Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Barkleyness is next to Godliness

White Supremacist Charles Barkley

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know you really have to watch those White Supremacists, as they fool you. For example, I thought that I did not like Charles Barkley hanging around with Black leftist reactionaries, like Spike Lee and Samuel L. Jackson, making them commercials, pretending to be likeable, and all along I now find out at that Charles Barkley is not even Black, but is a White Supremacists.

To think of the time which was wasted in enjoying his dominating performances with the Philadelphia 76ers, along with Dr. J as Julius Irving, Moses Malone and Andrew Tomey, and it all comes down to they were all White Supremacists in guilt by association with Whiteness Barkley.

Then there are those other passers as Blacks. Sammy Jackson and Spike Lee, probably got whole tubes of that Michelle Obama black face paint off of Al Jolson's mammy. Sure I can see it now, in how White these boys have always been. "She's gotta have it", is just like Jared Kushner handing his Ivanka off to other men as he can not handle her. Samuel L. Jackson was dressed up as an SS Nazi.......sure he was promoting that with Scarlet Johannsen in The Saint.
All White People through and through, and probably got them KKK uniforms in the closet and when their real Black friends come over like Dr. Cornell West, they tell him, that they are just bed sheets folded up by the new Chinese dry cleaners to dry better.

Glo Boys Sammy Jackson and Spike Lee

So Charles Barkley is White. I guess that makes him a big mouthed racist bully now, as before he was simply a Black activist. Samuel Jackson with that White name, sure he is a terrorist and not just a provocateur, and that Spike Lee most clever as all, looking like Urkel his entire life, and here he was White bread as Ron Howard. Probably has freckles and red hair too.

Sure, how could we be so blind. Woody Harellson showed us the way in White Men Can't Jump, and that Barkley never could jump. He was just begging to be outed and we all just watched the game thinking he was a talented Black man.

I wonder how many of these White Supremacists are passing as Black. Probably got their brown paper bags by the mirror and shade themselves every morning. I say enough of this, in all Blacks have to do and acetone wash before appearing, just to make sure they ain't got the shoe polish out and touching things up before pretending to be Blacks in this world.

I bet that Maxine Waters is White as as the Hillary Clinton. Sure she is mouthy, but that is to throw you off. And now that I think about it, I bet Maxine Waters is Hillary Clinton, because have any of you ever seen these two women in the same photo? I bet Hillary Clinton gets up, has Huma rub on some coal tar, and offs she goes to Congress getting her lesbian revenge on Donald Trump.
As you can see, Maxine Waters does not even need face paint, as got her dread locks straight and she is already I tell you, she is White, and got to be Hillary Clinton. Wearing that Nigger Green clothes and everyone just falls for it.

Maxine Whitey Waters

It is obviously time to out all these White Supremacists.

Muhammed Ali? White as the driven snow.

Booker T. Washington? Another White man.

Aretha Franklin? White like Al Gore.

Say you know how Al Gore, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton break into that black Negro speeches. It just comes too easy. I bet Al Gore is Barack Obama and he fooled all of us, as we never saw Gore or Obama in the same photos either.

Yes mam, all of those White Supremacists have fooled us all, well except the FBI in Charlottesville who was employing all of these terrorists, and to work for the FBI you have to fill out that form and say what race you are, so the FBI knew their "Blacks" were really White.

The sad thing is now America still has not had a Black President, save Bill Clinton, who is pasty White, as Obama was Coconut White. Sure that rascal Asian Obama was dark on the outside and so white he glowed on the inside.

I just have to stop this, as I can not deal with the disappoint in contemplating all those "black" people who are going to be White. Little Richard, Nichelle Nichols, Denzel Washington, Snoop Dog, Mike Tyson have to be all White. I bet that Martin Luther King jr was White too. No Black man has a name like Martin Luther, that is German as the Black Forest.............Good Lord, I knew this all started someplace and there is the evidence.

Now for a final quote from White Supremacists Charles Barkley.

What we as black people need to do, we need to worry about getting our education. We need to stop killing each other. We need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity and things like that. Those things are important and significant.

Yeah that Michael Harriot who outed Barkely as White is not fooling anyone. Just outed Charles to save himself, White like rice............uh huh Condi and Susan Rice, more of them White Supremacists.

Nuff Said
