Sunday, September 17, 2017

A Guide To Acting American

Vice President Dick Cheney

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not been paying attention to Welchman Christian Bale and the hit piece media he has been cast in portraying Vice President Dick Cheney,  but apparently in order to portray Mr. Cheney, the producers and Bale think he has to be a fat man.
This I do not comprehend, as Dick Cheney never was a fat man, due to the fact  he had a heart condition for most of his life, and could not be a fat man due to health issues.

Perhaps this is the Meryl Streepe school of acting, where she puts in various red hair wigs and this makes her transformed into Julia Childs or Margaret Thatcher. With Streepe the joy would be if red hair actually made her an actress.

This though is Christian Bale as Dick Cheney.


Welshman Christian Bale portraying Dick Cheney
looking exactly like Alec Baldwin

The problem with the above portrayal is that unless Dick Cheney looks like Alec Baldwin, Christian Bale when he gets fatty, looks like sullen Alec Baldwin. I always thought that fatness made you a happy man and not sour like all those gay degenerates.

Alec Baldwin as himself portraying Christian Bale

I don't know, maybe Christian Bale is a fan of Alec Baldwin as all of us are, and he is hoping that by looking like Alec Baldwin he will get invited over for tini weenies or some other hoerderves, or, perhaps Christian Bale's wife will only put out if Christian looks like Alec as the wife keeps digging her nails in shrieking ALEC ALEC ALEC during intercourse.

This though is Alec Baldwin portraying another political figure in Donald Trump.

Alec Baldwin as Lloyd Bridges

The problem is that like Christian Bale, Alec Baldwin looks like Lloyd Bridges and not Donald Trump.

Lloyd Bridges

Maybe it is like Christian Bale in Alec Baldwin's really gorgeous wife only will put out for him if he looks like Donald Trump, as it was reported that Hillary shrews were getting their vagina's stretched by all the good sex they were getting from Trump man whore voters.
This is disappointing in me, in I had hoped that Trump voting males would have some regard for their penis and entry points, as a Trump voting male should be aware of where these Hillary pussies have been. I mean Madonna was offering blow jobs for people to vote for Hillary and no male in their right mind went near that mouth which had been near Sean Penn, so why would any male go near something like this and give it mind blowing sex.


Ashley Judd portraying an angry Hillary Clinton vagina

Mother Nature simply tells normal penis not to enter things like saber tooth tiger caves, Madonna's mouth after being around Sean Penn and of course things associated with Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, Ashley Judd and Matthew McConaughay.

You know Lloyd Bridges and Dick Cheney never had to dress up like Alec Baldwin or Christian Bale to get laid by their women, as they were all any woman could handle. That Lloyd Bridges was just prime beef and he had the whole hog.

See what I mean, that Lloyd Bridges got all the macho and his kids Jeff and Beau were left with not even a O.

 Lloyd Bridges who could act.

Then of course there is Christian Bale. I don't know what he was trying to act out in this, but as Sir Lawrence Olivier, an English actor once said to Dustin Hoffman torturing himself for a scene, "You really should try acting boy".

Christian Bale who thinks calorie intake is acting
