Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Lame Cherry Stock Market Prediction

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On Monday of this past week, the Lame Cherry once again went out on the limb to inform all of you of something. This blog stated that from the 17th to the 20th was a series of Pur dates which pointed to a drop in the Stock Markets.
I was reading about a 6000 point drop over 4 days, but stated as this was not earthquakes, but humans, things are different in the matrix  as it requires human actions.

TL found this on Thursday as Zero Hedge featured it, but it was suppressed from all media to not allow a panic to begin. This is fro

As we discussed earlier this week, today is the 30th anniversary of the stock market crash in 1987, which would later be referred to as “Black Monday.” A heavy sell-off overseas — particularly in Hong Kong and rippling out to smaller places on the Pacific Rim, most notably New Zealand — came home to roost after market overvaluations dropped the U.S. indexes by roughly 25%. It was a harrowing day in the markets, though in retrospect investors were able to climb back out of the crater in less than a year’s time.

There was an emergency buy in the artificial intelligence which props up this fake market which stopped the plunge, but just as this blog predicted, the markets were at 23000, and a 6000 point drop would be around 25%. The flash reading of the matrix was exactly as predicted in the matrix.

Just pointing that fact out as all of you missed it that the markets did plunge, were emergency ginned up and now they are more unstable and precarious than before.

So you get this, those in power, just dumped 25% of the US stock market and stuck you with the bill. Mr. President really should stop bragging about this sham market.

The Lame Cherry, right again by God's Grace.

Nuff Said

