global trade over nationalist policy

p.26 "We further recognize the need for value addition by developing countries and for further integration of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises into value chains."

*all mom and pop stores must affiliate with a "value chain"

p.26-27 "Recognizing the critical role of women as producers and traders, we will address their specific challenges in order to facilitate women’s equal and active participation in domestic, regional and international trade."

p.27 "We will also enhance capacity for monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing vessels so as to effectively prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, including through institutional capacity-building."

*more misandristic policy

 p.27 "Since the Monterrey Consensus, strengthened macroeconomic and public resource management has led to a substantial decline in the vulnerability of many countries to sovereign debt distress, as has the substantial debt reduction through the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative and Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative."

*it has worked so well for Greece since 2002, so let's do more of it
p.28 *managing debt and creditors who take advantage; only those w/o the right "connections" will be punished, the others as usual will get off scot-free

p.29 "facilitate fair burden-sharing"

*more successful creditors are forced to take on the lion's share of the debt

p.29 "We recognize that severe natural disasters and social or economic shocks can undermine a country’s debt sustainability, and note that public creditors have taken steps to ease debt repayment obligations through debt rescheduling and debt cancellation following an earthquake, a tsunami and in the context of the Ebola crisis in West Africa."

*ebola used as a cover for bad loans not having to be repaid?

p.30 "We will take measures to improve and enhance global economic governance and to arrive at a stronger, more coherent and more inclusive and representative international architecture for sustainable development"

*more global governance

p.30 "Regulatory gaps and misaligned incentives continue to pose risks to financial stability, including risks of spillover effects of financial crises to developing countries, which suggests a need to pursue further reforms of the international financial and monetary system. We will continue to strengthen international coordination and policy coherence to enhance global financial and macroeconomic stability."

*increased global governance in the financial sector

p.30 "As the shareholders in the main international financial institutions, we commit to open and transparent, gender-balanced and merit-based selection of their heads, and to enhanced diversity of staff."

*affirmative action, appoint people who are easier to control via less experience

p.31 "We will also provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets, consistent with sustainable management practices as well as initiatives that add value to outputs from small-scale fishers."

*weird focus on fish in this document

p.32 "We recognize that international migration is a multidimensional reality of major relevance for the development of origin, transit and destination countries that must be addressed in a coherent, comprehensive and balanced manner. We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration, with full respect for human rights."

*international "human rights" will be afforded to "migrants" instead of respect for and sovereignty of national laws

*"He said the president of the World Bank addressed the meeting, which was about African migration and health – areas that would benefit from a facility that Mr Trump and the World Bank had announced shortly before the meeting."

 p.32 "We further endeavour to implement effective social communication strategies on the contribution of migrants to sustainable development in all its dimensions, in particular in countries of destination, in order to combat xenophobia, facilitate social integration, and protect migrants’ human rights through national frameworks.
We reaffirm the need to promote and protect effectively the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, especially those of women and children, regardless of their migration status."

*legalizing illegal immigration

p.32 "However, we note with concern the persistent “digital divide” and the uneven innovative capacity, connectivity and access to technology, including information and communications technology, within and between countries. We will promote the development and use of information and communications technology infrastructure, as well as capacity-building, particularly in least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, including rapid universal and affordable access to the Internet."

*low income countries will get access to highspeed internet before people in successful countries, e.g. Google Firewire was put into low income neighborhoods before high income neighborhoods

p.33 "It is also critical to reinforce national efforts in capacity-building in developing countries in such areas as public finance and administration, social and gender responsive budgeting, mortgage finance, financial regulation and supervision, agriculture productivity, fisheries, debt management, climate services,"

*installing social and "climate" engineering

p.33 "We recognize the importance of an enabling environment at all levels, including enabling regulatory and governance frameworks, in nurturing science, innovation, the dissemination of technologies, particularly to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as industrial diversification and value added to commodities."

*takes away small business incentives to become more productive and to grow when everything is handed to them that they couldn't otherwise afford

p.33 "At the same time, we recognize that traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous peoples and local communities can support social well-being and sustainable livelihoods and we reaffirm that indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions."

*white Americans and Australians don't count as indigenous peoples

p.34 "We will scale up investment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, and enhance technical, vocational and tertiary education and training, ensuring equal access for women and girls and encouraging their participation therein. We will increase the number of scholarships available to students in developing countries to enrol in higher education."
*pushing females into careers they don't want, as they in the main will give up families for career; this is another form of controlling birth rates by country

p.33-34 "We welcome science, technology and capacity-building initiatives, including the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, the Technology Mechanism under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the advisory services of the Climate Technology Centre and Network, the capacity-building of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the UNIDO National Cleaner Production Centres networks."

