Monday, August 28, 2017

The Gettsyburg Intrigue

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the historical memoirs of Lt. General James Longstreet, there are a host of intriguing realities which have been censored and cleansed from modern history. Ken Burns in his racist Lost Cause award winning documentary on the Civil War follows the same propaganda line of never including nor  featuring the focal points of the American Civil War, in the fact it was instigated by the European Powers, and those same financial powers moved the American money interests to install Abraham Lincoln so that war would break out, as Lincoln was a warmonger, and the Europeans wanted American debt, and Americans in the north desired war profits.

In the Longstreet account there are references to this intrigue of foreign interests in the United States.

It was manifest before the war was accepted that the 
only way to equalize the contest was by skilful use of our 
interior lines, and this was so impressed by two years' 
experience that it seemed time to force it upon the Rich- 
mond authorities. But foreign intervention was the 
ruling idea with the President, and he preferred that as 
the easiest solution of all problems

If we hold Richmond and keep our cotton, the 
war cannot last more than a year longer. If we give up Eich- 
mond we shall never be recognized by foreign powers until the 
government of the United States sees fit to recognize us.

To explain the above quotes, the skillful handling of the interior lines, means that instead of facing the Army of the Potomac in Virginia with like numbers which brought stalemate, the correct issue was to put the Army of Northern Virginia behind works, take part of this army, and smash General Rosecrans in Tennessee, and then threaten the Ohio country. By this, General Grant would have to stop the Anaconda Doctrine of encircling the South in taking the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, which was pinning down another Confederate General in Joseph Johnston.
Handling the interior lines would have in time smashed the western armies of the Union, and Lincoln would have been voted out of office or impeached,as in that control of invading Ohio and dividing the Union, then Lee would overwhelm the Army of the Potomac.

As one can understand though President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee were planning for foreign intervention in the Civil War. But what foreign states?

Other sources as Union General Phil Sheridan in his memoirs plainly states that it was the French intent to invade through Mexico to secure the American west, and the English were to invade through Canada to make a three front war for Abraham Lincoln, who chose war instead of peace.

One of the proofs of this, is General Longstreet naming Arthur James Lyon Fremantle of the Queen's Coldspring Guards, who was with the Confederates observing the war. This is important to understand as this British meddling is what put pressure on General Robert E. Lee to invade Pennsylvania at Gettysburg, had his blood up, and one of the reasons General Lee was only throwing General Longstreet's First Corp into the battle, is because Fremantle was most associating with Longstreet's command from the first that Fremantle entered the Southern Army.

The roots of the disaster of Gettysburg are in the English, in President Jefferson Davis letting it be known that General Lee had to make a point at Gettysburg in a victory against all costs, because the British had promised to recognize the South if they won.
The Lame Cherry will state this as another Lame Cherry exclusive in NO ONE has ever revealed the above, and more to the point, the Lame Cherry states that the British never had any intention of becoming involved. It was all a ruse to bankrupt America, make her a colonial state where France and England would manage the North American slave colony again.

It is important to know what this spy for Queen Victoria was engaged in, in the intrigue of the British Empire, because in modern excuse, Fremantle is termed a tourist, who was not even associated with the Queen. It makes the point if he was so innocent then why was he not sailing into New York harbor, and instead ran the Union blockade can came up from Mexico?

General Sir Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, was a British Army officer and a notable British witness to the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. Whilst holding the rank of "Captain and Lieutenant Colonel" he spent three months in North America, traveling through parts of the Confederate States of America and the Union. Contrary to popular belief, Colonel Fremantle was not an official representative of the United Kingdom; instead, he was something of a tourist

So the damning reality is Fremantle was a British spy, and was involved in the same intrigue to bloody America, which finally eclipsed in the Rothschild backed John Wilkes Boothe assassinating President Abraham Lincoln.

If one examines the financial history of this in reality, immediately after Lincoln was murdered, the Rothschilds with American finance withdrew Lincoln's Greenbacks, and has the US Government buying them back with GOLD to rob America. The war did  not end the depredation on America, it simply shifted to new battlefields of Wall Street, and later President Grant's corrupt regime in the Indian Ring which armed Indian terrorists and then mass murdered the Custer command as George Custer was testifying before Congress on this corruption for profit and money laundering.

About this time we entertained a distinguished visitor. 
An officer of the British service, Lieutenant-Colonel 
Arthur J. L. Fremantle, of the Coldstream Guards, 
brought letters from the Secretary of War to General 
Lee and myself. He was seeking opportunity to observe 
the campaign as a non-combatant ; he travelled with us, 
divided his time between general head-quarters and 
head-quarters of the First Corps, cheerfully adapted his 
tastes to the rough ways of Confederate soldiers, and 
proved to be an interesting companion. To avoid the 
blockade he came to the Confederacy through Mexico. 
He gave a graphic account of his experience in Texas and 
travel after crossing the Rio Grande to the interior in a 
two-horse hack. The drivers of his conveyance were Mr. 
Sargeant and Judge Hyde, two characters whom I had 
met years before while in army service on the Texas 
frontier. They called their team Grant and Sherman, 
and enjoyed their glorious rides down the smooth slopes 
of the prairie roads, as they rattled their heels upon the 
box of the hack and plied their team. Grant and Sherman, 
with whips and oaths. But the great novelty to him was 
the position of the judge. In England there are few 
judges comparatively, and those of high estate. To find 
an American judge playing assistant to a hack-driver was 
refreshing, and Colonel Fremantle thoroughly enjoyed 
it. I now have the pleasure to salute our genial war-time 
visitor as governor at Malta and Lieutenant-General Sir 
Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, K.C.M., G.C.B., and to 
offer congratulations to Her Most Noble Majesty upon 
her worthy subject. 

So the above quotes are the reality and the proof, a British military official was sneaked into America to perform intrigue, subterfuge and bloody America all the more. General Lee engaged in military moves he never engaged in before or after. That reasons he was pressured in this political war, and he was attempting to make a point for the British to recognized the South as the British kept promising President Jefferson Davis it would do.
What checked the British and the French were the Russians parking their armada off the American coasts, warning the western Europeans of the consequences if they entered into the war in the United States.

Exactly as the British were spying on Donald Trump for the Obama regime, and creating a coup coordinated with Comey and Brennan, the same intrigue was taking place in America in the 1860's. For the first time though in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, the Truth of Gettysburg has been revealed, and of course this information will be stolen again by another plagiarist selling the exclusives.

For those who enjoyed this history of the Civil War in it's Truth, this was saved to end, for the reason all the speed reader nits will have quit reading like they never donate. It is though once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
