As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Vanity Fair lifted the veil off of Jared and Ivanka Trump in what self absorbed and treacherous people they are, but what is the real exclusive in this in the Lame Cherry matter and anti matter, is those same Soros globalist financier and Neolib McMaster forces who have been waging the Jew Wars in the White House, have now signaled that the Kushner's have no value left for blackmailing the President nor for standing in the way of the Junta which has swept away the Trump Administration. This Mockingbird hit piece is a piece glorifying the completion of the ruination of this ruinous couple in rubbing it in.
The Lame Cherry has a series of damning quotes about the Kushners from Vanity Fair. They are included to prove that this blog warned all of you what this duo was engaged in as the Trumpenfuror despoiling the White House before anyone else, while I was smeared by a backstabbing Debbie in having gone too far. The Lame Cherry was attempting to save the Trump Presidency from what it has been degraded to, and it is clear that 50% of this turmoil started with Jared and Ivanka Kushner.
Mike Pence, the Bushites, had their place, the Obama coup plotters and McMaster's Neolibs, but the lion's share of what destroyed the Trump White House is the responsibility of the two children the President of the United States should never have trusted, Ivanka and her cucktard husband, Jared Kushner.
Vanity Fair begins with a reality assessment from Washington insiders, who judged the New York valued Kushner's overpriced. The Kushner's world revolves around their Jewish supremacy and then there is the rest of the goy. They are bulls in the china shop in being termed monkeys in the zoo, giving orders to the help, and never realizing the help holds the keys to the pen and bring the bananas that feed them.
Time and again the judgment against the Kushners is, "They think they are special", which translates in Trump America to, "Ivanka and Jared Trump KNOW that they are better than everyone else".
When Ivanka a month ago placed a statement into the press that the Trump voters issues were ahead of her decisions, it was a complete lie and she knew it, but she thought all of the Trump voters were that damned stupid, in they would fall for it. That sums up what Ivanka Kushner is.
Kushner and Ivanka don’t have the necessary self-awareness—don’t understand how to behave when you roll into Washington as the creature of someone else. Most such people take a seat a little off to the side, at least until they get their bearings. “What is off-putting about them is they do not grasp their essential irrelevance,” this veteran told me. “They think they are special.”
The disaster which brought Robert Mueller into the White House against Donald Trump was not fake Russian hacking, but the Kushner's in their nefarious collusion with Jewish Russian oligarchs, who Jared had been recruited by. These associations opened the door for the infamous Don jr meeting with Russians which was a set up to cause later turmoil in the Trump Presidency.
In the article Vanity Fair exposes that Ivanka and Jared Kushner went to the G 20 Summit in Germany knowing the revelations were going to overshadow the historic meeting and become the story. They knew it was going to become worse for President Trump and never alerted him, as this story was based in the Robert Mueller investigation of Jared Kushner's meeting with Russian bankers for Kushner debt.
So you comprehend this, Mueller would never have been looking at Donald Trump or Don jr. if Jared Kushner had not opened the door in his nefarious grubbing for money from Russians.
Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections and the possibility of collusion by the Trump campaign—is one with no legal end point in sight. And when Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump woke up in the Hamburg Marriott Hotel on Saturday, July 8, in Hamburg, Germany, they knew that the story was about to get worse, and that the family’s involvement was about to widen.
Before they had even boarded the plane, Kushner and Ivanka had consulted with his attorneys about a telltale e-mail chain, which had turned up weeks before when Kushner’s legal team reviewed his records in order to respond to congressional investigators.
The Kushner cover up then began and in full protect Kushner mode, not the President, In the following two quotes, it is revealed that the Kushner's were whispering to the President to fully disclose along with everyone else their parts in this with the Russians.
Remember in this that Kushner had already met with Robert Mueller, and there is the reality that Kushner gained immunity, and Kushner was setting up the President in self incrimination.
What followed is the revelation that after the Kushner's plead for everyone to come clean, that Jared Kushner with his Clinton lawyers, lawyered up and never revealed a thing in his statements.
This is vital to understand this, because after this, someone again leaked to the media that the President had been involved 'crafting' the Don jr. response. That was not leaked by Hope Hicks who was involved as liason, not by the President, nor any one else. The source of that leak once again was Jared and Ivanka Kushner, framing the President with a false narrative, as the President's personal attorney stated the President only signed off on the final draft, not authored it.