*framework for global control of innovation and tech

p.35 "We decide that the technology facilitation mechanism will be based on a multi-stakeholder  collaboration between Member States, civil society, the private sector, the scientific community, United Nations entities and other stakeholders and will be composed of a United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the sustainable development goals,...and it will initially be composed of the entities that currently integrate the informal working group on technology facilitation, namely, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Environment Programme, UNIDO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNCTAD, the International Telecommunication Union, WIPO and the World Bank."

*no inventions or innovations allowed outside of the global task force as they might not meet the criteria for "sustainable development goals"

p.37 "We will seek to increase and use high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by sex, age, geography, income, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, and other characteristics relevant in national contexts. We will enhance capacity-building  support to developing countries, including for least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, for this purpose and provide international cooperation, including through technical and financial support, to further strengthen the capacity of national statistical authorities and bureaux"

*taking out relevant qualifiers and categories that might help to better identify why certain established mechanisms, methods and frameworks might not be viable to adequately help developing countries-- forwards the concept of no borders or "labels"

p.38 "We commit to staying engaged to this important agenda through a dedicated and strengthened follow-up process that will use existing institutional arrangements and will include an annual Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development  follow-up with universal, intergovernmental participation, to be launched during the Council’s current cycle. The forum’s modalities of participation will be those utilized at the international conferences on financing for development.
The forum will consist of up to five days, one of which will be the special high-level meeting with the Bretton Woods institutions, WTO and UNCTAD, as well as additional institutional and other stakeholders depending on the priorities and scope
of the meeting;"

*Bretton Woods??

G-20 Declaration cont.--

14) We are making progress in achieving our 2014 Brisbane commitment to reduce the gender gap in labour force participation by 25 percent by 2025 but agree that more needs to be done.

*forcing women to work

14a) "We also commit to take further action to improve the quality of female employment and eliminate employment discrimination, and reduce gender compensation gaps and provide women with protection from all forms of violence."

*forcing companies to hire women over men, pay for them being on maternity leave, and pay them for time off in raising kids or keep them from raising decent kids because they're always working-- more affirmative action

14b) "We will improve women's access to labour markets through provision of quality education and training, supporting infrastructure, public services and social protection policies and legal reforms, where appropriate."

*more misandristic discrimination, pushing legislation in countries to favor women over men

14c) "We welcome the launch of the #eSkills4Girls initiative to promote opportunities and equal participation for women and girls in the digital economy, in particular in low income and developing countries (see Annex)."

*part of the agenda for low-income population control while also impoverishing and punishing both successful countries and men who are good at technology innovation and implementation, see Annex point of interest with commentary below

Annex to G20 Leaders Declaration G20 Initiative “#eSkills4Girls”:

p.1 "pledge to eliminate gender disparities in education (SDG 4). Collective actions from the G20 initiative #eSkills4Girls will be included in the list of actions mandated under the G20 Action Plan."
p.2 "...the underrepresentation of women in the IT-sector that prevent them from fully participating in the digital economy. "
p.2 "We agree that the role of women in the digital economy, particularly in low income, developing and emerging countries, should be further highlighted and supported."
p.3 "We further recognize that exposure to women as positive role models in science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) themed early grade reading materials, exposure to technology at an early age, education in digital technologies and the acquisition of digital skills are especially important to encourage girls into STEM subjects to lay the foundations for lifelong learning and to empower girls in the digital economy."

*propaganda to push girls who aren't naturally skilled at IT into embarking upon careers they don't actually want

p.4 "In line with the Agenda 2063 of the African Union and its aspiration towards a well-developed digital economy, NEPAD Agency’s E-Africa Programme and, in line with the G20 Africa Partnership Initiative, we are committed to partner with governments in Africa and join efforts to promote a gender-inclusive digital economy, taking into account different national capacities and priorities. We recognize the high-level political dialogue on the topic in the framework of the SMART Africa initiative. We acknowledge the vivid female tech and entrepreneur scene in Africa as basis for alliances between G20 and African countries."

*money flow for this is going to Africa

p.5 "We work toward lowering the cost barrier, including through public-private partnerships that offer spcialised incentives for female customers to adopt ICT. We support the use of financial resources from universal service funds to support ICT access for women and girls with special attention to broadband network roll-outs in rural areas."

*discrimination against men

p.6 "We work towards improving an enabling environment – including through private sector engagement – for women to facilitate their entrepreneurship, innovation and participation in the digital economy including through support programmes such as entrepreneurship education and training, financing schemes, incubators and support networks. We support initiatives for strengthening women's and girls' ability to generate and disseminate their own content that reflects their viewpoints and experiences."

