Sunday, October 29, 2017

MGM's Legal Position is "MGM was a victim too".

Now don't be afraid and run away again Jesus,
as the pointy stick will not hurt you...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was writing a letter to MGM as I sympathize with them in the events of Las Vegas' massacre, as George W. Bush signed the  Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and it is an extension of the liability protection act, to protect companies from ambulance chasing lawsuits.

As I was writing the letter, I was noting that MGM could not be held responsible for non employees like Stephen Paddock, as Ford can not be sued for terrorists running over Americans. That is when the obvious on this appeared in MGM is legally responsible for employees, and that means Jesus Campos, whose story has been so full of holes that it looks like Hillary Clinton's character.

The public, and the attorneys sees MGM as deep pockets, like all rich people in Donald Trump, so they start filing lawsuits and Las Vegas is just that. It is compounded now in this bogus story of Jesus Campos being a hero. A lawyer is going to look at this situation and note:

Campos got shot in the ass.You get shot in the ass by running away, not what security guards are supposed to do, as it gets people killed, and being a coward makes juries in Las Vegas award billion dollar payouts.

That is why MGM put Campos on lesbian Ellen's program as she is vacuous and an MGM employee like Campos. What we have is competing cover ups. The FBI is hiding it's knowledge of Paddock and MGM is trying to make the case that Campos did not run away and not stop the massacre.

See MGM has a problem in this cover up, joining with the FBI, as the lone shooter is the gambit to make the public believe they are safe. This though makes Campos  the focus in not stopping Campos. If MGM had instead of changing time lines, had progressed multiple shooter, that Paddock was FBI connected and that Mandalay Bay was the safest place on the planet, then MGM does not get sued.

I dislike the fag factor of MGM, but offer this advice to the resort community, and that is to be more American friendly. They need to go back to the way the mob ran Las Vegas out front. That means cheap food, cheap rooms, and make the money off the events and floor shows. Drunk people spend lots of money. Sober people play quarter slot machines.
The condition of Las Vegas is the condition of the Obama Conglomerates replacing Americans for Jesus Campos employees, so Americans no longer have money to waste in Las Vegas. Las Vegas is now a  tax and gouge city, where sinning is no longer free. It is the DC of finding ways to steal money from consumers.

The salvation of MGM is that victim's fund, in the same way that the Paddock family turned over Paddock's fortune to the victims, as they were going to get sued anyway. It is though not the exoneration. MGM needs to produce the factual scenario that if shots came from MGM it was from other floors than Paddock, and that what took place on the 32nd floor was a staged event. That way what Fearless Fly Campos was up to in being diverted in an open door alarm, would not matter as Campos was not on the other floors.
That story line puts it back onto the FBI, causes more upheaval, but it protects MGM, which is what MGM should have engaged in, in an effective strategy to deal with lawsuits.
MGM's position should be a narrative by it's investigators that the FBI is libel, as MGM was the victim just like everyone else.

MGM is legally responsible for defective products. Campos is that defective product. They have attempted to Ellen this, but it will not take long before the best manipulators in law, are going to be grilling Campos in depositions, trip him up, and out comes the billion dollar lawsuits and MGM filing Chapter 9.
MGM simply needs multiple shooters and needs to have the 32nd floor a diversion, where nothing happened.
How they handle Campos shot in the ass running away, we do not know if it was a door splinter or a bullet, but in either scenario, Campos took the only bullet on the 32nd floor and no civilians did outside the casino. Hell who knows, maybe MGM can say Campos ran into a chopstick on that food service cart. Not like that is any lawsuit in the making as the terrorists were not shooting chopsticks.

That is the legal position of MGM, but MGM is in jeopardy because Americans have been fleeced for a generation and they simply have no money with all these beaners taking jobs. If Americans  had money, then Christian Americans would not be ever considering paydays in lawsuits. That is the price of MGM liberalism in they have created this predator mindset.

I would bet that MGM after the Ellen disaster, has decided to convince Jesus Campos to relocate to South America with a bag full of money to never be heard from again, as that way the lawyers will never be able to question him.
That is about all MGM has, unless they start pushing the facts in there were multiple shooters and Paddock was a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Nuff Said
