Sunday, September 3, 2017

Kaejin Nambi Jeonjaeng The Broken Pot War

Editor's Note: This post was not being displayed for today nor was the American Zealot, only Our Man in Cuba.
Apparently someone was blocking content again.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jon Wolfsthal, who served in the White House under former president Barack Obama, believes that after years of tensions North Korea sees the threats from the US as empty.
Mr Wolfsthal said: “Kim has learned plenty from us in his short life, and probably absorbed plenty of advice from his late father.
“He is likely to view Donald Trump much like his predecessors—as a president who doesn’t like North Korea’s nuclear capabilities but with few realistic options for stopping it.
“After almost 30 years of efforts to prevent a nuclear North Korea, we have demonstrated some patterns; patterns that Kim relies on to guide his decision-making, just as we have come to rely on his patterns to inform ours.”
 *Note: The Lame Cherry will surprise all in stating that the diplomats which served under Birther Hussein Obama, were many of accomplished diplomatic skill and assessment. Birther Hussein was only interested in breaking nations for community organized communists take over, and not diplomacy, and let down this accomplished diplomatic corp. Mr. Trump has none of these assets to assist him, and is instead incorrectly allowing the Pentagon for Profit provide Raytheon purchases as the policy out of McMaster's flat world projects from the 18th century on 21st century Asia.

The Lame Cherry agrees with the assessments of noted expert Charles R. Smith, concerning North Korean conflict, but the Lame Cherry believes that there is now progressing a limited conflict between North and South Korea, which will not involve the United States proper.

Think of it as kaejin nambi jeonjaeng, the broken pot war. The Koreans tend to dust things up in shelling their islands from time to time to let off steam in salvos, as a sort of face saving measure. With the situation of Kim Jong Un, using missile salvo diplomacy as opening statements, and the tiresome presence of flyovers of things America, this has graduate to South Korea bombing herself along the DMZ to send a message to Kim and the military that this is advancing.
The Lame Cherry does not mean this to mean nuclear war, or real war. The situation feels that Japan will expect South Korea to engage the North, and as America will not become involved to trip the Chinese interference again in the Yalu option, a message will be initiated in a future date by South Korea.

Logic would point to more aggressive South Korean Air Force activity punctuating North Korea air space. I doubt anything naval will be involved in the South as this is a matter of something fast and not easily hit, that means fighter jets.

What should follow then is the Broken Pot War, where neither side will strike anything of human consequence, meaning Kim does not want Seoul in rubble to lose international propaganda, and the South does not want to trigger a greater response from the North in hitting Pyongyang.
That means the litter of bases will be struck in North and South Korean bases in a fast and furious exchange, to promote standing on both sides, without triggering a greater response.

An October window would be the viable point in the time line which inquiry points to trending. The North has been very careful and adept in making certain it's testing continues, and that it does not hit anything of value, and the Americans have made a point of not shooting down debris showers on Japan for any mishaps.

President Donald Trump and President Kim Jong Un are operating from the same mindset, each wants respect and each has stated that.

The British are fighting the last measures with North Korea and posted the unsuccessful results to try, which have failed.








All that is left is the next issue, of the South and North, engaging in a broken pot war, where pots are broken. The South will gain standing as a power to be dealt with, and the North can rally around artillery barrages. Both sides win. The pressure is released and then the necessary steps will be initiated in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan become nuclear armed powers from Japanese manufacture and control of hydrogen bombs, cobalt 60 bombs and neutron warheads, to give the Chicom the results of their arming North Korea with nuclear missiles and warheads.

As this is a month out, first week October appears at this juncture to be a building point of manifestation for this next diplomatic step.

One must understand the words of Lt. Commander Scott of the USS Enterprise on Star Trek when he stated, the 'Only diplomacy I need is a fully loaded phaser bank". There must be understood in diplomacy  that a fired weapon, which America has been engaged in far too much under Clinton, Bush43, Obama and that bad judgment of Ivanka Tomahawking Syria over fake intelligence, in no one respect military power if it is over shocking as no awe appears to diplomatic results.
IF one understands the use of air strikes and artillery, great benefit can occur when two sides in a situation, do not cripple each other, but blow up things that do not matter. Such whistling explosives and pretty red glares, invigorate and focus a population, in when it does not escalate, both sides then can respect the other for punches received and punches delivered. It is good diplomatic release for additional measures, as each side then comprehends the next steps will not be of benefit.

It is much ado about nothing.

It is better to release the pressure in a void where no one looses face, than to wait for a time when the United States is pressured to strike by Kim Jong Un prodding. Failure to correctly administer the broken pot, concludes 10 million plus casualties as it draws in other greater powers.

The President has been absolutely failed by Herbert McMaster in his Vietnam Syndrome and General Mattis in his silk panties on boys and jock straps on girls military focus. Rex Tillerson is stuck in 20th century asstard diplomacy repeating State mistakes and expecting the Pentagon war profits to solve his ineptness, as the focus is the North Korean rare earth element resources worth trillions, in what this is all about.

War profit and globalist theft of national resources in the West is not pro American policy, nor is China and Russia arming North Korea to pressure the United States. There is missing a pro American Asian policy and it will not come to the President when ill served by the Junta fighting the last war and focused on sexual deviants.

President Trump needs to start initiating proper diplomatic steps, and that means a summit of the United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to build a national system of public and private war shelters. This will produce a massive jump in GDP in all nations for their economies, and more to the point, North Korea, China and Russia lose all purpose in nuclear bombs, when these nations will not be harmed in the least by any nuclear attacks for a prolonged period, but will instead be able to carry out a sustained war which none can survive.

A Broken Pot War is of benefit, and more benefit is for President Trump to get the populations underground to survive. That takes the nuclear cards and the wars off the table, and that pulls Kim Jong Un's fangs.

Now ask yourself why is only this popular girl providing the correct policy to deal with all of this? The answer is because those providing policy to the President want limited war and threats of war, to produce defense department profits which is unacceptable foreign policy.

There is your correct policy Mr. President as no one else has provided from Steve Bannon in his millions dead assured destruction to not start a war, and the Herb McMaster transferring trillions to the Pentagon.
Transfer the trillions to the PEOPLE in survival shelters, arm them and supply them, and the nuclear threat goes away and Kim Jong Un's leverage for Peking and Moscow disappears, and these nations then have to bankrupt themselves attempting to deal with the American Asian allied front.

Nuff Said
