Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jesus Campos Fled The United States After the Las Vegas Slaughter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Tucker Carlson is fast becoming the driving force in investigative journalism, in law enforcement is turning to him to expose, what is the AWOL law enforcement in the Las Vegas massacre.
Carlson was given a border patrol document that shows Jesus Campos fled America after the Las Vegas shooting. He did not drive his vehicle which has Nevada plates, but somehow had a California rental car, meaning Campos left Las Vegas deliberately for California to hide his tracks, rented a vehicle there and then disappeared into Mexico, only to reappear again, where MGM scripted a new tie line for him for that lesbian dolt Ellen to aid in this cover up.

Carlson asked there questions:

The Daily Caller co-founder raised a number of questions, asking, “How did Campos, who reportedly had a gunshot wound to the leg from a high-powered rifle round, manage to travel to Mexico? Did he fly? Did he drive? Was his employer aware that he left the country? Were investigators? Did they facilitate the trip? What day did Campos get to Mexico? How was he able to drive back, for hundreds of miles, from the San Diego border to Nevada? Why did he take a rental car instead of his own? The union that represents Campos told us that they were aware he left the country. Why did it take a government leak for the rest of us to find out?”
Carlson also asked, “Had [Campos] ever had previous contact with Stephen Paddock?”

To reinforce this, Campos fled the hospital against the orders of his doctor. He then cancelled on all media. He then disappeared for days into Mexico, having severe enough wounds and a bullet in him yet, that he was still walking with a cane on Ellen's program.

Carlson ends his questions with the question if Campos actually knew  Paddock before. That is not out of bounds as Lee Harvey Oswald or likenesses like Oswald were in Mexico in the JFK assassination. We know that Campos has had different photos of him surface and we know the "award photo" had him thin and a few days later he was 30 pounds heavier as shown by Jeff Rense in his cataloguing of all of this.

As this blog has proven, nothing about Campos' story pans out. Time and again we are told he was shot by Paddock, as Paddock shot through the door. Campos wound was in his back side. There is not any way that Paddock can shoot a man in the back while firing out his door.

Now we have a major question that the FBI, Las Vegas Police and frankly MGM should have been asking, but this is the same group who cleared Paddock's  Filipino girlfriend without even questioning her.

Here is a time line to consider.

What if Jesus Campos was allied with a group that appeared out of South America as the shooters at Las Vegas, managed by the Iranians who masterminded this attack. What if, someone was in the room with Paddock, removed evidence as in hard drives, walked them out of the room to Campos, who  then delivered them to contacts in Mexico, to cover all of this up.

In reality, law enforcement has been more engaged in a cover up, than in the Truth. Campos name should have lit up everywhere, and it did as Border Patrol which is trying to protect America immediately flagged this when it caught their attention. Why did not the FBI have an eye witness of thee most important case in America under their protection? Why was no one keeping tabs on Campos, instead of smearing the Las Vegas Sheriff?

Could it be that the 32nd floor was chosen, as was Campos on duty to run interference in this operation so the police would be delayed? We know that Campos lied to the police about events in the original time line that made him a Mexican hero, and the time line change when MGM began protecting itself from lawsuits.

This blog has stated from the start of this that Jesus Campos story did not make sense. Remember the David  John Oates reversal on Campos about the door being barricaded.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Of Nuclear Wars and Stephen Paddock Profits 


Jesus Campos

Metal bracket holding in place - And it will wake up

This is a puzzling  reversal in a door can not wake up. Campos has insider information that something "will wake up" associated with this door.

We now have a man connected to the greatest slaughter in US history, twice placing his life in jeopardy, after lying about what took place on the 32nd floor at Mandalay Bay, and then deliberately hiding that he was sojourning in Mexico for an undisclosed reason.

Jesus Campos must be made a person of interest, but that would require law enforcement actually interested in solving this crime in it's many deceptions in this cover up.

It is clear that no one is asking questions, because there is a cover up, of those involved, and law enforcement knew more about this operation before it happened, and when it did happen, they began protecting their assets again as on 9 11.

Nuff Said