*more discrimination against men

G-20 Declaration cont.--

14d) "In order to scale up support for women's entrepreneurship, we welcome the launch of the Women Entrepreneurs Financing Initiative (We-Fi), housed at the World Bank Group (see Annex). The We-Fi will support ongoing G20 efforts to reduce barriers to financial inclusion and increase women's access to capital, markets and technical assistance as well as contribute to achieving the goals of the G20 Africa Partnership and the G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan. We will also establish a Business Women Leaders’ Taskforce, which will, in close cooperation with the W20 and B20, bring together business women from G20 countries to examine ways to increase women's participation in the economy and will make recommendations at next year’s summit on the implementation of G20 commitments regarding the economic empowerment of women."

*breakup of the traditional family unit, divide and conquer

15a) "In order to harness the potential of ICT, we stress the need for strengthened cooperation on ICT in agriculture and underline the importance of access to high-speed digital services for farmers and of adequately serving rural areas."

*more efficient and intrusive spying of crop production and the specific productivity of the individual farmer, helps transition to robotic farming

15b) "To enhance transparency in global food markets, we call for a strengthening of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) and an active engagement of its entire membership. We underline that making markets function better can contribute to reducing food price volatility and enhance food security. It is vital for farmers to be profitable and, along with consumers, have access to national, regional and international markets."

*when farmers are "profitable" with a few good years, they get deeper in debt because the money comes easy; when times get tough and they go bankrupt, it gets easier to buy them out and consolidate global control over the world's food supply

16) "The G20 Marine Litter Action Plan seeks to prevent and reduce marine litter, including by considering its socio-economic aspects"

*developing countries, especially China (who is fairly well developed already), are the biggest contributors to this particular form of 'climate change', but the spotlight is never placed on them and they are never held accountable for their actions

17) "Assuming Responsibility Africa Partnership:
We launch the G20 Africa Partnership in recognition of the opportunities and challenges in African countries as well as the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Our joint efforts will foster sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development, in response to the needs and aspirations of African countries, contributing to create decent employment particularly for women and youth, thus helping to address poverty and inequality as root causes of migration. The Partnership includes related initiatives, such as #eSkills4Girls, Rural Youth Employment, African Renewable Energy and facilitates investment Compacts, as outlined in the Annex.
We welcome the outcomes of the G20 Africa Partnership Conference in Berlin, which highlighted the need for joint measures to enhance sustainable infrastructure, improve investment frameworks as well as support education and capacity building. Individual priorities for “Investment Compacts” were put forward by Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia. Led by the respective African countries, the African Development Bank, IMF and WBG as well as the G20 and other partners, these Compacts aim to mobilise private investment as well as promote efficient use of public funding.
We are ready to help interested African countries and call on other partners to join the initiative. We support the goals of the Partnership through complementary initiatives as well as encourage the private sector to seize African economic opportunities in supporting sustainable growth and employment creation.
Based on equal partnership, we strongly welcome African ownership and commit to align our joint measures with regional strategies and priorities, in particular the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and its Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA). The African Union and its specialised agency, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), are important partners in its implementation and monitoring."

*focus is on Africa, throwing more money down that money pit

18) "We seek to address the root causes of displacement. We call for concerted global efforts and coordinated and shared actions, in particular with respect to countries and communities that are under high social, political and financial pressure, and for combining both an emergency approach and a long-term one. To this end, we acknowledge the importance of establishing partnerships with countries of origin and transit. We will promote sustainable economic development in those countries."

*financial incentives to encourage countries to welcome "migration"

19) "At the same time, we place special emphasis on vulnerable groups, including women at risk and children, particularly those unaccompanied, and to protecting the human rights of all persons regardless of their status."

*what is the global definition of 'human rights of all persons' and is it similar to the US "natural-born" clause that anchor babies mean all the relatives get to stay?

20) "We call for improving the governance of migration and providing comprehensive responses to displacement and recognise the need to develop tools and institutional structures accordingly. Therefore, we look forward to the outcome of the UN process towards Global Compacts on Refugees and for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, both envisaged to be adopted in 2018."

*'Regular' migration encouraged instead of incentives to citizens to stay in country of origin to participate in their own nation-building

21) "By endorsing the High Level Principles on the Liability of Legal Persons, we commit to ensuring that not only individual perpetrators but also companies benefitting from corruption can be held liable."

*basically anyone who ever did business with China

Now after all that garbage, let's sing...


It's The End Of The World - R.E.M. - Vevo

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