Would you like to go to Auto Zone and feel my hose later?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
That ole Mark Halperin, you remember him on Charlie Rose saying, "Obama don't care about those Gulf Coast states drowning in British Petroleum Gulf Gusher oil, because they didn't vote for him"?
Well ole Mark should have ponied up as he is being Weinsteined.
Apparently Mark Halperin is a PENIS PRESSER. You know like Mike Pence is a sidler, always showing up? Well Halperin is a PENIS PRESSER, in no sooner does a woman show up in his office, and Halerpin's penis is pressing up against the liberal women, and it is such a traumatic experience that like Harvey Weinstein, the women were so overwrought that they could not remember what happened and could only talk about it a decade later.
In defense of Mark Halperin, he might be telling the truth in he was not pressing his penis on women, but he might have taken a cue from Elvis Presley and stuffed an auto hose down his pants to make the girls in the audience swoon for rock and roll.
Halperin might have gone down to Auto Zone and bought a foot of radiator hose, stuffed into his thong and went to pressing his hose on the girls to impress them. I mean some men are just shy, while some do their thinking with their penis, some like Halperin let their penis do their talking for them.
I mean I read a Playboy letter one time where a grocery boy put a big rubber band around his erection. It hurt like hell, but he said he was always protruding at the carry out section, and he said that he got lots of young things and old things. There seemed to be like a 22 to 40 year old group who were getting hounded by men for sex all the time and would not give the box boy anything but a sneer, but the 18 to 21 girls and the 40 plus cougars could not climb in the back of the cars fast enough. The rubber band kept him up and ready, but Playboy wanted to know how he explained and industrial size rubber band around his dick.
The thing is with Halperin, he could slip the hose back into his car before a date, and the women would never suspect a thing, except for the smell of radiator fluid on his underwear.
Halperin probably thought this was his polite way of iterating with women. If a woman pretended she did not want the radiator hose, then Halperin could pretend he was not a penis pressure. If the woman said something like, "My daddy had one like that on his 57 Chevy. How about checking under my hood", Halperin knew it was time to visit the parking garage and get ready for a date later.
It certainly was better than shemale Ellen who when she is not giving cover for Jesus Campos, she apparently humiliates and assaults satan's wife in Katie Perry with lewd photos going gaga over big hooter nips.
Poor Katie, Orlando Bloom dumps her, satan is a fickle hubbie, and there is lesbian Ellen assaulting her.
I realize this "HER ASS MEANT" Is confusing as Nasty Snatch Ashley Judd, who started all of this, came out with this most odd statement, and it is why the courts have been throwing men into prison for years.
Ashley Judd offered to have sex with Harvey Weinstein to avoid rape
Yes that is a clever approach. "Please Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait as President Bush wants you to".
Those clever approaches always work.
The thing is with Nasty Judd in reading her recollections of being Weinsteined, she did the following:
- She went to his room
- Said no to a massage and then let it happen
- She let Harvey lead her to his bedroom to help him pick out his suit for the day
- She promised to have sex with him later.
Of course, you have chaste thoughts in me dressing like this
and I am not dressing like this to promote my career and manipulate you
as I am a vain female
I sort of apologize in this penis presser age in understanding the penis presser, as women all the time are boob rubbing on men by accident, and wearing cleavage tops to tell a man what her ass means, so she does not have to come out and say, "I am a nasty snatch, but do not think of me as a whore".
I will bet that Nasty Judd did all sorts of Weinstein things to her husband to get him interested, but it was not rape, or is not called rape yet, as the man did not know or wanted it to happen.
“He kept coming at me with all this other stuff, and finally I just said, ‘When I win an Oscar in one of your movies, okay?'” Judd said. “And he was like, ‘Yeah, when you get nominated.’ And I said, ‘No! When I win an Oscar.’ And I fled. I just fled.”So that sounds like a verbal contract with Ashley Judd and Harvey Weinstein. I do not pay attention to this woman's crapper career, but it is sort of like Shylock in Harvey Weinstein can take Nasty to court and the court must make Ashley Judd have sex with Weinstein, as she confirmed this in public.
No pounds of flesh in this to fudge out of it, just pounding of the flesh, and that Oscar.
I think with Ashley Judd that it is Shakespeare in the lady doth protest too much. She knows she is not going to win any Oscar. The closest she ever came was 20 years ago in a Blockbuster award, and let's face it, that is not the Oscars.
So Ashley is old. Her marriage is failed. She protested her pussy at Donald Trump and everyone cringed and no one wanted sex, including lesbians, her career is over, so all she has is scorn now at Harvey Weinstein as this is her "Halperin penis pusher" way of telling Weinstein she is mad that he waited around for that Oscar.
See how complicated this all is, especially for women who have been assaulted and raped, as none of them promised a rapist sex or waited around for Auto Zone to make a delivery.
It seems to me now that this issues is thoroughly clouded, that it is time for men to start outing which hosebags were rubbing their tits and crotches on them, the ones who belittled them, you know the way Hillary Clinton has Donald Trump, so Mr. Trump can file sexual harassment charges now too.