Sunday, September 17, 2017

Why is Donald Trump treating his wife like a Recruit

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am puzzled. I am not part of the British Ivanka stressing the President's marriage, but when something which makes no sense appears, it is a matter which must be noted.

The following is from a Trump public visit where Melania is introducing the President, and Donald Trump shakes her hand.


'And know now, it's my great pleasure to introduce my husband. The president of the United States, Donald Trump.' 
Trump bounded on to the stage, extending his left hand out long before Melania had the chance to offer her cheek for a peck.

Again this part makes no sense in what is being noted, in Donald Trump is right handed as this photo proves, and as the IB article records in quotes.
So why is Donald Trump extending his left hand and then only shaking his wife's hand?

Those fearful of lefties in power will catch a break this month when President-elect Donald Trump, a righty, takes over the White House from President Barack Obama, a lefty. Trump, the owner of a number of golf courses, swings his clubs with a right-handed stance and writes with his right hand.

The First Lady is not perturbed, but seems normal in expression. I just do not ever see myself shaking my spouse's hand. Yes if I was nervous in it being the first time in some Presidential forum, but this is not the first time they have been in public, nor have kissed on the cheek which would be normal.

As typical at this rally, someone was again visibly in a Trumpenfuror rage, and body language not like the First Lady. Note in this photo, that the Kushner's and White House staff have deliberately put Melania in the outsider seat which is a violation of protocol and a snub to the First Lady.


This is John Kelly's responsibility in the degradation of the First Lady.

I make note of changes in patterns, and this is a change in pattern.

Everything was close in Florida for food distribution in hurricane Irma, the day before.


Just more puzzling intercourse with Donald Trump.
