Friday, September 8, 2017

another day, another computer anomaly

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

McMasterland must be deadbeat non donor to this blog, as yesterday a Twitter page opened I never clicked and there was not any link to.

Today, I turned on the warped  back cell phone from HTC which heats up when someone is drawing too much WIFI through spying on me, and what popped up was a voice mail from our plumber.
There is not any way this could be, as that message was four days ago. That message had been closed, and the last message was one from the phone company telling me that the Wifi bandwidth was tapped out for the month.
Yet there was the voice mail as if someone with some real NSA talent was looking at the voice mail history as Trump Junta is the same as the Obama regime.

Am simply making public notice of these events which can not happen and yet they are, over and over again. These are not glitches, but deliberate signals for me to notice and puzzle over in these messages, as real surveillance is not to be this noticeable.

Some bull in the china shop who concludes they are not going to be held criminally responsible is leaving these messages. This is what this blog goes through in these intimidation in a free society to post things here for you deadbeats who consider yourselves such patriots hiding behind your screens.

Well enough of this as I have a jam recipe to post.
