Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nuclear Roulette

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is your turn to do the work as your lives depend upon it.

Donald Trump has let the Christian West and the Christian East down. He has led America into the Great Game as it was termed in the 19th Century.

First Anglo Afghan War

Second Anglo Afghan War

There was a special torture of the British soldier's captured in jamming a stick into their mouths so they could not close them to swallow and then Muslim women would piss in the English gullets until they were drown in Afghan urine.

The much-touted meeting between US Under Secretary of State Thomas Shannon and Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov in Helsinki has produced no breakthrough, with Russia confirming that further retaliatory measures against US diplomats are imminent.
“We urged them to stop destroying Russian-American relations and undermining international law, and to occupy themselves with solving problems that have arisen not due to any fault of our own,” said a statement from the Russian foreign ministry at the conclusion of the first day of a two-day summit.

 Steve Bannon of the DIA helped in this immensely in telling Charlie Rose that the Russians were bad people. It is always a good policy to stoke nuclear fires in North Korea, with Russian and Chinese nuclear missiles pointed at America, and then antagonize the Russians even more.

Thomas A. Shannon Jr. - Wikipedia

Thomas Alfred "Tom" Shannon Jr. (born 1958) is an American diplomat and the current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. In early 2017, Shannon served as ...

Play the game, the way the adults would. You can do it. You have a gun, a revolver loaded with a nuclear bullet, and as in Russian Roulette, you keep spinning the cylinder and pulling the trigger as it moves around the table.......
Russia, China, America, North Korea are around the table, all not expecting the gun to go off, but what happens if some other source has it go off as it is in their interests. Sort of hard to tell with nuclear roulette who set something off.

That is what logic would point to.

Same world that Obama, Clinton, Jeb Bush were speaking of had been set up in scorched earth, and now the same US policy is being implemented by Mr. President.

I rewrote the time line for peace, and now it has been wasted by the world, but God blesses the peacemakers even if the warmongers prevailed. Rewards in Christ's Kingdom is where the heart is.

I am weary of this, as what is it the Russian woman said, The stars work for free but Maria needs bread for the table.
