Friday, September 8, 2017

Mexico Rock n Roll

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the earth continues to be squeezed by solar forces and earth shift, this 8.1 quake off Mexico City, had a quote which captured my attention as no one else has noted it. One must understand that "normal" quakes on the Pacific and American shelf are supposed to be moving lateral or the Pacific moves north. Something happened in Mexico which is Yellowstone.

See the Rockies were created by the Pacific ramming into the American plates. The Pacific went under and the American went on top. The Yellowstone caldera and the other volcanoes are the result of the crust rupture and magma being forced to the surface.

This quote says it all though:

The quake triggered waves as high as 2.3 ft (0.7 m) in Mexico, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. Mexican television showed images of the sea retreating about 50 meters, and authorities evacuated some coastal areas.
For the waves to retreat 60 feet, means the Pacific plate drove east under the American plates at this point. It has not done that in recorded history. That means a large section of the plate just produced a salient. This should cause stress all along this plate from Chile to California to pull it under as in Mexico.

The dynamics of this are most interesting in it will reduce the pressure of the north slide of the Pacific at California, but it explains why San Andreas is so filled with numerous odd fault lines. California is a fracture line or break point of the Pacific plate stressing the American plate. Short explanation this stress weakens the fractures there even more for release of energy. As this is an unknown event and my head hurts too much today to inquire as to the coming 6 months of earthquakes as I am exhausted from all of this fun, that will remain a mystery.
I have a feeling that this should cause minor tremors in various locations, but it is that same Yellowstone series of rupture quakes in mass, as this entire shelf is stress inside and out. Minor would be 4 to 6. It is of note that this Mexican quake triggered a Japanese quake, once again Japan a stress point in the Pacific in you pull on Mexico, and Japan buckles like a paper plate.

For California, there is 60 feet of plate pressure added to the fault lines, and we know there is problem north of California as Yellowstone and the Northwest have been quite active in magma generated seismic tremors.

The point in this Lame Cherry exclusive is the plates today acted as the did when God divided the world, in the Pacific drove under the American plate. This was two days out from the full moon on the 6th, and if things settle the next window of lunar pressure will be the new moon on the 20th.

Any way another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
