Monday, August 28, 2017

Going with God when things are not going Your way

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Holy Ghost answered my invocation to speak to me, and chose the verses of those of the American and Western demise, as none of us reading this, from those who vote left or those who vote right, can state that we are satisfied by how our elected leaders, our appointed leaders, and the leader of business and charity have treated us.

There is a great void in every soul, as we are frustrated and know that things are not going right to bind up our wounds nor to provide a stable footing for us to take one step in a day that feels positive.
We are preyed upon for our votes, for how our money can be guilted, manipulated or extorted from us, and in our miseries we are either commiting suicide, cheering when the police state is attacking one of us, or finding ways to import foreigners to exploit either in working for us, or making us feel like if we do something good to them, that all of the abuse we have suffered will not be so bad.

The very people who we have trusted, and were told to trust, and now are ordered to trust at the end of guns, have not cared for us, but have engaged in actions to  repress each of us, by brainwashing us in education to making us submit to "If we can just make that other group not have any rights, then that will solve all of our misery".

My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace.

All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the LORD, the habitation of justice, even the LORD, the hope of their fathers.

Jeremiah the Prophet
Chapter 50 verses 6 - 7

The Western Peoples are good peoples at heart. They thought in their comfort  that if they just tolerated those who bent God's rules, that they knew more than God, but it set off an entire carniverous disease which has eaten society. Your good intentions, still had the feudal few who reckoned that, "I take all of those charitable tolerances from millions, and make welfare slaves of millions more, that I can make billions off of the taxes collected from the people as the government buys my products, as I donated to the politicians".

All of us have been deliberately scattered, and there is no more certain sign of how harmed each person is, in we have a world of infant adults, who cling not to blankies but smart phones as our nightlights. We can not give them up in obsession, because we are terrified of being alone in facing our fears, and to afraid to reach out and have real human contact, as the psychotic west no longer has the human trait to be human any more.

No one desires to hear this, but this is the point where you are told what you have rejected is the answer, that is a connection with God, the Father, which only comes through Jesus the Christ, your Creator and the only Person in Spirit qualified to Love you as you are, because Christ Loves His creations.
You were created to grow a Spirit in you, inside your soul that God breathed into you, to become a Spiritual offspring of God. It does not matter the flaws you judge yourself by, as all that matters is the Perfection Christ is, Who overcame every person's flaws to make you  perfect with the Father.
All you have to do is accept that job that Jesus does, stop rebelling against God's Way as those laws are there to protect you, like no smoking signs, and practice each day doing a good thing.
It does not have to be Mother Theresa things. It is practicing in holding your rage in not flipping someone off. It is holding a door for someone. It is just thinking about someone else in doing something good, and that goodness with the Holy Ghost inside of you, that you invite to help guide you, begins transforming you in time, so you are not always angry, on edge, pleased when someone else is suffering, or as numbers of you are now, in not caring for yourselves in the only Way that matters, in speaking good things about you, instead of always finding fault, and once that is your mindset, your good will is toward others in caring about them, and you begin to realize in their acting out, that they were the same scared soul you were before you changed with God's help.

It is proof now the government is not going to save anyone. No conglomerate is going to help you. We have no friends in the courts or the police, because those who created this fury, have the regime looking at you as an adversary.

It is best to let go, and to look toward Christ in His return. To find yourself now in the Lord, and gain His Peace, as government out of control only seeks to control you more, and people who are afraid want that regime cracking down on everyone to stop the fears.

Each of us is responsible for our choices as that is going to be our end. God gave us free will to decide, as none of you wants to have a zombie around who has to be there. God wants you there with Him, because you want to be there.

Each of us going to meet Jesus eventually, whether running now, denying now, or running to Him or clinging to Him. It is evident that the world we have built and trusted others to administer has let us all down. It is disappointing, but it is nothing to destroy ourselves over. We should look to Life, and that Light in Christ, to be freed from a system which has  betrayed us to the point that we are tearing at each other.
You have been wounded enough, and you do not need to harm yourselves further.

It is ok to be you and it is proper to love you for you, as God does. God has rules though that bring real peace and contentment as He empowers you, not by submission, but by your submitting to accepting God's Love.

It is not your fault when things go wrong in life as that is life. It is your responsibility though to not repeat the mistakes of trusting the wrong people or repeating the same incorrect decision.

With that, you have the understanding now to free yourself from the drama which you do not like. Ask God to help you in this liberation and He will be there every step of the Way.

God bless you, in the Name of the Christ, Amen and Amen
