Friday, August 25, 2017

Crumbs for Joe Arpiao

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So I am getting this straight........

Steve Bannon left the White House for Breitbart, and Breitbart is engaged in stories championing those fake Republican moderates in Congress, while blaming Big Koch for standing in the way of foisting Trumpcare on all of us in rationed graft replacing rationed death.

So with all of the low poll numbers brought on by McMaster, Kushner fem and Kushner Ivanka, Pence sidling and everyone's favorite Junta leftists having Donald Trump locked in the tower, to see no America, hear no America and know no American, we have this morsel, this crumb, from the little beautiful chocolate cake leftovers of Trump Brand in Sheriff Joe Arpiao, has been granted a pardon after being bankrupted by Eric Holder's, Loretta Lynch's and Jeff Sessions justice department.
I suppose Sheriff Joe can use the pardon as the bread for his dog food sandwich.

Thank you Mr. President for the generous reprieve 8 months too late in one sentiment, as your supporters in Nevada are serving death sentences after serving in your campaign in being part of the peaceful Bundy stand off.


Trump pardons Sheriff Joe...


But yes, life does not stop with a pardon, as Sebastian Gorka, has taken it upon himself to not pardon President Trump with is own resignation.

“[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,
 “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”

Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…
“The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…
“Just as worrying, when discussing our future actions in the region, the speech listed operational objectives without ever defining the strategic victory conditions we are fighting for. This omission should seriously disturb any national security professional, and any American who is unsatisfied with the last 16 years of disastrous policy decisions which have led to thousands of Americans killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent in ways that have not brought security or victory.”

The Lame Cherry contemplates the reality, that Mr. President is going to have to offering up some red meat as was suggested in this blog, as this crumb business meant to appease the Trump  supporters being alienated by this Trump Junta, seems to not be enough as a last meal.

So the savior Bannon is promoting Rhinos, so the trust meter is broken and it seems that the President all he is capable of is reminding everyone who believed him how little he will ever do for them.

