As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I so dislike it when Lucianne Goldberg has on that paid propagandist of Kushner media, the Sunprancer featured, in everything is posted by earlybird, and it used to begin with something like another must read from the prophet.
Funny that, and yes funny that as that rolls off the keyboard of the Sunprancer like he wears tampons as his wardrobe.
This though is about the pompoms of the Sunprancer in posing in July a few weeks ago, the revelation that Priebus was on his way out.....yeah everyone knew that, but the absolute foundation that this was solid, and that the inference is that the rock to replace and build all of this on was Scaramucci..........who did not last the first paycheck.
Posted By:earlybird, 7/24/2017 11:29:26 AM
If you watch or listen to the interviews today with new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, and then overlay them against a backdrop of ongoing events (including last week), there’s a very solid outlook that Reince Priebus is close to being replaced as Chief of Staff. (Snip) When you step back further you find yourself reminded what ideology those same RNC staffers carried before following Priebus to the White House. Then we quickly realize these are Scott Walker/Ted Cruz type GOPe loyalists who have no affinity for the populist approach of Trump.
Earlybird's comments though when not gushing over the tampon wardrobe is akin to listening to Jared Kushner in a meeting.
Priebus brought in leakers? Not beyond the realm of possibility. His RNC people had not been Trump supporters. Neither had he until he saw the writing on the wall.
That comment is after it was all through the press, accounts that Priebus did nothing but speed dial the press.
With that all knowing nothingness, Sunprancer discovered after the fact that Scaramucci was not the insider that the tampon fashion model thought he was.
Posted By:earlybird, 8/13/2017 5:51:33 PM
As everyone might expect today’s Sunday Talk shows are generally centered around ridiculing and undermining President Trump for not being forceful enough in speaking out against the events in Charlottesville. Specifically the constructed and coordinated media narrative is to paint President Trump as a sympathizer for violence, bigotry and racism; therefore, by extension he becomes a violent, bigoted racist himself. Whatever you think of the media’s chosen strategy, that’s clearly the plan; and when all media unite together with the same plan they’re pretty good at reinforcing it. The first useful idiot used to bludgeon the president is former short-term communications director
Yes the great oracle Scaramucci of a few weeks ago, has now become the idiot. Pity the prophet did not have that exclusive weeks ago.
The comments by earlybird were typical of a jilted lover.
Paraphrased, they destroyed Scaramucci before the interrogation ever began. “…a trembling defeated carcass…"
So who do you think is paying Sunprancer's bills? He had nothing to say about a hatchet man going after Reince Priebus to weed him out, but had something to say when the hatchet man went after the that was going after the remaining caste.
As there are only three factions left in
- Jared and Ivanka
- Pence
- Herbert McMaster
Who do you think is paying Sunprancer's bills, as it certainly is not the boobery of the posts luring in readers as Sunprance got her ass handed to her on the defense or Herb McMaster.
So that is not Gorilla Cernovich's funding base a war with Herb McMaster, and it goes to the reality that echoes the Kushners in Scaramucci had his purpose in sacking Priebus, but is now an idiot for exposing what is left of the Trump Junta.
One can see the inner spiral of this as the coup plotters like Big Brother pick off the lesser primates, and it goes to the Deep State operatives which Sunprancer gushes over in Pence, Sessions, Cohn, McMasters and the favorite missing links on the Darwin scale of Jared and Ivanka in being useful pawns. Those are all the non Trump Promise folks.
Frankly the funding for Sunprancer are not getting their dollars worth, as the Prance is not skilled and keeps pointing the finger at the coup plotters, because Sunprancer is after Nationalist Bannon, is after Drudge, Breitbart, Gateway and the Gorilla.
Is sort of obvious in the prophet as her revelations are the exclusives others posted months ago. Sort of makes sense why there was a push there in comments to smear the Lame Cherry in 2016. Someone wanted this blog picked off and marginalized.
Enough of this, it is just too disappointing in the endless parade of the Sunprancer on Lucianne's site.
Oh I had no idea that there was a keyboard available that had a FUNNY THAT key, as it certainly appears ad nausea with Sunprancer.
Must be really interesting conversation as the curls are twirled and FUNNY THAT begins every thought, no matter how short lived or plagiarized.
Because it's just funny that's all….. | The Last Refuge
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Dec 13, 2011 - Bookmark the permalink. ← Funny That….. DOJ Begins Investigating Voter ID Rules · Poll: Ron Paul Within One Point of Gingrich In Iowa… → ...Funny That, if one notices the Twitter feed, that others posting on the prophet's tweets, also have that same speech tic of funny that. Nothing like having your own fans from the same keyboard but different accounts, but who needs bots when the illusion is so Oz behind the curtain, funny that.