Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Polygamist Barack Hussein Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Obama legacy is being written upon the fiction of the Obama library worth a billion and wasting billions into perpetuity as the poor of Chicago languish in Val-erie Jarrett slums and Obama gangland squalor, the reality of Barack Hussein Obama requires being placed upon these screens for a future generation to know the weakness of this stage prop foisted upon the world stage.

Barack Hussein Obama was a sodomite. Like his Uncle Frank Marshall Davis, Obama engaged in the Chicago pastime of the Negroid male performing acts of hoover upon other males, as Lawrence Sinclair exposed in the spring of 2008 as the fiction of Obama the halo headed deity was placed upon the stage.
Obama though like the 'gods' of the West who appeared before aboriginal tribes, and then were discovered to excrement as humans and violate other humans with sexual urgings, were soon discarded for lumps of flesh they were among the aboriginals, but the fiction of Obama remains for the gods of the international organized community.

This examination of the reality of Barack Hussein Obama is his polygamy, in image of the African communist father whose name was placed upon the Obama birth abstract, because the bi sexual Obama was always in search of what and who he really was, as he slapped his hands to the table proclaiming the way things ought to be, because the boy Obama said so.

Barack Obama in the White House was by best description, a male lesbian, who was wed to Michelle Obama the dominant male, Val-erie Jarrett another dominant lesbian male who bridged the Oedipus complex in Obama and the lesbian validation in Michelle, and then the gay male of David Plouffe, because Barack Hussein Obama, being feminine, simply with his other male lesbians give place to strong males who soon vanished in the court propagandist, David Axelrod, the most virile Rahm Emanuel of Chicago Men's Clubs and the establishment of all maleness in one of the Daily's of Chicago.

Whenever a strong male appeared around Obama, they immediately were set upon by the shrews of Michelle Obama and Val-erie Jarrett as competitors to their male genes, and a strength which Barack Obama could not permit in his little glass house of ego.

So the reality of Barack Obama, his court intrigue was he was both wife and mistress to a host of select candidates, male and female, but lesbian in all, as long as like Reggie Love, or some towel snapping trysts with Charlie Gibson of media in open shirt interviews, and were not in power to displace the husbandly shemales of Val-erie Jarrett or Michelle Obama.
It should never be forgotten the queer story that Obama told before his White House press corp, of NBC's Brian Williams in bed with him, rolling over and  telling jokes. No normal heterosexual male would think of such a thing. A locker room, a golf cart, but Obama always wanted to out himself as the closet queer in telling the world he made a notch on his belt with a white man.
It is why Obama mocked Michelle Obama in a joke which in double entendre was that Michelle Obama would not hoover her husband. In Obama's pansy Chicagoland this was the ultimate violation as white rich folks went slumming to black clubs to have their penis hoovered by paid black males as their wives would not perform this act on them at home. Obama was frustrated that he had to turn to the same means the white masters of Chicago did, in employing the same means they did as Obama humiliated his wife, and sexualized his daughters as children making remarks that rock bands should desire them.

Sex with Obama was never a part of marriage, as sex was not an intimacy, but an artifice.  So the marriages that Obama was wife in, did not always include sex for these were marriages  Wedlock for Obama was an excuse to exploit others for the failings Obama would never admit to.

Obama was a wife to Michelle, because he enjoyed the bondage of the psychological beatings she gave him. Where Obama's adoptive mum Stanley Ann Dunham was a political prostitute, Michelle was the tough South Side Chicago streets of braun, the strength which the adoptive mum never could manifest. Michelle was the father Obama needed, but was deprived of.

Val-erie Jarrett, was another husband to Barack, but unique in she filled the role of confirming as each other's  man friend, that Barack was worthless without him, but everything with them.
Ms. Jarrett was the clumsy Svengali effect. Her symphony was to both wound and heal. She wounded the wounded Michelle in her race and bound her up in her need to have Jarrett's protection, because Barack could never protect her, and as for Barack, Jarrett would wound him in that not all outside drunk from the Obama delusions of godhood, so Barack always had to keep Jarrett close on the inside to whisper the mirror mirror mantras to the little Barry.

And of the homosexual males in all their weakness? They merely were the sexual caverns so the lesbian husbands could be liberated from duties they would not bend at the waist for.

For the weak of mind, they would protest as to what all of this matters, but it is the psychological essence of the Obama regime. It never was a government. It was an intrigue as mired as any royal court. Competent leaders who could have made Obama historical in Rahm Emanuel were swept aside for dogma, as creatures as moulded and mundane as Clapper, Comey and Brennan, all feminine and vindictive trysts of the Obama jihad against American manhood, in the husbands disdained the White accomplishment in envy and the woman of Obama was in loathing fear of.

This is the Obama legacy. Where Rahm Emanuel lectured pragmatism in Obamacare, the husbands of Obama chose the hysterical path, and their choice was for Obama to wed himself to Nancy Pelosi, another dominant female to further humiliate Obama, in this White woman would accomplish what Barack Hussein Obama was not able to. For the lesbian husbands, Obama was the erectile dysfunction of legislative rapine and genocide of America, in the change they believed in.

The creation of the fiction of Barack Hussein Obama, no matter Soetoro or Chin, is one of of a mystery where the fiction became the reality, where the polygamist Sr. became a Jr. Chicago version of creating a harem where the Birther was always the center of attention, as Obama created the worshipful abuse he longed to be chastised by, as Obama knew the failure he was inside.

Obama never could make it in John Wayne America, so he had to destroy that America, for the Obama cult of myriads of self loathing failures could cling to the dream of him.

Obama became his own religion of church and only dictatorship of state. His haj of followers though despised the man and loathed themselves in the wedlock of Obama political contraction.

Nuff Said
