Monday, October 30, 2017

Robert Mueller Ejaculates A Dry Load

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is interested in one thing in the Robert Mueller witch hunt, and that is a number of Americans have been bullied, assaulted, terrorized, threatened and impoverished by Robert Mueller, his coven of investigators and the police state of the FBI out of control, who are involved with Robert Mueller.

These are real people, just like you, and their only crime is they helped Donald Trump defeat Bush, Obama and Clinton fam, in Hillary Clinton stealing 2016.

I am going to give you the charges Robert Mueller has indicted these innocent Americans over, and in them you will not find one charge of collusion with Russia.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to federal agents working for special counsel Mueller about his dealings with several Russians who were offering "dirt" on Trump's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

The first is an aide Papandopolous who has been Scooter Libby'd for lying to the FBI. People get very nervous when the FBI shows up and starts grilling them. They get confused, might not remember things and sometimes panic and not come forward with all information, which then becomes a charge of lying to the FBI.
That is all Papandopolous was guilty of. He wanted to get Hillary information from the Russians, and when asked by the FBI if he did this, he in some way denied it, even though it was absolutely LEGAL to do it, but he has now plead guilty of a "crime" which has nothing to do with Russia, but with Robert Mueller.

As for Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, this is what they are charged with:

The indictment against Manafort, 68, and Gates, 45, includes 12 separate criminal counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.
The government alleges that at least $75 million was moved by Manafort to offshore accounts without declaring the income to the government. Form there Manafort allegedly withdrew $18 million to fund a lavish lifestyle, and Gates pulled another $3 million out.

I am going to take this apart so you can understand this in what the charges really are, as they are from 2012 before Mr. Manafort was ever working for Mr. Trump in 2016. This comes from the time that the Clintons and Bush families were in favor of President Yankovych of Ukraine, so Paul Manafort had full US government support in running a campaign there for Mr Yankovych's re election.
What Mr. Manafort and Mr. Davis were engaged in, was setting up an investment business in eastern Europe for rich people, so their money could come into the US stock market. There is nothing criminal about any of that.

So there was not any conspiracy against the United States, no conspiracy to launder money, no need to register as an agent of a foreigner and no need to register as a foreign agent, and no need to file bank information.
The 75 million was what Manafort was investing, like Warren Buffett does in his hedge funds, and if the money was 21 million for the investing of money, that is not a crime either, no more than the US regime taking 60% of your income in  taxes each year.

How do we know the above to be the neutralization of Robert Mueller's charges? It is because in June of 2017, the New York Times published an extensive report on all of this and Rick Davis went public explaining exactly what Mr. Manafort and Mr. Davis were involved in, as it was business.
The short of it is the business fell on hard  times due to the Obama Super Depression which we have not recovered yet from.

Here are the pertinent quotes.

What Manafort and Davis were attempting to implement was some sort of Goldman Sachs for eastern Europeans, based in Ukraine. There was a huge amount of fortune there and they were trying to be conduits to have it flow into their hedge fund in America.
Again, there is absolutely nothing illegal about this as it is called business.

As it turned out, the fund foundered amid the global economic crisis, and the only deal with Mr. Deripaska devolved into a legal dispute. But today, nearly a decade later, investigators are known to have an interest in the money that Mr. Manafort and his colleagues made in Eastern Europe, how those funds were paid and the offshore conduits such as Cyprus through which that money traveled.

The next quote is most important to diffuse Mueller's witch hunt, because you hear a great deal about Cyprus in this in money laundering. The problem is, is it was the Eastern Europeans who were requesting that Manafort and Davis use the Cyprus bank, because it was REGULATED and American banks preferred dealing with REGULATED European Union banks, and not Eastern European banks, because the American banks would be investigated as part of this witch hunt under Obama.

Cyprus has long been a popular tax haven for Russian oligarchs and businesses. Mr. Gates said he was told that Davis Manafort clients had instructed the firm to use Cyprus as a financial transfer point, because American banks preferred to work with the island’s European Union-regulated banks rather than those in Eastern Europe.

So all of what Manafort was involved in, was regulated by Europe, reported by US banks, and nothing was hidden. We know this, because New York auditors had been looking at this as much as other Treasury units and THEY FOUND NOTHING. Yet Robert Mueller in his witch hunt has trumped up these indictments lying to the American public.

You will hear of Shell Companies, again these are legal and everyone knew in government what these companies were involved in. In Manafort and Davis' case they set up 5 accounts, to keep track of whose money was coming in, and what branch of the business was dealing with who.
Think of it this way, as I honesty got this off of Oprah from a financial adviser and it is what I do.
I have bank and credit cards. I use one for itemized purchases as I have to do that now. I use one for deductions, one for farm expenses and one account for treats. In this way, when I have to do my taxes, I know what each bill is and where it is, as it makes bookkeeping easy.
My Mom's brother who had a lawn business, mowing rich Jehovah's Witnesses lawns, used the same system in one credit card had everything from his lawn business on it.

This is what the shell companies were for Manafort and Davis. They were accounts to keep track of whose money was what and where it was going, so nothing became mixed up.

Davis Manafort used shell companies in Cyprus both to receive payments for its political consulting and for business investment activities. Documents reviewed by The Times show that Mr. Gates was among the employees who dealt with the Cypriot law firm that registered those companies.

There is nothing illegal with living a lavish lifestyle in over charging people. Most of you reading this blog are pulling that in pretending to be poor in not donating, while you steal things from me, to appear on line in a lavish lifestyle pretending that you figuring everything out on your own when it was all God. What Paul Manafort was paid is between him and his clients, and they had the right to pull their funds out if disastified and as they did not, everyone was pleased.

What Paul Manafort did with this money was nothing illegal. It was hedge funds, investments in a car dealership and a building in New York. Again, how much Paul Manafort was paid is between his clients and himself. To make a point, it has always been rumored that General MacArthur was rewarded with chests of gold from the Philippines for liberating them, and Americans involved in liberating Kuwait were provided for in a most lucrative way. It was all legal, and nothing was investigated as it was politically connected. The problem for Paul Manafort is he beat the rigged system.

You will notice in this NO ELECTION RIGGING.You will notice in this that Mike Flynn has not been indicted, as the Manafort witch hunt is supposed to pressure Flynn to flip on Mr. Trump.
We know that Mr. Davis was pressured, refused to lie about Mr. Trump, and then was indicted for it as punishment.

The reality is for each of you reading this, is how would you for supporting Donald Trump, be now facing prosecution for clicking on a Russian news site or being indicted in some deal you got from someone in the past 5 years, which you did not report.
I will let that one simmer in you as your halo starts illuminating what you been up to, and you realize that Robert Mueller could be twisting things to make you look like a crook.

To quote the modern phrase, this is an empty burger what Robert Mueller came up with, and as none of this is connected to Russian meddling in American elections, it does not even have a bun or a diner to serve it up in. What this is, is Robert Mueller trying to cover up his crimes in dealing with Uranium One.

Robert Mueller knows the political tide has turned and he there will be a move to have him surrender to the FBI for being booked, and that is why Robert Mueller did not go gestapo as he did against Robert Mueller earlier in breaking into Mr. Manafort's home.
If Mueller had a case, he would have dragged Manafort and Davis out in handcuffs, with the press snapping pictures of them in their underwear. Mueller did this for cover for his crimes and he did not dare rough up Mr. Manafort or Mr. Davis, as he would be the one dragged down the street later.

Nuff Said