Someone in that confidential meeting between the President and his attorney, actually leaked to the press the detail that the President's attorney wanted to spin this as a democratic smear against the President. The only sources who would know that are the President, the attorney, and the Kushners.
The Kushner's revealed confidential information between the President and his attorney, which is protected under the law, in order to save themselves.
Kushner and Ivanka and their advisers initially advocated for full transparency related to the meeting, in the sense of “reveal everything,” according to someone close to the deliberations.
For his own statement, Kushner spoke to and e-mailed back and forth with his attorneys, both of them Washington veterans: Jamie Gorelick, of WilmerHale, and Abbe Lowell, of Norton Rose Fulbright. The Kushner statement as it eventually emerged was sparse
This is the foundation first revelation of the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter, in it was the Kushner's who leaked the Don jr. emails to the press in order to smear Don jr. and save themselves in the press. The President's inner circle of friends and associates who he speaks with by fax and phone, have now concluded exactly that to be the fact. Lame Cherry proven right again in matter anti matter, months before anyone else suspected any of this.
In recent conversations, I’ve heard people close to President Trump wonder aloud whether it was Kushner’s team that leaked the Don junior e-mails to the Times in the first place. The implication would be that Kushner was willing to sacrifice his brother-in-law in order to distance himself from the uncomfortable reality of the meeting.
Jared and Ivanka Kushner are in a city of backstabbers, termed the most vindictive people in Washington DC which is noted above the worst of them as it is that outstanding, and they have one god, and that is the power they derive from American voters having placed their trust in Donald Trump in electing him, but in the Kushner's self serving interests it is all about them, them, them.
There is nothing Patriotic, Familiar or Humane in what drives them. Ivanka's god is her Ivanka Brand name to sucker people into buying slave labor things with and Jared's god is running a shadow regime which produces nothing but the heads of Republicans in Priebus and Spicer and the heads of Nationalists in Bannon and Gorka.
The Kushner's rule on the whim of who does not bow fast enough nor low enough, is purged.
By now that infamous video of Steve Bannon yelling at Jared Kushner in the Oval Office for engineering Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the fake Russian hacking oversight, should be remembered, for Kushner destroying another message week for the Trump Presidency. Kushner unleashed the full vitriol against Steve Bannon, but as will be later revealed, even Bannon's 250 pounds of flesh is not enough, as Kushner is still at it to grinding Bannon's bones for spite after forcing him from the White House.
They have become a feared duo inside the West Wing, as much for an apparent vindictive streak as for their favored status with the man Washington operatives now call “the principal.” No one except for the president is surrounded by a larger battery of legal and public-relations representation. They appear to be driven in equal parts by family loyalty and brand preservation. Ivanka, like her father, relies on her name and image to propel her fortune. Kushner, while less comfortable in the spotlight, has a stable of advisers and staff who report to him as the czar of a shadow government known as the White House Office of American Innovation.
If one recalls the Lame Cherry posted months ago at the start of this, that the Kushner's could not be trusted, and that when push came to shove, they would turn even on the President. The following quote proves that the Kushners have been fighting against the President, who is the leader the American People voted for and not the Kushner New York valued agenda conspiracy.
For Kushner and Ivanka, the solution has been to fight back: against New York friends who disapprove of them, against West Wing foes, and even against the president himself.
The article points to the Kushner's have a "two year plan" in their agenda in being gone "before school in 2018". That date is important, because it reveals Jared and Ivanka Kushner were never in this for the President. They were going to milk the Trump White House for all the exposure, contacts, graft and influence they could accumilate and after destroying the President's Make America Great Again directive from the People, abandon him to a Democrat Congress they assume will be elected in 2018, which will then impeach President Trump, while the Kushner's are back in New York reaping the adoration of their liberal consorts, for saving America from Americans.
The children are the backdrop in this as the excuse, but when the indictments come, Jared the cooperating witness of Robert Mueller will be back to running the slums as lord of the lucre in New York, while the President is being measured for the grey bar hotel in an orange jump suit.
“When they decide it’s more important to protect their own and their children’s reputations than it is to defend their indefensible father’s, that’s a sign the end is near,” one influential Republican donor told me.
