The Running Rebs of the Right
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I do not believe in the ruse of elections any longer, but for a positive process, the Lame Cherry advises the readers to keep an eye on these 3 Senators, who are about to unseat the #NeverTrump McConnell frauds in the United States Senate.
There is hope in these three, in they are proven firebrands on the right.
They are Dr. Kelli Ward who will unseat the #NeverTrumper Jeff Flake of Arizona.
Danny Tarkanian of Nevada who will unseat #NeverTrumper Dean Heller
Judge Roy Moore of Alabama who is about to rid Alabama of Luther Strange who Donald Trump is stupidly backing.
The Jewish site Conservative Review, has done a very good job on reporting of these races, and this is something to be aware of, as we are in this internecine Jewish warfare of the Neolib McMaster and Neocon Kushners with the leftists of Gary Cohn, going at Mike Cernovich and the moral base element of Allan Derschowitz, who has been fantastic on the legal issues.
Kelli Ward, Danny Tarkanian and Roy Moore are all solid. America gets a real Conservative base back in Congress after Bush43 destroyed them all, and Jim DeMint was driven from the Senate, will give America a change, but with the philandering of the President in 3rd term of Obama, it is a matter of how late is the clock which struck midnight.
There are people, real Americans who one can rally to, who are not bending at the McConnell waist or down on their Kushner knees.
It is disappointing to have been betrayed by Mr. Trump, but there are voices out there running to unseat the traitors of the Republican Party. Besides looking to Christ's coming, this is a positive channeling of frustrations into something to look forward to.
Nuff Said