Friday, August 25, 2017

Another night another reversal on the American leadership

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The latest reversals from David John Oates in the circus of America,  reveal the President's mind is on situations he is not speaking about in forward. There is a constant in NORAD, which is the space shield to America, and the President is in a serious gamble in a criminal game.
The worst of this is, is that the President appears to be robbing peter to pay paul. In other words, he is getting through being forced to break his word, but thinking the end will be his being able to make things right.
He is honest though in stating he snuck or suckered all of you little people.

Forces are on the move to the war outcome, with high tech weapons. McMaster states in reversals that our allies against Iran are ashamed and that McMaster is going to kill Iran.

It is a glimpse of what this past week is, not the fakery, but what is actually the situation and where this is moving toward.

Donald Trump

Acknowledge Afghanistan - Cost the dream

We all suffer - Faggot her fuss (Is this Jared the faggot and Ivanka fussing over Afghanistan?)

We appreciate India support Afghanistan - It's a knife and they delivered

Afghanistan promised financial help - The blood with your money

Our patience is not unlimited - They are our people

Will protect forgotten Americans from a global trade system - Call a name on it - Call if I upset

Unfair actions against Americans - My fear sudden

Everyday Americans keep their own money - And I have the commanded of the force and I'm NORAD

Make America safe again - I got fierce high crime a gamble

We believe in the rule of law - I'll be private

They all say what a bad guy I am  - One little bastard

Fox and Friends honest show - Seek an omen

Ever hear of these liars back there - That I nuke it does he love you

I live in a great apartment and I live in the White House too - The hell with it

CNN does not want you to hear me - You're love sick now

I love all the people in our country - You snuck all the little people

General Pershing and Muslim terrorism - Not his gun dealer

Commander Pacific Fleet

Our ships at sea - Here is the space shot

Not enough men on watch - It is all bullshit

John McCain

Donald Trump is ridiculous - They know you send murder

Herb McMaster

Crafted a strategy to counter Iran - Allies ashamed now I'll kill her

Ann Coulter

Violence at Charlottesville - In love with his son

Mike Pence

Gold bless Jewish state of Israel - See God and you lose it

Our hearts are in Charlottesville - A long night overcome

Family and friends buried Heather Heyer - Our Source near us

Bernie Sanders

End Israeli occupation - Let us in the market

Lindsey Graham

Stop North Korea - Hillary is still in

This is early in the morning  - Choke employees

Trump said no ICBM - Maybe sanity
