Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What Ivanka's Tears Tells Us About Trump Tax Cuts in Missouri

Jael Ivanka Trump and her traitors who hate President Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have had a shitty day literally so this is not going to be an in depth post, but another mocking reality of Donald Trump's 145 pound problem named Jael Kushner, also known as Ivanka.

Shitty because I had a long day, and at 7 pm I discovered cat shit tracked all through the house and I was scrubbing cat shit off the floors. By God's Grace write a time line for Donald Trump to become President, and here am I the poor one scrubbing cat shit off the floors.

So Mr. President goes to Missouri to try and blackmail democrat Claire McCaskell into voting for this mysterious tax plan no one has seen that Mr. President is promoting. As Ann Coulter tweeted, it is a tax plan for Ivanka's tampons for tots.

Anyway, we know that the Vanity Fair article exposing Jared and Ivanka Kushner for the frauds and the destruction of the Trump Presidency hit home, as in the middle of the speech, Mr. President called out, "Where is Ivanka. Stand up Sweetheart", and the cheer signs went up and Ivanka got a cheered.


 The Tear Stained Jael Ivanka Trump Looking Pouty

I would have liked to have been  rich as I would have purchased Kleenex stocks before today, as I know the Ivanka ploy, as she whines and cries to daddy, and daddy responds for his Royal Princess in making her feel good in propping this failure up again.
All those Kleenex Jael used up as Ivanka, no doubt depleted the Kleenex supply and they will be turning out tissues for the next year in trying to make up for this short fall. Rumor has it that Hurricane Harvey was a dust storm compared to the torrent of tears that Ivanka down poured to President Trump in how she did not ask for any of this, as she almost ran over  a dozen innocent people to get into her office at the West Wing, and no one wanted her in there.

So that is the message in Trump's tax message. It is about making Ivanka feel like she accomplished something in life again, and daddy had to bring Sweetheart to the forefront again to make his little Royal Princess feel better.
Poor Gary Cohn got left out of the shout outs, as he was met with silence in Iowa and in Missouri, Mr. President would have gotten booed for that White hating New York racist in Cohn in smearing everyone in the South.

That about wraps up a cat shit day, as Ivanka once again has daddy providing sugar tit for her again, as Making America Great Again does not matter.......but making Ivanka have a better day in national policy.

And for those who doubt that Ivanka is putting on the plumper fat ass at dressing out over 145 now, just look at those silicon tits now in a poundage duel with Ivanka's fat thighs. Unless she got silicon implants for Kim Kardashian fat ass thighs, Ivanka is putting on the plumper. She ain't going to be mistaken  for willowy Jared any more.........and crying ain't gonna take that weight off nor is a shout out from Mr. President.

Auditioning for Plumper Fat Ass, Jael Ivanka Trump

So it all ends up in we know the honest press exposing what a backstabber and failure that Ivanka is, made her cry, and daddy had to make her feel good in giving her a tax bill, and having people cheer her.
We know that Mr. President knew enough not to introduce White Hater Gary Cohn to Southerners, and we know since Jared Kushner was told to stay home, that daddy Mr. President is protecting his little Jared Kusher is in the Donald Dog House, and as there was not any Brit Press hand holding of the Kushners,  there is mega trouble in the Kushner marriage.
See Donald Trump did read Vanity Fair and is figured out finally that Jared Kushner has set up the President for his impeachment in working with Robert Mueller. It did not matter that Kushner turned on Don jr., but it seems a sure bet that Ivanka was bawling about how Jared upset her, so the President is finally upset.

Stay home you Cuck, you made Daddy's Little Princess cry


Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. You heard it here first in the Kushner's are having bliss problems and daddy Don is displeased.

