Sunday, October 15, 2017

I knew Stephen Paddock 50 years ago so I know why he acted out........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps the strangest happening of the saga of Stephen Paddock, involves a Greg Palast, who did an interview on the Jeff Rense program on Friday the 13th, of October 2017 AD in the year of our Lord.

Greg Palast
I Went To School
With Stephen Paddock

These are a few of the gems in this interview.

Palast and Paddock went to the same school, some Polytech in Los Angeles, which Palast said was for losers, except Palast.
Palast stated that no one ever got out of the Polytech as the were all losers, as losers are all taught mechanics and poly type jobs, then went on to say that he got out by being some sort of con man, and made a career in Mockingbird liberal media.

Palast knew all about Paddock, but only talked to him in class. Palast had not seen Paddock or heard from him since 1970 AD in the year of our Lord, but immediately knew Paddock's psychology was White Rage, which is why people voted for Donald Trump.

Palast then stated if he had a gun he could not be trusted around George W. Bush  back in the day, and that he did not use bullets, but words.

Now mind you, this is a New York Times best selling author, worked for the BBC and other liberal publications saying all of this.

Then Palast stated that he was an investigative financial journalist or something, but had not investigated any of Paddock's records. He did state that Palast was not successful and had no money as he versed hick language into the mic, and could not answer Jeff Rense pointing out that Paddock's brother stated that Paddock made them all rich and then there was that 100,000 dollars wired to the Filipino.
When confronted with realities, Palast swerved into things that Palast was just rewinning money lost and something which sounded like the Paddocks were white trash who ate dirt, so how would they know any difference in what real wealth was, as sleeping under bushes was not eating caviar. He did not state that directly, but that is what this entire menstruation of thought centered on was the Paddocks were stupid and did not know anything, Stephen Paddock was a loser with White Rage, Palast was telling us the truth as in not seeing Paddock for like 50 years, but knowing Polytech is what simmered in Paddock for that lifetime and is why he went nuts........when Palast was not fixated on getting out of the Vietnam War, which Paddock, himself and George W. Bush had.

The undercurrent of all of this was something about a movie that Palast was releasing, and his movie had him reminded of Polytech and how that all linked to Stephen Paddock. It sounded more like like Palast was hawking a movie and trying to attach it to Stephen Paddock in real ghoulish promo as Paddock was the big news.

Jeff Rense is a savvy news presenter, and we wondered in listening to this if David John Oates would featured this bizarre interview to see what Rense and Palast were really stating, as Rense sophistication had Palast rattling and prattling on, only to play evidence refuting what Palast had just said, and then trusting the audience would see through this "world according to Palast" commentary.

What makes me suspect that Rense was outing more Mockingbird nonsense or simply exposing another wrong scenario, was that after all of this, Mr. Rense had on the moving story of an eyewitness who was at Las Vegas and had been shot at, with his wife while at the concert. That witness pointed to two shooters, and hinted at three, which made a complete mockery of what Palast was pontificating about in his 50 year old knowledge of some kid in Los Angeles, as Palast was the one who stated he was phobic in not wanting to ever return to Los Angeles, as he was afraid they would never let him out again. In that, one started to wonder that Paddock was the sane one that came out of that school.

This is though who the deep state employs and rewards to provide to the public mind a thought process, which only makes sense to Antifa and BLM. In review, what we heard in listening to this interview whether it was intentional or just out there:

I went to school with Stephen Paddock, but I have this movie. We were all losers at school, but I got out and so did others, but his is what drove Stephen Paddock to White Rage, like people who voted for Trump, and we all got out of Vietnam like George W. Bush, that if I had a gun I could not be trusted around him. The Paddocks are white trash, who are too stupid to know they are poor, but I have this movie, so go watch it.

......and finally, Jeff Rense noted in the interview, that Palast said Paddock was a "good kid".

The wife of the man Jeff Rense interviewed stated she felt like in the Hunger Games in the shooting scenes. After listening to this Palast, I felt like I was watching the interviews with the contestants as it was thee most bewildering thing I have watched since Oprah patting the hands of victims to get them to tell their rape stories, so she could make money off of it all.

Nuff Said