This though is the fiction of the Kushner's as Animal House monkeys of the zoo in concluding only New York intellect is supreme and those swamp dwellers in DC would never figure out the nuance of Ivanka and Jared, as they treated Washington society as the hicks from the sticks.
To set this up, Washington DC has a ruling society, which opens itself to these lower class political conduits, and in 'off the record dinners" they are to be regaled to mirth in how stupid those of 1600 Penn Avenue are, by providing all of the gossip, and in this, Ivanka and Jared after baring their souls in this priviledge are to sit and absorb the wisdom of Washington.
Jared and Ivanka Kushner are not intelligent enough to play with intelligent minds, and instead resort to their thinking they can play the players, who rightly take great offence at being thought of as not being intelligent enough to see through the idiotic compliments and small talk.
DC Society is Intelligence, the real Intelligence of the globalists which herds bleaters in nations to do their bidding. They do not appreciate two figurative Jews thinking they are smarter than the masters.
The couple recently attended an off-the-record dinner at the home of Atlantic Media’s owner, David Bradley, the sort of soirĂ©e Bradley holds on a regular basis with newsmakers and prominent Washington reporters and columnists. “They were terrible,” one attendee told me. The couple kept to platitudes and pabulum, as they often do in public conversations.
The following is what the Lame Cherry knew, as much as even the bleaters. The Kushners have pets which are protected and they destroy all who oppose them. They have their entourage which takes precidence over all national policy. The Lame Cherry noted early that the White House West Wing would be paralyzed and in upheaval from these two, as staff can not do it's work looking over their should in what the Kushner's are listening in on, and staff can not provide honest assessment to the President or their cabinet officers with the Kushner's black balling them for not bowing low enough to the Trumpenfuror.
Ivanka and Jared have consolidated their influence on the level of personnel, even if they have been unable to have much impact on the actual world. Kushner has assembled his own team, including longtime business associate and friend Reed Cordish, whose father owns a real-estate business in Baltimore. Ivanka Trump introduced Cordish to the woman who would become his wife, and the two couples both have young children. Cordish helped out during the transition and has joined Kushner, alongside Chris Liddell, a former Microsoft C.F.O. and William Morris Endeavor executive. (Cordish draws no salary for his White House service; neither does Kushner or Ivanka.) Also involved in the Office of American Innovation are Gary Cohn and deputy national-security adviser Dina Powell, both former Goldman Sachs executives. Aides involved in projects blessed by Jared and Ivanka have special protection inside the White House. “If you are hitched to them, you are untouchable,” said the former Trump adviser.
PARIAH ONE AND PARIAH TWO TRUMPENFUROR, this is the etched in stone legacy of the Kushner's in they destroyed the Trump White House from within by their Cassius intrigue. The Kushner's never realized that Mike Pence and HR McMaster were playing them for the Bush fam, Clinton fam and Obama coup plotters.
This has nothing to do with anything detrimental to President Trump. This has to do with Jared and Ivanka cementing absolute influence in eliminating the weakest contenders, so that their flat world liberalism would be the Trump Presidency with Ivanka behind the desk.
In one of the most revolting to vomit juvenile displays, Ivanka Kushner first tries to charm you like Mirror Mirror, and when that does not work, out comes the poison apple and the next thing her target knows, they are out the door feet first.
It is absolutely disgusting that Jared Kushner uses the F*CK word with the staff, and especially in degrading former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. That is a breach of everything in government and violates every principle George Washington laid down as the civility of what the American Presidency was to be in the President and those entrusted by Americans to work for those Americans with absolute respect for the office.
While Kushner’s own politics are difficult to discern, he seems to excel at waging war against certain colleagues, whom he views as detrimental to his father-in-law.
Ivanka is more practiced in the spotlight than Kushner, though she can be cold to staffers, particularly those who are not in favor with the president, according to a former West Wing aide. “She tries to charm you at first, and then there’ll be the cutting remark in front of her father,” the former adviser added. Kushner, though he tries to be casual and jokes with other staffers, can have even more of an edge. Once, when Priebus asked Kushner what his team of Cordish and Liddell had been up to, Kushner retorted, according to someone who heard the exchange, “Reince, we aren’t getting paid. What the fuck do you care?
