As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For Americans, they have been conditioned at the point of a bayonet to accept that the Confederate States of America were all racists and everyone loathed these Americans as traitors.
There are some facts though that after Abraham Lincoln was installed in a divided Democratic party in the election of 1860 AD in the year of our Lord, that the American electorate swung overwhelming against Mr. Lincoln in 1862 AD in the year of our Lord.
There were Cooperheads in the North who were against the invasion of the South, and the American people were not in favor of this war against Americans.
The reasons were many, and one of the chief reasons was Lincoln's dictatorial response of martial law in Union States. States like Tennessee and Maryland were occupied by federal troops. Maryland for example had the houses of it's Citizens burned by federal troops, exiled Citizens for not agreeing with Abraham Lincoln's War, and by the point of gun, federal troops removed the elected representatives of the People of Maryland and replaced them with Lincoln dictators representing Abraham Lincoln.
Understanding this, General Robert E. Lee issued this proclamation as the Army of Northern Virginia crossed the Potomac and entered Maryland, not as an invader, but as the People of Maryland viewed the Confederates as liberators from the dictatorship of Abraham Lincoln holding their sovereign nation hostage.
It was the last paragraph which General Robert E. Lee promised as did General George Washington in the Revolution, that his Army of Northern Virginia, would liberate the People of Maryland, protect the People of Maryland, and then enforce the People of Maryland's will in abiding if Maryland joined the Confederacy or willed to remain with the United States.
Unlike Abraham Lincoln and General Halleck, President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee, would mirror President and General Washington, would abide by a Government of the People, by the People and for the People.
No constraint upon your free will is intended ; no intimidation will be allowed within the limits of this army, at least. Marylanders shall once more enjoy their ancient freedom of thought and speech. We know no enemies among you, and will protect all, of every opinion. It is for you to decide your destiny freely and without constraint. This army will respect your choice, whatever it may be
There was nothing in this about slavery nor property, this was about Constitutional Rights being violated by Abraham Lincoln and his police state. This was about the 10th Amendment Rights of the States to not be infringed upon by the federal which was in the Constitution limiting everything the Federal Government could engage in.
Nowhere does it state in the Constitution that States or Individuals can be deprived of property or rights without due process of payment or trial by jury. Nowhere does it state in the Constitution a State can not enact the same process of voting to join the United States, can vote to secede from the United States. Nowhere in the Constitution was any mention made of making war on any State due to slavery, which was legal at that era.
The promise of the Confederate Liberators to the People of Maryland by Robert E. Lee to rescue these Americans from the bondage and slavery of Abraham Lincoln.
No one ever notes that Abraham Lincoln degraded Americans to the same status as slaves in making Maryland and Tennessee one large Lincoln Plantation.
Head- QUARTERS Army of Northern Virginia,
Near Fredericktown, Md., September 8, 1862.
To THE People of Maryland:
It is right that you should know the purpose that brought
tlie army under my command within the limits of your State, so
far as that purpose concerns yourselves. The people of the Con-
federate States have long watched with the deepest sympathy the
wrongs and outrages that have been inflicted upon the citizens of
a commonwealth allied to the States of the South by the strongest
social, political, and commercial ties. They have seen with pro-
found indignation their sister State deprived of every right and
reduced to the condition of a conquered province. Under the
pretence of supporting the Constitution, but in violation of its
most valuable provisions, your citizens have been arrested and
imprisoned upon no charge and contrary to all forms of law. The
faithful and manly protest against this outrage made by the ven-
erable and illustrious Marylander, to whom in better days no
citizen appealed for right in vain, was treated with scorn and
contempt ; the government of your chief city has been usurped
by armed strangers ; your legislature has been dissolved by the
unlawful arrest of its members ; freedom of the press and of
speech has been suppressed ; words have been declared offences
by an arbitrary decree of the Federal Executive, and citizens
ordered to be tried by a military commission for what they may
dare to speak.
Believing that the people of Maryland possessed
a spirit too lofty to submit to such a government, the people of
the South have long wished to aid you in throwing off this foreign
yoke, to enable you again to enjoy the inalienable rights of free-
men, and to restore independence and sovereignty to your State.
In obedience to this wish, our army has come among you, and is
prepared to assist you with the power of its arms in regaining
the rights of which you have been despoiled.
'This, citizens of Maryland, is our mission, so far as you are
concerned. No constraint upon your free will is intended ; no
intimidation will be allowed within the limits of this army, at
least. Marylanders shall once more enjoy their ancient freedom
of thought and speech. We know no enemies among you, and
will protect all, of every opinion. It is for you to decide your
destiny freely and without constraint. This army will respect
your choice, whatever it may be ; and while the Southern
people will rejoice to welcome you to your natural position
among them, they will only welcome you when you come of your
own free will.
R. E. Lee,
General J Commanding
How novel, in a military actually protecting an American's Right of Speech and Thought, and using it's weapons against those who violate the free choice of the Citizen to their destiny.
Instead there is LaVoy Finicum murdered in Oregon and a new Attorney General violating the Constitution further in confiscating Citizen property on the charges of the police state.
There is absolutely no difference between the American Civil War of 1862 AD in the year of our Lord and the American Civil War of 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, save the reality that the Americans of 1860 America had champions in General Robert E. Lee and President Jefferson Davis. No one represents Americans any longer from the reincarnation of the ghosts of Lincoln's regime.