As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was moved to share this from one of our friends as we have been posting a great deal of history recently and it is relevant to post the future of many people.
this is a very negative story, but it adds real life historical accounts to the destruction of the german people at the hands of the soviets.
only read if you are in a place to deal with such things. otherwise just discard and pretend you never received it. no reason to ruin a perfectly good day over something from long ago and erased from history.
This is about the German Genocide in what Americans engaged in as much as Russians to remove the German competition. The beauty of this is the following real experience in the details, as in moments like this all time becomes slow and the events move with such pause that the human is steeped in them forever.
The reality of warfare came as a shock. 'There was a flash and a loud bang,' she recalled. 'I fell to the floor and saw the blood-spattered bodies of my friends; some of them lay across my legs, convulsing violently with blood running from their mouths.'Little funnels of smoke rose out of the holes in their bodies and steam from their torn stomachs.'
There is never anything pretty in death. There is only the artistry of it as it paints itself upon the mind.
Theresa Moelle recalled being clubbed from behind by Russian soldiers. 'I came around and had been bound and gagged. Everything was a blur. I was surrounded by objects on the floor. As my vision began to clear, I could see they were the severed heads of German soldiers arranged in a circle.'Five Russian-speaking figures stood a few yards away urinating over a poster of the Fuhrer.'I wondered what they had done with Anneliese, and later learned they had raped and shot her. One of the bastards took great pleasure in telling me I would be next.'Her colleague, Anita von Schoener, was brutally gang-raped by Russian soldiers.'I could not stop them, as while one did the raping, the others held you down,' Anita said.'I had to survive what these men were doing to me for the sake of my child, so I shut my eyes. They were like a pack of wild animals and when they had finished taking turns abusing me, I had teeth marks on my neck, breasts and my shoulders.'The worst thing of all was that I later discovered I was pregnant again, this time with a rapist's child. I went ahead with the birth, as many German girls did.
For some reason there are only Saving Private Ryan, and never Gang Raping Neta, as the Ashkenaz media still profits off the holocaust, but that profit would ebb with the cinema of what was carried out in Americans blowing German children to bits and Russians raping their remains.
You are looking at your future in the past, and you are not aware as all of the Tweets and all of the sanctions never allow you to realize that war does come to the West as it always has.
The fortunate will gasp and drown on their own blood as the light of their eyes dries and the sign of death comes to their blank stare and in hours passersby will look upon the white opaque of those eyes, before in time the entire form turns black.
The less fortunate will be spectators of Hiroshima of being radiation cooked, the bleeding, and rotting as all turns black, and scent of it all of a dead city which one can scent for miles.
As this is typed on July 29th, one wonders what the future knows, but it will all be revealed, for Americans voted for peace in 2016, and Germans never voted for the above and yet the artistry found them in their most intimate places.
Nuff Said