The Trump White House is a hostile work place, due to the Kushner's absolute disrespect of every one. Anyone who is not using the rubber stamp of Kushner approval is immediately set upon in a whispering campaign to the President, with helpful stories planted in the press at the very sites the Kushners know the President and First Lady monitor.
What is beyond the pale in this, is the vindictiveness of the Kushners in they recently destroyed and removed Steve Bannon, but this was not enough. Jared Kushner had to come out in support of Herbert McMaster of the NSA, not because McMaster is supporting the President (McMaster has called President Trump an idiot and a fool.), but because Jared Kushner wanted another pound of flesh off of Steve Bannon, by supporting his nemesis in McMaster.
So you comprehend this, Jared Kushner is willing to support Herbert McMaster who is against the President, disrespects the President, and who is about to start a global nuclear war, just so Jared Kushner can stick a knife in the corpse of Steve Bannon one more time.
Protect America from Herbert McMaster or drag Steve Bannon through the street. Kushner chooses revenge over America every time.
Kushner and Ivanka have complicitly engaged in Trump’s humiliation of various staffers, be it West Wing aides Bannon, Priebus, and Kellyanne Conway, or Cabinet members such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the most high-profile member of Trump’s team to be dragged into a public flogging. (The president openly discussed in multiple settings his grave disappointment with Sessions for not investigating leaks from the intelligence agencies—notwithstanding the fact that many leaks come from his own White House, and even from him.) Kushner actively smeared Bannon when Bannon was getting too much attention from the media, and both he and Ivanka undermined Reince Priebus directly to Donald Trump. Kushner told Trump repeatedly that Priebus was “weak,” according to several people who heard the comments. And Kushner told Sean Spicer openly in West Wing meetings of his dissatisfaction. Recently, Kushner publicly spoke up in support of National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, who has been attacked in right-wing media outlets such as Breitbart (to which Bannon has now returned). Why was Kushner willing to stand up for McMaster but not for Sessions, to whom he is close? The main difference was that Trump himself was attacking Sessions, whereas going to bat for McMaster simply meant doing battle, yet again, with Bannon, if only by proxy.
The following is the perfect Mockingbird ending to this, because this a Mockingbird story and it is designed to hit on Donald Trump's psychology as the Kushner "Bannon stories " did. The Mockingbird wants Donald Trump exposed to himself as an emotional cripple, who can not be saved by those Mr. Trump is dependent upon in the Kushners, and all that the Kushners can do is make invalid Donald Trump take his Ivanka pills to be happy with his miserable lot.
The article is designed to have the President isolate himself from his pariahs, to trust in his minder, John Kelly the democrat, so the same liberal policies will be more successful as the Kushner's are failing at the agenda they were supposed to implement.
That is the epitaph in this in this article by the intelligence community would never have been posted unless the Kushners were finished as having any worth to the deep state. The season has arrived for their removal, and at this time no one on the right or left will do anything but cheer in their demise.
“Trump is emotionally dependent on his son-in-law and his daughter . . . but they can’t do anything for him,” said the Washington veteran. “All they can do is make him feel better about what his life has come to.”
The MK ULTRA protocols in this though are to alienate the Kushners from the President, so that instead of just leaking against Don jr. and instead of just sabotaging the President, that when Donald Trump fires Kushner, Jared Kushner will revert to his disgusting father's tactics of destroying his own sisters by hiring prostitutes to seduce their husbands.
See the people with real intelligence in the intelligence community who created the Tavistock and Stanford protocols of mind control, have assessed that if one violates the Kushner's inner sanctum in degrading them, as his father was degraded by his sisters in the father's mind, that the Kushner will turn on them with a sadistic criminal vendetta in revenge.
This story is designed to trigger Mr. Trump to remove his weak link Kushners, to which Jared will be offended at not being Little Lord Fauntlerjew of the White House, and work to set up the President in an undeniable act to bring the President to prison.
There is 98% certainty based upon Jared Kushner worship of his criminal father, the betrayal of Trump voters, the leaks destroying all contenders, including his own brother in law Don jr., that the lords and the priests have a certain outcome in this of what was scripted from the first 100 Days against Donald Trump, and that was to have his son in law be the Judas against the American Savior.
Now you know too much of the story within the story in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.