Monday, October 30, 2017

Have the Las Vegas Murders just Started?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a growing myriad of proof that there were multiple shooters in Las Vegas on October 1st,  from eyewitness wounds and observations, and now some absolutely troubling information is appearing which points to a deep state involvement in the intelligence community or defense special operations forces were involved.

One of Jeff Rense's guests reported that the Las Vegas airport was shut down for several hours. We now have evidence that there were shooters on the runway there reported.
There appears inn Las Vegas a growing scenario which Gary Holland has been pointing to, in there were "layers" to this operation in professionals and mercenaries.

Political strategist and co-founder of “The New Right” Mike Tokes released a portion of the tower audio on his twitter feed early Sunday morning.
LAS Tower: Shutting down may not be a good idea. There’s active shooters on the runway.
LAS Tower: The nineteens are closed, we are in the process of trying to round them up. They are on the property.

Recall the story of a photographer on the top of Mandalay Bay, when the shooting started and security appeared and told him to get off the roof. He was not impressed as he was on the roof, had a large rifle looking black case, and a police helicopter was flying around, and then the police illuminated him with a spot light.

There was another helicopter at the next hotel sometime after this, which was flashing a call sign of a Southwest airlines commercial jet, as it lit or hovered over the Delano Hotel, and then flew away.

Rich Muslims, terrorists, casino owners and Stephen Paddock can not change call signs on aircraft. That is the realm of those who cover up Kennedy assassinations with Warren Reports.

There was at least one police helicopter if not more surveillance on the strip, and yet an aircraft flew in and flew out. It flew in squawking commercial and flew off with the transponder turned off.

Whoever this was, whoever this group was, was connected, and could not hide in the hotel, nor were they dressed in attire in which they could have walked out the front door. Whoever this was, there could not be any chance of their being seen or discovered.
The transponder is the key, as it points to premeditation. It was set for a known commercial flight which would be flying out. That is access to FAA records in a preplanned extraction.

As Delta Force does not become deployed to tops of hotels to watch Jason Aldean concerts, they were not there to listen to the music.

Logic would dictate that these were not shooters on the ground as they could blend into the crowd.  This was something that needed extraction. It can one of two situations. Situation one is this was terror connected from the deep state. Situation two is this was a neutralization team which was sent in and they either grabbed whoever was in charge of this attack or they got shot up and  had to be evacuated, as a pile of dead and wounded Special Ops does not fit with the narrative of a lone gun man.

We are entering another phase in American Enigma, where official narrative is either deliberately bad to sow more mistrust into the public or they are off on the Mockingbird as the events so threw the deep state off that they are struggling to catch up.

The next scenario is starting in a young woman who survived the attack and was beginning to tell the real story on the internet was found dead in her home. This now follows in a California couple who somehow crashed their vehicle into a metal gate, their teenage daughter heard it, went outside, and for the next hour firefighters tried to put out the fire, and only bits and pieces of her parents were left.


Dennis and Loraine Carver

But on the night of Oct. 16, the couple’s younger daughter, 16-year-old Madison Carver, heard a loud bang outside her window. When she ran down the street and rounded the corner, a familiar vehicle engulfed in flames came into view. Dennis, 52, and Lorraine, 53, had died together less than half a mile from their home.
According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement.

Could the Trump official who first produced the narrative of this being ISIS related and the fear was Muslim sleeper cells were about to be activated be correct in there are now Muslim cells hunting down survivors as a giant poke in the eye to the American regime, to further stoke this situation, as those involved in the cover up have terrorists they were petting for Muslim oil money paying for politicians in acts like Clintons in Kosovo, and it just digs deeper with every action and every lie.

Is Las Vegas behind the Saudi Arabian mandate that it will rid itself of extreme Islam now and implement a modern Islam of moderation?

Saudi Arabia wants to return to 'moderate Islam.' Skeptics ...

Oct 25, 2017 · Rasheed questioned whether the announced religious reforms would really be implemented. ... "It is unclear how a moderate Islam in Saudi Arabia would look like, ...

Is Las Vegas another federal operation gone wrong? Is it .........

In typing this, someone just logged me out from another location, so it most interesting in who is paying such close attention in some nation's intelligence community. Is Las Vegas a situation where the killing only started and has only begun?

Is it a situation where Donald Trump in reversals was speaking of world war as he spoke about Las Vegas?

One reality has proven out over the decades and that is when this police state, military state and conglomerate state, keep terrorists around as pets to validate their huge government contracts and jobs, that every so often Americans end up massacred in numbers, as the terrorists outsmart the minders.

What happened to Mr. President deporting these terror cells in America? Perhaps like the Kennedy files, Mr. President needs to order again those under him to do what he ordered them to, as there is too much evidence now that what is the official narrative is an absolute series of lies and fiction.

Americans must have the Truth as having paid for this Obama super state, they are still paying with their lives.

Nuff Said
